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MAY6, 2004- Page 22 SENIOR TRIBUTE Lasting friendship sparked "t »«: by'crowded donn room LAUREN WILSON have remained steadfast "I can't imagine college STAFF WRITER friends. And now, four years without these girls. They are later, they will graduate with more like family than Four years ago on a hot rich memories, thick scrap- friends," said Butler. and sweaty Thursday, the class books, and vows to stay life This past Jan term, But- of 2004 moved into Western long friends. ler and Wick took a folklore Maryland College. Peer men- "We knew we had class and both created their tors in fluorescent green shirts something in common right own collections of friendship. and proud parents ran amuck, from the start," stated Butler folklore. The folklore in- trying to move the freshmen with a grin. A few weeks cluded tales of the group's into their dorms. The groans of later, when spaces opened up unique birthday celebrations. heavy furniture moved across and the triple could be re- Birthdays are especially the tiled floors and nervous duced to a double, nobody vital to them because it's im- hellos echoed down the halls. wanted to move out. portant to "know that some- In the midst of the chaos "It wasn't an option [to one is making a big deal over and confusion, three strangers separate]," recalled Rose.Not you," Wick said. They do ev- settled into a tiny double room only did the girts stay in the erything from decorating the on the third floor of Whiteford same room for the rest of the entire hallway with stream- "At Last" Hall. semester, they continued to ers and signs, to taking the Senior lindsay We~ver clasps her hands in delight as Meghenn Butler, live together in a triple in birthday girl to dinner, hometown sweetheart Antonio Lucchiani pops the Kellyanne Rose,and Eliza Wick Whiteford for three years. Mostly though, it's the question in Little Baker Chapel among sorority sisters, fraternity brothers, and close family. were "temporarily" placed to- "College is a trying little things that remind the gether that first day until more time, we've been through the three how special their rela- dorm rooms became available. ups and downs together," tionship really is. They con- Although the trio had spoken said Wick. for birthdays, holidays, and Engaged seniors stantly send "little love notes over the summer, they were still For example, on Sep- worried about living peacefully tember 11, 2001, Rose was for no reason at all," stated in tight quarters, and, squeez- urged to sit with her volley- Rose. ing all their clothes into two ball team in church and pray Now seniors, Butler, taking the plunge closets. for the victims of the attack. Wick, and Rose share an on- Their worries about closet However, she wanted to stay campus apartment, and con- space and a cramped room with Wick and Butler. The template the future after quickly gave way to the joy of two are so important to her graduation. Rose and Wick LAUREN WILSON holding a burning candle. living together. Since their first that she sat with them in the will graduate with degrees in STAFF WRITER On cue, all the sisters blow minutes on campus, the three pew in front of the team. Exercise Science, and Butler out the candle except for the will graduate with a degree woman who is engaged, thus announcing the special in Political Science. Wickwill Among the many tra- be going into the Army this ditions and rituals that news to the chapter. In this summer; Rose will begin a McDaniel College sorori- case however, when Weaver physical therapy program at ties practice, one of the blew out her own candle, Kelly Summerlin, her best Carroll Community College, most special and unique in- friend and roommate offour while Butler will search for cludes the Candlelight Cel- internship and job opportu- ebration. Although the ex- years, lit Weaver's candle nities in Washington, D.C. act order of events is differ- again. But before the next ent for each chapter, the Shaking, with a look of chapter of their lives is writ- goal is the same; to inform shock on her face, Weaver began to cry tears of joy as ten, the girls and their fami- the sisters that someone is she watched her boyfriend lies plan to celebrate the past engaged. Antonio Lucchiani walk four years of academic For Phi Sigma Sigma, achievement and wonderful the sister who is engaged down the aisle holding a friendship with a large slips an anonymous tetter matching white candle. graduation party. under the sorority With both Weaver and "I have no doubt in that president's door. The note Lucchiani's family members Eliza'Wick, Meghann BUller,and Kellyanne Rose celebrate their four year long they will always be there for includes the time and the following silently behind friendship by spending as much time together as possible. me [in the future]," Wickcon- date of the Candlelight. him, he approached Weaver, firms. Typically, sisters drive and held her hands. . themselves crazy,spending "1 have been looking hours attempting to solve so hard, and I finally found Southers: A Travelin' Man be. However, for Phi Sigma you," he said. Then, taking the mystery of who it might a burgundy ring box from Sigma's most recent en- his pocket, he bent down on gagement, there was a one knee and proposed. the confines of a strict cur- has expanded to include break with tradition and an Weaver immediately ac- HEATHER WEISSE riculum would be like trying unexpected twist. cepted, and the tiny STAFF WRITER girls. Every single sister crowded chapel cheered to run a marathon in 100-de- "Michael has such a gree heat - too stifling. quiet way about him," said knew who was engaged with delight. Michael Southers, a se- However, Southers did Dr.VeraIakoby,assistant pro- before the Candlelight even "Sometimes I look nior philosophy major, isn't not abandon his passion for fessor and department chair began. The only person down at my hand and think going to grad school or scram- education. He simply of the philosophy and reli- who did not know was se- T am playing house. 1t is a bling for ajob right after gradu- changed his focus and went gious studies department. nior SOciology major and dream come true," said ation. He is traveling to to work for an after school "But when he starts thinking elementary education mi- Weaver. The couple set a Budapest for three months. program at the community about something, he has per- nor Lindsay Weaver; the date for June 2005 "I went there as a sopho- learning center at sistence and patience." sister whose boyfriend was Other McDaniel stu- more and enjoyed it," said Westminster West Middle Now that he has com- about to pop the question. dents who are engaged in- Southers, who has lived in School. pleted his senior seminar So on March 2, 2004 clude: Sarah Vannoy and Westminster his entire life. "It Noticing a need for a . project on the affects of criti- in Little Baker Chapel, 44 James Lipchcck, Marie Lilly I will be a time to travel and see course that targeted middle- cal thinking on at-risk youth, girls whispered and and Eric Whitehair, Krysti some friends ... time to explore school-aged boys, Southers Southers is ready for a break giggled in delight as they Durcholz and John Knauth a !ittlebit." spent a summer developing from schoolwork. Upon re- watched Weaver asking ,Andrew O'Carroll and Ina Upon entering college, a critical thinking curriculum turning from Budapest, he her best friends who they Puleri, Lissa Helsmg and Southers thought that he that allowed participants to plans to continue his educa- thought would be the one Drew O'Donnell, Amanda wanted to be a teacher. But af- analyze topics such as drug tional work in the county and that night. Messlx and Barrett Anthony, ter working as an assistant in use, communism, war and possibly attend .graduate Phi Sigma Sigma's Laura Albaugh and Nick Carroll County Public schools, capitalism. Since its incep- school. tradition involves standing Bitto, Mark Gorman and he knew that teaching within tion, the successful program in a circle, with each sister Libby Wallace.
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