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FEATURES Thursday, March 9, 2000 - Page 9 ® ClD §® CC; CQ) lIDcrlJ i§) Ward is the hero of Student Affairs You've just won one million dollars RYAN SEAVOLl"" present in Ward when she arrived waiting to see ifhe needed any as- SwjfWr;/er on "Who Wants to be a Million- By most accounts, Bobbi Ward at WMC, with her today. appear to sistance. A. Hart, Ward's co- and it would remain Judith em- As an office aire?" Where would you go for is one of the hardest-working Col- takes notes, schedules manager, Ward worker in the Student Affairs of- of West em Maryland ployees alcohol-edu- that when she was fice, remembers Spring Break? lege. But she is not a dean, a presi- cation classes, prepares conduct leaving the office a few days ago She is an of- dent, or a professor. and misbehavior forms for dealing she for the evening, to go home by Trang Dam fice manager. with students who violate campus noticed Ward sitting on the floor, Ward's smiling face is the first regulations, types letters, and working on a poster for resident image you see when you enter the works with students with questions assistant selection. Student Affairs office. She is the about housing and discipline, As it turns our, a student worker "Someplace very warm office manager for Scott Kane, the among other duties. was responsible for constructing assistant dean of student affairs and where there are lots of Ward often deals with students the poster, but had difficulty obtain- director of Residence Life. How- upset about disciplinary actions people, like Florida or ing the proper materials, and did ever, long before she came to work being taken against them. She tries Cancun." at WMC, she was a homemaker to comfort them, while at the same not have time to put it together. Devon Potoczniak and mother to three children. time informing them of their rights. Rather than let the student Exercise Science '01 This graduate of Hereford High "I'm not here to judge them; worker take the blame for not mak- it her- Ward made ing the poster, School in White Hall, MD raised a I'm just here to give them some- self. family, worked part time in sales one to talk to concerning the pro- "Practically every day you no- at a craft store, and even volun- cedures," says Ward. tice something that Bobbi has done teered to mentor a 4-H group of Although very busy with her for someone else that was above about 40 kids. She says she worked job, she still finds time to teach a and beyond the call of duty," says very hard at her Job and taught the knitting class every Wednesday Hart. children in her 4-H group about evening. In fact, she started the However, Ward is not con- everything from cows to rockets. course over a year ago. sumed by her work. She finds time However, her family was very im- When it comes to Rabbi Ward, to volunteer for SERVE and Circle portant to her and she wanted to be co-workers have nothing but K, which participate in good works available for her daughter and two "Go, to London or Paris." praise. Dean of Student Affairs like obtaining food and housing for sons while they were growing up, Philip Sayre, for whom Ward the poor. Chris Dietzel so she made the decision not to Communication/Engiish '00 sometimes does secretarial work, Paula Castro, a student clerical work full time. describes her as "warm, caring, and worker who often works with About nine years ago, once motherly." Ward, says that she is a "wonder- Ward's children were grown, she While Ward sometimes works ful person." When asked about came to WMC and was first em- for Dean Sayre, she usually works Ward, Castro's face lights up. ployed in the accounts payable and for Assistant Dean of Student Af- "When I had some personal receivable section of the Bursar's fairs Scott Kane. Kane recalls problems last year Bobbi gave me office. many instances when Ward did her phone number and offered her She then transferred to the much more than expected. house for me to stay in until my Graduate Education Department On a Friday afternoon about a problems were resolved," Castro before arriving at her current posi- year ago, he and others in the of- says. "She's like a second mother tion almost three years ago. fice were involved in a serious to me." She did not mind changing po- Honor and Conduct Board hearing. Ward says she definitely be- "Travel to the other side of sitions at the college and has no The hearing was scheduled to lieves "the more you give. the more the world and visit different complaints about her time at end by 4:30, when most employ- you get," and her co-workers agree WMC. "I enjoy change", Ward ees (including Ward) leave for the that they are indebted to Ward for countries. " says, smiling. However, she prefers day. However, this hearing ran all of her hard work. Camille Cooke her current position to her former quite late. Perhaps the general consensus Biology '00 jobs. "I enjoy it here the most be- When it finally concluded at on Bobbi Ward can be summed up cause 1 have the most contact with 6:30, Kane stepped out of his of- in the words of her supervisor. Says the students." fice and, to his surprise, discovered Kane, "From our perspective, A diligent work ethic was Ward was still sitting at her desk Bobbi is the office." Spring Break: Where will it take you? SHAUNA DOMINGUEZ going on the fishing trip to the One student would enjoy going Assistant Features Editor Florida Keys with Dr. Herb Smith. to New Zealand because he's heard Most students pack up their cars Other students will travel with it's a very beautiful place: plus he "I'd probably end up going and head to the beach for spring friends to places such as the Outer said, "it's summer there right now". to Europe and just traveling break. According to several Banks in North Carolina, Ft. Lau- Another student would choose around. " websites, students all over the derdale, Philadelphia, and Atlanta. Australia as his destination because country flock to various spots in In the same survey, students Martin Wisor it, "sounds awesome to him". He Communication '00 Florida, including Daytona Beach, were asked what they would do also said that he wants to see a kan- Key West, Panama City, and Or- during spring break if they were garoo in the wild. Others would lando. Other popular places include offered an all-expense paid trip to like to go to Australia because they Myrtle Beach in South Carolina, anywhere in the world. just like it and everything they've South Padre Island, Texas, and The most unique reply was a fe- heard about it. Cancun, Mexico. In a random sur- male student who said that she Other places people would want vey, students on campus were would want to go to Tom Cruise's to go include London, Paris, Bar- asked where they are going for house on a hot day and watch him bados, the Galapagos Islands, Ja- spring break this year. garden in really tight pants and no maica, Hawaii, and the Cayman Two girls will spend their break shirt. Islands. in South Korea with the family of Another student would want to It may be too late to start plan- one of the girls. They are going to go to Cancun because "they have ning for this year's spring break, be busy with sight-seeing, as well hopping spring breaks". One stu- "Home to Boston." as many family-oriented activities. but it's never too 'soon to start on go to the Car- Maria Portuondo Another student will find him- dent said he would because there is next year. There are many websites ibbean somewhere Biology '03 available to check out to help plan self in the Bahamas with his nice weather and lots of girls. Ad- your spring break. mother. He plans on doing nothing ditionally, a student said that he They have hints about where to but swimming and relaxing. would go to Amsterdam, Holland go, places to stay when you get One student is going to avoid for a wild and crazy time. there, and tips to use to avoid get- the beach scene ahogether and go Australia and New Zealand ting cheated out of your money. camping for a few days in North were also popular answers among Two of these are Carolina with a friend. students as several expressed a de- and Also, about a dozen students are sire to travel down under. www.realcollegelife.comltravel.
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