Page 165 - Phoenix2001-02
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FEATURES Wednesday, May 8, 2002 - Page 9 Top 10 thillgs we wOlild SprUNG f'f:.rNG ZeeZ! Hitting the Shoppes rather see challged Need a great gift? Come get it here! illstead ofthe lIame MICHAEL StajJWr;ler VVSKOCIL Every now and then, '.I~ij one comes upon a really ~ unusual shop, a perfect shopstockedwitheclec-"'II?' •.~,.,.,_"' .. tic treasures-gifts for just about everyone you know. ing. Some students don't want to sit around a <:lijIIpfire. At the intersection of Routes 97 North and Maryland Route 486 sits #9. Make the game room games just such a place. the Ye free, or at least some of them. Olde Gift Shoppe. While #8 ....... ''''''lie forstudent the shop may look small from the outside, the in- organizations. They help to di- side is virtually a treasure versify the school, so the school should do more to support them. entertaining performance at the trove. The Ye Olde Gift Shoppe has great TAMMI SLATER end of the day from comedian Owned by Barbara and a college student's budget. #7. Clear out the smoking stoops! Assjslam Features Editor juggler, Hilby who provided a Tom Hall, The Ye Olde of the C.O. (a division Where there's a smoking stoop, Spring weather, a fun, work- smile and laugh for all in the au- Gift Shoppe Company) is unlike any "It doesn't matter whether you At Fishpaw come in here with $10 or $20. there's cigarette butts and spit. free day, food, activities, and the dience. other gift store in Westminster. The some other stores, you might feel Yuck!! end of the semester just around For all those who attended shop first opened in 1997. Together embarrassed if you walked in with the comer brings Spring Fling to Spring Fling 2002, it was a day with its parent company, C.O. only $20 dollars to spend. At this #6. Putchange machines mind. Spring Fling 2002 was a that will serve as a reminder of Fishpaw, the shop's neighboring shop, you can walk in with any in the laundry rooms, because great success, and proves year relationships, friendships, cam- carnival supply store, the Ye Olde amount and find nice, quality that just makes cents! after year to be the annual event pus unity, fun, and yet another Gift Shoppe is the place to find items," Hall notes. that brings the campus together semester that has come to a close. great ideas for gift giving. "We Yet another charming #5. More money should be in- as one. For senior Psychology major, offer a lot of one-of-a-kind items," the shop is the personal feature of attention vested into college activities. This year's festivities in- Megan Pickette. Spring Fling Barbara Hall proudly says. you get from Hall as you enter the We're tired of sweUering Blanche cluded activities such as a digital 2002 was the best of all the pre- "People just seem to like one-of-a- shop. Need some assistance with parties. photography booth where stu- vious Spring Fling's she has at- kind items." gift ideas? She will guide you dents could get their picture taken tended in her four years at WMC. Stuffed teddy bears and aro- through the shop, asking questions #4. Clocks (so we can know and placed on a magazine cover "I thought this was the best matic candles in every scent perch and pointing out possible gift ideas. of their choice. when to stop learning), trash year for Spring Fling of any Ihad on shelves next to cast. sculptures "This customer attention is some- cans and pencil sharpeners in For the more competitive, ath- been to. As a senior, it was a great of cows and chickens. Sports and thing that you won't find at every classroom please! letic types, there was an obstacle opportunity to relax, have fun, NASCAR objects dominate an en- WALMART," Hall says. course which proved to be extra and let loose with my fellow se- tire set of shelving. A black La- And Barbara Hall (who, by the #3. Dorm renovations: espe- challenging to some after a day nior roommates and friends who brador retriever puppy sculpture way, worked in the Registrar's of- cially new carpeting; after the full of celebration, as well as a Idon't get to see as much around stands guard beneath the counter. fice as part of her high-school work rain it smells like milaeW! rock-climbing wall. campus," she said. Every item in the store seems study program) is more than happy Freshman English major, The only thing that Pickette to be handpicked and tastefully to show off the place to first-time #2. More variety with the food Heather Cook said, "I loved the says could have made the event edited. "We're [Barbara and Torn] customers, inquiring about their and no more universal giant blown up obstacle course better would have been "to ex- personal shoppers .... We choose families and people they're shop- chjd(en! thing. I had a lot of fun on that, tend the festivities into the items for the shop that we think our ping for. So, it's no surprise that and there seemed to be a lot of evening hours." customers would like," Hall says. customers quickly become friends. #1. We need a better S'~utt(e students on campus there." After all, with a day like Many of the items Hall stocks It's this commitment to personal service so students aren't left Additionally, there was food Spring Fling, who wants the fun in the shop are truly one-of-a-kind. customer service that, in part, con- behind. provided, free prizes, and a very to end?? Stuffed animals from Russ Toys as tributes to the success OVleReview: C anes well as objects grace the shop's in- of the place. The customer from as from limited-quan- list monthly, grows tity suppliers as people comes from a number chandise EDW,l.IUJ K, SCIl(;J;rnF..JS & rupred and he is arrested. Mean- Lanes, Ihad high hopes for it. terior. Because much of the mer- of close by as Westminster or as far come to look for away as Virginia MA1Tm:n E, HURfl· while. Banek has an affair with a had heard about the premise, an small companies, you can be cer- those unique items for all of their Co-CdiWfJ'-in.Cliif! co-worker revealed, and he is had seen the previews for it on tele tain that what you find in the shop gift giving needs. Changing Lanes, starring Ben nearly killed when the iug nuts on vision and Iwas expecting a won't be duplicated at larger, dis- Gift baskets, too, are another ff'leck as Gavin Banek and his tires are removed, movie. What I got was a movie tha count stores. specialty of The Ye Olde Gift amuel L. Jackson as Doyle in tbe end Benek realizes that dragged through the first 45 min Hall says it's the one-of-a-kind, Shoppe. The baskets can be tai- Jipson is the story of two men who his partners are doing something utes, and never lived up (0 what unique items that people tend to lored to fit both your recipient's 1J0w a simple {fame accident 10 nefarious behind the scenes and had expected from it. remember and keep. In fact, she interests and your budget. Take a xpand into a dangerous game of roils them. In addition he and The movie trudged through th admits that she's more likely to evcnge. Gipson mend their ways together. background stories of Affleck's an hold on to a gift that had some charming, bath-and-body gift pail, Banek plays a high-powered M.att. Overall the film was too ackson's characters, as well as th thought behind it. for instance. For about $20, you all Street lawyer while on his unrealistic. The fact that they had events leading up to the fateful da Whether you're buying a gift get a spectacular sliver pail, filled body lotions, ay to court he crashes into a computer hacker make Gipson when the two of them. It was no for friends, family, girlfriend or with green-tea with a matching a candle scented Ipsen, who is also travelling to bankrupt was a little too farfetched. urnil tbe last third of the movie the boyfriend, or even that roommate curt to defend himself in a cus- Also. the characters were very ste- it really picked up and even thou of yours, you're sure to find some- frog candle holder, and scented y case. reotypical for their roles. Banek it tried to finish strong, the movl thing in this shop to suit the per- soaps-a great gift for anyone. Banek flees the scene, leaving couldn't have been any more of a just'left me disappointed when I Jet sonal interests of your recipients. And with the end of the semes- ipson without a way to make it yuppie Wall St. lawyer and there the theatre. A porcelain doll for Mom perhaps? ter drawing to a close and Mother's Day quickly don't approaching, courtand because of this he loses were just too maoy things wrong Wbile tbe movie does hav Does Dad have an impressive forget to drop by The Ye Olde Gift he case. Meanwhile. Banek inGipson's life. At points I caugh!: some good parts, they are few an sports memorabilia collection? Shoppe. You're likely to find aches tbe courtroom only to re- myself wondering whether any- far between, leaving you to look. . Does your girlfriend enjoy fragrant special jze that be left a crucial document thing was positive in bis life at alL your watch durin, the movie soaps and bath items? You'll find something in your life. for the special people ith Gipson wbile trying to ex- Also, the fIImbecame_.low AlI1eck and Jackson give solid per all of these items here, along with The Ye Olde Gift Shopp<.e is haoge insurance information, at points, Sometimes this conven- formances. but in general. th many other tongue-in-cheek things. open Monday, Wednesday, Thurs- ithout this document. Baaek tion win build suspense and add to movie was cboppy and lacked like magnets in the shapes of lady- day, and Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 be arrested for fraud. the exciting points inthe rum, how-- goOOstr1ICtUte. bugs, dragonflies, and butterflies. p.m. and Saturday from II a.m. to After his harsh treatment ear- ever, in this case it just made the My recommendation is to wai Unlike retail shops or other big- 3 p.m. To find the shop, from audience bored and restless. for the movie to come out on Video name merchandise stores, the WMC take 140 West to 97 North G_:C or just wait for it to show up 0 prices for a number of the items in to Maryland Route 496. You can Ildl cable. The Ye Olde Gift Shoppe are well also reach the shop at-41O~848- G_: within a college student's budget. 7910 or l-877-FlSHPAW.
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