Page 3 - Phoenix2000-01
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COMMENTARY Thursday, September 7, 2000 - Page 3 Coming to terms with plus/minus grading Presenting valid arguments? BJ Shorb comments on the being implemented for only new oHthe mark by Mark Parisi No. When it comes to the plus/mi- student body's reaction to students and without the 4.3. nus grading system, it's just plain the Plus/Minus system. How likely is it that someone old whining! will be able to attain enough Ae's I am talking about SGA's con- mained as is, says Coley. ~--- their college tinuous attempts to prolong the Still opposed to the decision, the throughout earn a GPA above life to ac- 4.0 any- tually plus/minus grading system. Well, SGA made several more attempts way? If it does happen, indeed it is it just isn't happening. After re- to voice their concerns, and what searching this topic in depth last they believe to be the concerns of well deserved! professor Dr. Becky Carpenter, semester, Ihave come to a realiza- many students. A memo was circu- of English, admits that she has only tion that our rights have not been lated to all students in April through given an A+ once, and that she violated in the least on this issue. campus mail. It contained slate doubts "many professors are giv- Is it also a violation of our rights when the faculty decides to stop offering a particular class? No, it is just a change. A change that we eventually learn to accept. In an interview this past April, ments about the plus/minus system, ing them out like free candy." WMC's Acting President Joan Co- including one that read, "It is a vio- She says that instead of getting ley said she recalled members of lation of raj student's academic "needlessly hung up" on the 4.3 the Student Government Assembly rights to have their grading system issue, WMC should think about bringing their concerns about the changed midway through their col- whether a student who performs her. In light of these con- lege career." better should be rewarded with cerns, she says, WMC's Admis- Changes happen all the time. It more points. Her answer is "yes." t:::t; sions, Retention, and Standards had to happen to someone, and the W' MWnefWURE ITlD.cntoMARKPMIII Committee was asked to reconsider classes of 2001, 2002, and 2003 If you ask me, our rights as stu- the decision. just happen to be those people. Is dents were not violated at all. Ac- errible triple troubles According to Ron Miller, the it also a violation of our rights when rually, we got the chance to say how chairperson of that committee at the faculty decides to stop offering we felt on an issue that ultimately Cyndi Nicoli discusses that time, they took a second look a particular class? No, it is just a was not even up to us in the first her qualms about living ing enough outlets and space. In at it. He recalls inviting SGA mem- change. A change that we eventu- place. my room, there are so many wires bers to a meeting to speak on be- ally learn to accept. Coley sajijĀ· that the students' in a crowded triple. going across the ceiling and down half of the student body. I recall a memo board being rights have "not at all" been vio- J magine finally moving out on the walls because there is no room Unfortunately, he says, no one placed by the information desk in lated. She feels that certain deci- on the floor that the room is an from the SGA ever followed up Decker Center last semester for stu- sions are faculty decisions, includ- your own into your own apart- inferno waiting to happen. This with them, so they decided to keep dents to comment on the issue. ing this one. The students ""were ment and just as you arrive some- is unsafe and unjust for everyone inside unpack- one else is already the 1997 decision to proceed with -lf anyone remembers that heard and considered. It is absurd ing all of their belongings. Al- in the building, not just those co- the weighted grades" board, it turned into a mass of rude to think they have a right to vote though this person is friendly and habiting with two other room- In response, SGA President at remarks from one person to the on their own grades," she said. She mates. that time, Matt Gribbin said that he next. Did it real!y accomplish compared students voting on a easy to get along with, this unex- Some of the questions being couldn't make it because he was too much? Tf anything, it divided stu- grading policy 10 her deciding her pected surprise was not what you asked now arc "How did the situ- busy, and there was a miscommu- dents. own salary. planned it to be when you first ation get so out of hand," "Why nication about the time of the meet- The SGA made several more So, what's next? I say students decided to move out. was no one asked if they wanted imagine being away Now ing. complaints. this time about the 4.3 should just quit whining and accept from home for the first time in an a triple?," "How long will theliv- The issue was also brought up scale. In fact, a petition went the fact that we have a plus/minus ing conditions remain this way?," at the April 2000 faculty meeting. around at the end of last semester grading policy. Everyone faces unfamiliar setting. As you walk and "Why does $25,000 a year up to your new room you see not At that time, there were no faculty saying that all who signed were change everyday in life, why one, bUI two strangers moving in. not buy you II proper place to call objections, ~o the decision re- agreeing to the new grading policy should this be any different? This is the situation some West- your home?" The class of 2004 of the largest is one freshmen Friendly advice for incoming students ern Maryland College freshmen classes to enter WMC. Thjs is have to deal with this year. to rejoice about, yet it something Although members of the has created problems that were First of all, a few words of wel- Michael Wiles enlightens way' my first year, only to find out come to the Class of 2004, as well new students to the the object of my spite and I had a class of 2004 were prepared and not properly handled. To my to have roommates, no- excited as to those of you who are joining nuances orcollege life. lot in common, but all too late. body expected to be thrown into knowledge, no one volunteered, us here at WMC through a transfer Have school pride. Do not be a double room with two other in- or was even asked if they wanted school. its own, and should not be missed. fazed by those who say they have coming freshmen as a triple. Even an extra roommate. Many fresh- You have made the correct Do not do anything too much. never heard of this place. They are men would have jumped at the choice, as I am sure you were told This of course includes partying, just jealous. though there are not many room- chance to have an extra friendly mate.complaints about each other, many times during that weekend 0' but studying as well. You have a Have even MORE school pride. there are many about how they face in their classes, but many orientation you all experienced, great opportunity to try new things Also, do not be fazed by a mascot are living. The double rooms are were expecting one roommate which I am also sure most of you ahead of you, and thus you should you cannot associate with a physi- meant to accommodate two. and had to completely adjust their are stillĀ· in the process of recover- take as much of it in as you can. cal being. Here at WMC, such de- Therefore, three is not only incon- plan for college living. ing from (who knew there was so You do norhave to drink to have tails do not concern us. venient--it is also unrealistic. WMC has not done enough to much to learn about alcohol?). fun. What do you know? Your par- Do not do papers the night be- make space for the triples or com- Seriously, this is a great place ents were right. As someone who fore they are due. You will do this First a roommate must deal pensate these students financially. to spend what might be' considered did no drinking his first year in col- anyway, but, in the end, will wish with having to get along with two The bigger corner rooms have Once they have the four most defining years of lege, r can personally say that it is you had not. If you must, (and I am virtual strangers. that task, if they gone to standard doubles and only accomplished one's life, but thai does not mean it quite possible to have a good time sure you must) do it and see for ever do, then comes the part $170 was returned to those that is not without its own "tricks of the without getting smashed. yourself. took on an extra roommate. trade." where they have to divide equally Triples may be here for an uncer- Ernie Ogle. A message from And finally, the most important the accommodations that are just In the interest of knowledge and Ernie Ogle, like the sun, will arrive thing you must know about WMC: tain period of time. improvement, and to help you all every morning. Rouzer Hall. You will get used to not there. For instance, two clos- r like both my roommates and avoid some common pitfqlls, r have Get involved. They pay me to that smell, and it will not adhere to ets for three people are not we all get along well, but the fact compiled a list of things you should say this one, but it really is true. As you. enough especially when freshmen remains that we are cramped, un- do, should not do, and know about I said before, WMC opens many There you have it. Although a have yet to learn the definition of comfortable, and paying almost life here at Western Maryland Col- doors, and one would be foolish to short and varied list, the above will "packing lightly." jacks for three full price for a mere one third of Two Ethernet lege. Here they are, in no relevant ignore them. Like to write? Join surely help guide you to a produc- their room. or important order. And no, there The Phoenix, and maybe you 100 tive and enjoyable time here at computers is completely ridicu- For the incoming class of lous and unfair. This means that is nothing here about wearing sun can whine on a biweekly basis, just Western Maryland College. 2005, the faculty and administra- screen. like me. And, in the event you find my one roommate either has to use tion of Western Maryland must Pub food is an acquired taste, Keep everything clean. This is advice totally worthless, you can another roommate's computer or learn from this and thoroughly but one you should definitely ac- just good thinking. Take my word always write an angry letter to the one has to be unplugged while the examine how many students can third is being used. This can be- quire. The prices might be a bit high for it. editor, calling for my dismissal. come very tiresome and time con- be accommodated properly. and the waits a bit too long, but the Do not waste time hating pro- That sort of thing can be a lot of suming if it has to be done on a It is the fairest way for every Pub and Grille is an experience all fessors. I wasted too much time this fun, too. daily basis. The rooms are lack- student that chooses this college over all others.
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