Page 131 - Phoenix1999-2000
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'F EATU RES Thursday, March 9, 2000 - Page II "American Beauty" looks at the American family Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22) are your best guide to the future. Assi;-t(11!/Features Sditor You may wander, but you are not KATE ESPOSITO this is their daughter Jane who is Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18) lost. And remember the heart is Features Edirar significantly more mature than ei- People will be watching Libra (Sep 23 - Oct 23) Are you interested in seeing a ther of her parents. She feels alien- you so give them some- Many unique personali- film that can make you laugh out ated from her family which is com- thing to talk about. ties will cross your life loud? How about one that can make pletely understandable when both and spark your imagina- your brain hurt as much as study- of your parents are crazy. To the Pisces tion. However, they may ing for a stat exam? Watching the dismay of her friend Angela, she (Feb 19 - Mar 20) come in any form, so re- member to admire a rose movie "American Beauty" can sat- becomes fascinated with the You are at your best when for its beauty- but don't isfy both of these desires. creepy boy next door. you challenge yourself. It is a contemplation on life and This boy, Ricky Fitts (played Several challenges may forget to beware of its the American dream masquerading by Wes Bentley) has his first sig- face you this week, so thorns. as a dark comedy. On the surface, nificant role in the movie as you'll be at your best. the plot is about two middle class Lester's drug dealer. He is also the Scorpio suburban families with more than scary boy that films everything and Aries (Oct 24 - Nov 21) their fair share of serious issues. finds beauty in such things as plas- (Mar 21 - Apr 19) You are loved by more Family one consists of Lester, tic bags and dead people. You have a talent for read- people than YOIl realize Carolyn, and Jane Burnham. They Eventually, he and Jane fall in ing pe9ple so always go so stop being so hard on are played by Kevin Spacey, love. He tells his mother Barbara with your instincts in busi- yourself. Annette Bening, and Thora Birch (Allison Janney) that he and Jane ness and romance. respectively. are going to run away together. Her wiser than the brain. Sagittarius Lester is the narraror-bf the film response is. "Okay, bring a rain- Taurus (Apr 20 • May 20) (Nov 22 - Dec 21) who begins it by saying, "In less coat." Instead of giving advice, try listen- Leo (Jut 23 - Aug 22) This is the year when ingenuity is than a year I will be dead. Of course This is one of her few lines in ing for a change. What you hear Butterflies of sudden delight will high on your list. You will be for- I don't know that yet, and in a way the film. She is usually seen star- may surprise you. rest upon you because your charms tunate with opportunities presented I'm dead already." ing straight ahead, though never at have not gone unnoticed. to you. anything. She can be categorized Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21) Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19) The plot advances as 42-year- as "not all there". The truth is out there. Let the flow- Virgo (Aug 23 - Sep 22) Don't bury your talents. Make op- old Lester has a mid-life crisis and Married to a woman like that, ers bloom and they will show you It's about time you follow through portunities for yourself instead of decides that he needs to rebel you can imagine that Ricky's fa- the way. on your dreams, after all, dreams waiting to find them. against something, though he is a ther also has issues. Colonel Fitts bit old for it to be his parents. (Chris Cooper) is a ROTC boy- With the help of Ricky Fitts, gone bad. He tries to regiment all who lives next door, he gains a new factors of his son's life. It turns out perspective on life and is whisked that his rough exterior is all a mask back to his teen years in the 70s. to hide his secret Continuing in this theme of new This leads me to the stat-like found youth, he also falls for a 16- aspect of the film. It can be deeply year-old friend of his daughter. An- analyzed which led to its popular- gela, played by Mena Suvari, is a ity.Ir isa satiric take on the Ameri- annabe model with an ego the size can dreams, surface appearances, of several small countries. and the true meaning of beauty. ..J:~ife in family one, Caro- All of the characters feel inad- THEDEFINfNGMOMENT of student volunteers to assist ~:~~ :h~arse~:ah;~~~~:~~~~:n:a;a~h;'yhi~~.iSF~:~ t~~~ to care much about her husband. beautiful Angela who fears she is However, she is especially friendly ordinary, to the soon to be dead to a certain male competitor. Lester who feels that his life is She also goes through a mid-life going nowhere. and decides to "no longer be a vic- To discover more deep mean- tim." She then begins to carry agun ings buried in this film, see it len in her handbag. times and write a paper. Until then, The unfortunate victim of all of just see the movie, at least once. Escort service introduced MOHINDRA RAMPHAI. Campus Safety is always striv- SraffWrirer ing to keep students safe, but they College in.April for two milj~r events What kind of service is that? are often busy patrolling the cam- Where can I get it? Well, Jason pus and regulating dorms. 'I- " Bhargava, member of the future While Campus Safety is busy service organization, Alpha Phi keeping order, volunteers from D ep. Omega, is in charge of this new es- Alpha Phi Omega will cater to the cort service. The service is open to needs of any student who feels the whole campus Monday through unsafe walking alone on campus Saturday, 9-12 pm. and would like an escort. Trouble If you ever need an escort, call will be prevented before it starts campus safety and they'll gladly and students will hopefully not be provide the proper people to give hesitant and fear the surrounding you the service. community by having this service. Our om", is~ two major eveiltSinApril: 'Friday,Apcill~ Amy Hickman, a sophomore The future service fraternity biology major commented, "it's a has both male and female students and_gain on the week~.dofFri~y -e- Sun'day,ApnI.28-30; good service because it promotes a escorting students, so you can We need over 100 volunteers to ~e them ~ success! g good mood and a safer,;eelin for ~~~s: :a~~~~~:~~~e,Ct~:r~I~~~~ .'.'•T'!n~.San'di Millef ~text,792 (siniIItr@Willdc"an) a~ ~~i~:;:~ho:~~~:j~·~a~e,j;tighii:: to your destination. gest campus, students don't always The escorts have radio contact toil at ext., 258 (rb_@wmdc.eohl) feel safe walking back to their with Campus Safety at all times, rooms late at night. This is one of so if anything happens help is on the easiest ways to get into unsafe the way. Take advantage of this situations. Nights in the surround- service if you ever need it by call- ing Westminster community are not ing Campus Safety (x 202) as fel- . .too safe-and having an open cam- low students help to make our .pus is the perfect combination for home a safer and better place to troubie~ . ~ - - li~e.
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