Page 15 - Phoenix1999-2000
P. 15
COMMENTARY Thursday, September 30, 1999 - Page 7 Scientific studies examine effects of sleep in college Are you feeling tired and run- ployed to create an image of a de- that (per- down? Has college and life in gen- sired organ). Ryan Seavolt discusses the from sleep deprivation studies may fast, easy cure for depression food). r staying up all night indicate eral got you down? Well, research- There are observable changes in consequences of an all- actually be of some benefit, Joan sonally, I suggest Italian ers suggest you try getting less the brain after a night without any nighter;n college. have pulled several all-nighters sleep. sleep. In the study, positron emis- Lusby, Physician Assistant at Smith myself since I've been in college, A new study published in the sion tomography scans, or PET seem to be helped by the technique House, stated, "Once in a while and, surprisingly, I have always up all night] may be okay [staying American Journal of Psychiatry, re- scans, showed that the burning of because they sleep off and on for you to try, but if you fall into a found that I feel very invigorated ported by the Associated Press, and glucose in a part ofthe brain asso- throughout the course of a night, chronic routine, the loss of sleep the next morning and less tired than So, maybe conducted by the University of ciated with sadness, grief, and and thus, actually do get some will affect your daytime function." one would imagine. to this mumbo- there is something California, Irvine, found that 120ut worry dramatically slowed. sleep. Long-term sleep deprivation jumbo after all. of 36 depressed patients experi- Okay, r know what you're Manic depressives should not can cause diminished cognitive enced better overall improvement thinking, "No sleep?" These stud- attempt to stay up all night because function, difficulty focusing on Granted, if you stay up all night, in their mood after pulling an all- ies, however, began in the 1960s sleep deprivation can induce ma- your tasks, and, of course, fatigue, your eyes will probably burn, and nighter. when it was first noticed that 'de- nia. among other problems. your improvement in mood will Of course, one must wonder pressed patients often felt better I would like to add to that list only last until the next time you go 'Nevertheless, how the other 24 patients felt. with less sleep. of people who should not try the on sleep deprivation the recent study to sleep. Still, researchers are hope- may help re- Previous studies on thousands Since that time, almost 100 "no-sleep" technique all those in- ful that the technique of sleep dep- patients diagnose of people suffering from depression studies have been conducted on dividuals who sleep in till noon on searchers better type of depression, rivation will prove useful for all with a certain have shown that sleep deprivation more than 5,000 subjects all over Saturday mornings. and even to focus on new drugs, people, particularly those of us un- improves the mood of over half of the world. The results of the tests Needless to say, you cannot pull which could target the portion of der a lot of stress - like college stu- the subjects tested. have repeatedly shown that the "no- several all-nighters in the same the brain that sleep deprivation af- dents. UCI boldly states that they have sleep" rule holds true for most week, as this'could disrupt your In fact, f suggest the next time confirmed results from previous people. circadian rhythms (our basic cycles fects - in this instance, three areas you have a big test to study for, of the cerebral cortex. don't be afraid to pull an all-nighter, studies with positron emission 10- However, it is believed that of sleeping and waking). Scientists believe that such Just don't operate any heavy ma- mography scans (a technique em- some sufferers of insomnia do not When approached with results studies may eventually lead to a chinery the next day. Glar Penitentiary Gun buyback program draws Devon Reeser takes a look gent enough in forming what is at the dismal atmosphere now the most massive conspiracy the wrong weapons of WMC dining. on campus: Glar. Where else can we go? The r proceeded through the line. T Pub? Ah, yes, we can eat at The President Clinton has just an- followed the others with my cold, Pub, but only if we want to spend nounced that the US Government Jeremy Keil attacks the trade. black tray. They sloshed food on our nonexistent money. Students will provide $15 million dollars for usefulness of a gun Those who deal drugs want to my plate, and I moved on. are coerced into buying a meal plan a gun buyback program. buyback program keep others out of their territory. If I sat at a table, which only suc- that works only in Glar. we could solve the drug problem, ceeded in recalling my memories They have no other choice of who If you listen to him and all those our gang problem would vastly di- gun buybacks, this Support of my high school cafeteria and its dining facilities; so, they must cope will help reduce deaths by gunfire. tiples and want to get rid of their minish. older, less powerful guns. disregard for student comfort. with the aforementioned dining They are completely wrong ...and Those who shoot up their class- In other the guns they words. Harsh lights, barren walls, and mur- hall. Since they have no true com- they know it. turn in aren't going to be usee any- males are upset for two reasons: murs of chatter deluded my senses. parison, most do not even notice the At $50 a gun, this money will way because the people turning negfecr and peer rejection. Where was I? Prison? A Rus- starkness of its condition. buyback 300,000 guns. That is, them in have better guns. If people want these shootings sian work camp? War barracks? What would improve Glar? only if there are that many people And final1y, there will be the to stop, they need [0 show children Hell? Glar would benefit from elimi- willing to sell back their guns. person who has one, maybe two how to love and how to stop mak- What had I done to deserve nating its prison-like qualities. ing fun of their classmates. If al1 the money was used, that this? For instance, it could get rid of would be only one tenth of I% of guns, and wants to get rid of them Gun control isn't going to help. he is afraid because his children l suddenly remembered. This some of it's bleak, impersonal all guns in America right now, might hurt themselves if he keeps Kids can just as easily blow up the place was not a punishment; this tables in favor of some booths. It which isn't going to make much of them in his house. school or poison the cafeteria food. cause is accidental last The place was not the afterlife. This could hold some more pictures or a difference. This type of person is probably shootings of children. If you want place was Glar. paintings on its nude walls. It could Not only that, but the type of cautious about guns in the first to solve this problem require gun Most students pay hundreds of even opt for softer lights in place guns being bought back aren't con- place and has them adequately dollars a semester to eat in this of its present eye-tearing fluores- tributing to gun deaths. First, it locked up. locks, or 'smart guns.' all the second I know Now place called Glar. Most students cent bulbs. Some soft jazz would doesn't matter if the guns are fully So, the guns that are going to amendment lovers are going to cry rarely realize the true state of its even be nice to calm the ever- operational or not; they are still eli- be turned jn will be either inoper- foul, but that amendment was put ambiance. The few who do deal present chatter. with it as a necessary evil to sus- Do I ask too much? I do not So, the guns that are going to be turned in will be either taining their health, for they know believe so; asking for a bit of that they must eat. inoperable, stolen for cash, outdated, or locked up.... Our homely humanity in a place where Western Maryland was .intelli- we abide could never be too much. government is spending $15 million pointlessly. SEX. gible to be bought back. able, stolen for cash, outdated, or in there for one reason. up. a gun buyback It isn't so you can hunt, or kill might gram Secondly, encourage people pro- to locked Therefore, the people who are the burglar coming through your You never lose the right to refuse. steal guns for the money. Being unabie to consent is not To counter this, the police will selling back guns are not the people window, it is to ensure power is using guns harmfully. held by the people and not the gov- the same as saying yes. run the guns' serial numbers OUf government is spending ernment. If people are going No means No. Period. through a national database to see $15 million pointlessly. to amendment for the purpose use it was this been stolen. This is en- if they've This is just a ploy in order If you need help about sexual Violence, tirely useless because guns are make political opponents look soft intended, it will be no harder to pull call us. Calls are confidential and bought back with a "no questions on crime. that trigger if there is a gun lock on asked" policy. Anyone opposed to this is au- it, but it'll be hard for your two- seNlces are free. So even if the police found a tomatically labeled as someone year-old to kill himself while stolen gun, the person who turned Telephone: 410 • 857 • 0900 who is not concerned with our you're not fighting for your rights. it in was handed $50 and walked children's welfare. There is a definite problem as- away. There is no possible way to If you want to solve a problem sociated with guns in American 24 hour Hotline: 410·875·7322 track that person down. you need to treat the cause and not modern society, but people need to Also, someone could steal a gun the effect. stop blaming others and wasting Rape Crisis Intervention Service that day and turn it in, and because The three most publicized money on useless programs for of CarroU County it was stolen just that day, there is causes of death by gunfire are gang political gain. 22-4North Center Street, Rm. 102 going to be no record of it in the warfare, school shooting rampages, They should start coming up WHbnln.ter, MO national database. and.accidental shootings. with some real solutions to the~ There are also going to be guns Gang.warfare is mainly a\result problem of control in the United turned in by peopJe ..who.have.mul- .. of.the high rewards, of th<;.~~~ •• ~tl!t~l.. w~'.'~-.'~'~........: ...... _.
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