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This issue of The McDaniel FreePress pays tribute to the Class 0/2004 and the academic school year. The news staff and students from the Advanced Journalism class tried to capture seniors' bold moves and silent successes-their silliness and their ~ SE~O~T;i~;TE~ Vol. 1 No.4 May 6, 2004, Page 24 Oassof2004 Seniors wrestle with and successfully navigate job market MICHAEL VYSKOCIL McDaniel and a job at Boeing STAFF WRITER in Philadelphia where he in- terned last summer. But, he Senior Joe Meier started said, "After being around (golf golfing at an early age.Iearn- coach Scott) Moyer every day Ing the keys to a proper for four years, it wasn't that dif- swing and perfecting his put- ficult a choice ... .I think it's ting technique. When he great to know my employer re- came to McDanieL he was ally well." naturally attracted to the As McDaniel prepares to college'S golf program. celebrate its 143rd commence- Even though Meier will ment by distributing more than be graduating this spring, 400 bachelor'S and master's he'll still need those five- degrees, members of the class irons and drivers. That's be- of 2004 are busy finalizing post- cause Meier accepted a posi- graduation plans and looking tion at McDaniel as the assis- for ways to land that first job. tant golf coach and golf pro- From networking career fessional for the campus golf dinners and individual career course. counseling sessions to a Re- On a beautiful day, seniors Mary Dolan and Todd Yates :vatch campus life and chat on the stone bench outside Blanche. Meier said he had to de- cide between the golf job at JEFF CABINESS try-level managem.~~t or hu- the c.I.A.," jokes Reed. as well as four minors. The STAFF WRITER man resources position. Students who graduate Business and Economics de- are .going to be," said senior In each department with degrees in music are fol- partment will be graduating Brian Martinenza. As the school year comes there can be great differences Some students opt to by- to an end and the senior class in the choices of the students. lowing diverse, exciting its larges class ever. pass standard offered majors "A record 69," said Dr. collectively begins to sober up, In the Art department there paths, according to Dr. Mar- John Olsh, the department and design their own. One garet Boudreaux, head of the the realization that Graduation are 25 seniors who are gradu- Music department. chair. The previous numbet such student is senior Jason is just a few weeks away is be- ating with degrees in studio Lowy .. His major, Human Be- "Some students ginning to seem more real than art as opposed to the six up' private teachers, wind was 63. There's an unusual havior and Organizations, com- some dichotomy that exists such a ever before. After the four graduating with an Art His- wind up working for popular and useful major: it's bines elements of sociology, years of books, papers and tory degree. churches, and some record not very interesting. business, psychology, and hu- tests, seniors will finally cross This year: the Biology music," said Boudreaux. "The most exciting man resources. the stage; they'll have rich department will be graduat- Some of the more popu- thing about [Businesa/Bco- "[The self designed ma- memories and loan bills that ing 42 seniors, five of which lar majors on campus will be nomics] is what Dr. jor] is a good way to purse a course of study that interests might make them feel poor, but will be going on to medical sending off their usual high Claycombes's pants are go- you as an individual and at the they'll also receive their de- school. "[That's] out of the numbers. The never empty ing to look like each morning, grees. six who applied," said Dr. communications department and what Dr. McIntyre's same time have the school still McDaniel graduates will Samuel Alspach, the pre-med will be conferring 44 degrees comments about said pants honor it." said Lowy, represent 23 different majors. advisor on campus. "That's For each major, there are often pretty good." Graduating Seniors by Major different concentrations and Faculty members in tracts which represent the stu- each department are like mini dents' personal interests. For marketing firms when they 35 instance, within the Exercise discuss the viability of their Science and Physical Education respective degrees. major are a number of minors "Contrary to popular including Athletic Training, perception, the History de- Outdoor education, Sports gree is very marketable," said Coaching, Sports Journalism, Dr. Patrick Reed, chair of the I and Sports Management. History department. The Sociology major of- The research skills de- . fers concentrations in criminal veloped by a History major I. justice, human relations super- are highly prized throughout IT I. I .- vision and management, and the business world. Most his- industrial and governmental tory majors tend to find jobs I I II. IT 1.111 .1 11.1 1.11 organizations. in education, governmental "I feel it's a very diverse service, and the private sec- major that has given me a very tor as well. Because of gov- diverse perspective, at times, of ernmental cutbacks, indepen- life. I believe it has prepared dent consultants with history me for the next step in life in degrees are stepping it to fill the real world," said senior So- the openings of what used to ciology major Jeff Crowe, who be federal jobs." is currently looking for an en- "Then there's always DArA COURTESY Of ACADEMIC AFFAIRS AND ACCURATE AS OF THURSDAY MORNING APRIL 29
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