Page 8 - Phoenix2002-03
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Wednesday. September II, 2002 - Page 8 F~T:URJ;S, . T.eaTre Xews:A new look for upcoming shows teers. The structure of these classes in- cluded singing, playing vocabulary games. more storage space. writing and reading. Volunteers are respon- "All the new renovations are an improve- sible for creating their own syllabus for the A new semester has begun and so has a ment, but nothing would be better than a new classes, which can make things challeng- new season at the recently renovated theatre," said Domser thinking about the fu- ing. McDaniel College theatre. ture. of Esperanza. The week I spent lit the or- The orphans are separated by age into Instead of having its summer stock The- Besides finishing the renovations, there phanage has had a huge impact on my life. small groups and rotate after an allocated atre on the Hill, Alumni Hall instead became is a lot going on right now. The National When first presented with the idea of time to all of the different volunteer groups. home to "renovations on the Hill" this sum- Players will perform Moliere's comedy about traveling alone to a Spanish speaking coun- By the end of each day, I have seen most mer. There are a lot of little changes which religion, sex, and hypocrisy "Iartuffe" on try, I was a little hesitant. I learned that of the kids in the orphanage, including oth- the public will not notice, said Ira Domser Saturday, September 14 at 8 p.m. you actually live for a week on the grounds ers that come from the nearby town to at- Director of Theatre. such as the addition of Work has begun on two original plays. of a boys orphanage in the Dominican with tend the free classes. better spotlights in locations where the fans Rehearsals are underway for "Voices: Con- the other volunteers from around the world. The bonds created with these children will not be heard and removing non-work- versations with Joan of Arc," which Domser ing organ pipes from their bays. Your "job" is to help teach English to the areamazing. Each night the volunteers and wrote and is loosely adapted from Saint Joan orphans and help them better their Spanish I would spend time with the kids, reading Additionally, the costume shop was re- by George Bernard Shaw, Mark Twain's Joan reading and counting skills. J was a little books and playing various games. Al- modeled and the costume collection reorga- of Arc, and The Lark by Jean Anouilh. Its intimidated. as my Spanish is very limited. though we both had a language barrier that nized. The green room is no longer that ugly production dates are Thursday, October 3- J knew I would have a hard time communi- hindered our conversations, J could tell by blue shade. Its walls were painted green, the Sunday the 6th. All shows start at 8 p.m. _ eating with the orphans. But I decided that their body language that they were thor- carpet has been removed and replaced by The other original play is Techies, a stu- I could contribute in other ways and the trip oughly enjoying OUT time together. wood floors, and new furnishings have re- dent-written backstage comedy mystery. It would definitely be worth my while. To I would personally recommend this ex- placed the old will be performed November 20-23 at 8 p.m. this day [am very grateful that I decided to perience for anyone who wants to make a The concession stand was also remodeled. And finally, if staying on campus to take go. difference in the world. Your eyes will be "Everything is finished, except the box a class or going home to work does not sound The orphanage itself is a cluster of opened to poverty, pollution, and over- office," said Domser. that appealing, consider embarking on a cul- on a small plot of land. The orphans population, but you will walk away a They are making the box office bigger tural tour with an emphasis on theatre in sleep in a concrete building while the vol- changed person. You will gain a better un- and more visible when entering the build- England. unteers are divided into two "ramadas." derstanding of the world outside of the ing. According to Josh Selzer, Arts Manager, Contact Ira Domser at x 2592 for more Ramadas are nothing more than bunk beds U.S .. and a feeling that you have made a the idea is to have two distinct spaces-the information. surrounded by chain linked fencing and positive impact on the lives of others. box office and Selzer's office, complete with covered by a rickety aluminum roof. The majority of the days are spent with For more information contact me at x8477 the orphans. Classes.start after breakfast or Tom Eklund by email: and are taught by small groups of volun- 'That movie 'My B{q Fat Greek weddi'¥J' was so cool!" "No it wasn't! It was horribk! ! IfeU askey through half of it!" Think you've got what it takes to be a movie critic? Then show us what you've got! Write a movie review for The Phoenix and we will reimburse you for your ticket. Call ext. 8600 for more details McDani~1 College c~~ .. ACAPtlLC" JAMAICA Department of Art & Art History BAHAMAS, .. FLOBIDA PRESENTS An Exhibition by Phillip Chan "Otherness" Paintings of Fallen Angels SELLTRIPS September 3 - October 10 AT McDANIEL, HRNWH GO FREE!!' The Rice Gallery in Peterson Hall CALLTODAY E L For more information and gallery hours, RVlCES please call,(410) 857-2595 FOR DnAILS! 1.800.648.4849
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