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Thursday, May 6, 1999-Page 14 FEATURES If the Make-Up just released a singles Cancer (6/21 - 7123) Virgo (8124 - 9/23) Capricorn (12122 - 1120) compilation, so can I. This issue, it's a Monkeys with car keys. What else can I This week, be careful what colors you I like raisin bread. best-of horoscopes, remixed. To keep it say, Cancer? wear, Virgo. It's not gangs that you should interesting, I won't tell you when these worry about, but Cosmo. predictions will be valid, or if they're Leo (7/24 - 8123) Aquarius (1121 - 2/19) even for the correct sign. Why should I Cha, cha, chao Cover yourself in Wesson Oil, have to do all the work? It's a frustrat- Libra (9/24 - 10123) Aquarius, it's time to get .a tan'! ing job, telling Scorpios that they suck Horoscopes Who's your daddy, Libra? No, really. day in and day out, breaking news of the I'm old. I'm having trouble remembering onset of yet another venereal disease to who in the hell you are. Pisces (2130 - 3120) Taurus. I think I'll switch to reading tea This week, if you're happy and you leaves for Russian aristocracy. know it, clap your hands. Hal 1 fooled Scorpio (10124 - I 1122) you, Pisces! Fish don't have hands. One word, Scorpio: Suckit! Unless they're mutant radioactive fish- Taurus (4120 - 5/20) people. I prefer red snapper, myself. If you tell me your name is Slim Shady one more time, Taurus, I'm going Sagittarius (11123 - 12/21) to have Biz Markie give you a lap dance. If I were to advise you to assassinate a Aries (3121 -4/19) key WMC administrator this week, Sagit- Revolution! This week, mess with tarius, I would probably get into trouble. So people, Aries. Wear your gut out laugh- Gemini (5/21 - 6120) rub a bald man's head in a counterclockwise ing at rusty metal. Or go play beer pong. It's only a matter of time before rab- fashion, instead. Result: assuming you use bit farming rivals the poultry industry. Turtle Wax, his head will be shiny. Matthew Thomas Investigation Part 5: What WMC enjoys a "Taste of Asia" is WMC's Endowment? BY RON MOJICA pus, and not just Asian students." which offered was a buffet The activity CommentaryWriler different dishes from various Asian countries. additions to it, market appreciation and the The little dragon of WMC's organtza- Members of ACe, parents, and family mem- BY RICHARD SUCHOSKI Distribuuon Manoger "miracle of compounding," and the College's tions, the Asian Community Coalition bers helped prepare the dishes. discipline in not drawing from it. (ACC), pushed for their goal to expose the For four dollars, a person received a ticket In the first part of the investigation se- The larger the endowment is, the more campus to different cultures with their most to Oriental cuisine bliss. Some of the setec- ries, it was mentioned that the endowment income can be earned from the interest it ac- recent event, "A Taste of Asia." tions included: Chinese dumplings. spring is one ofthe key factors when looking at the cumulates, or the College can draw from it. ACC held the occasion on Tuesday. April rolls, and beef stir fry; Filipino egg rolls budget of the college. Unfortunately, as Ruth Thomas explains, 21, at Ensor Lounge, with the help of the called lumpia; Indian chicken curry. and It was also said that the Phone Center "We have a smaller endowment than most Office of Multicultural Affairs, Residence Korean klm-chee. The night also offered des ..... brought in $1.3 million, which represented schools with whom we compare ourselves, Life, and the Phi Alpha Mu, Alpha Phi _ serts which ranged from rice cakes to fla- $30 million of revenue endowment the Col- which means we have fewer resources avail- Omega, and Gamma Sigma Sigma sorort- vored shaved iee-e-call from different coun- lege didn't have. It's also one of the three able," This smaller endowment is due to ei- ties. tries as well. . major contributors, besides tuition and the rher fewer gifts, not as many large gifts. andl Director of Multicultural Services and The activity generated about $150 for Annual Fund. to the budget. or more draws from it. ACC advisor Mary Grace Almandrez com- ACe. The profits will be used for the-club'?'" All this can be said without understand- Here follows a listing of some of the other ments, "I was very impressed with the stu- expenses. ThemoneY"wilfoe used to order ing in depth what an endowment is. colleges we compare ourselves to and their dent turnout and was surprised for the first shirts-for the group and to pay for the ex- • The endowment of an institution is a sum endowments, as of June. 1997: Ursinus with big event we sponsored." She also adds, "It penses of the Spring Fling tattoo booth . of money invested in different areas outside $84 million, Gettysburg with $116 million, was a good representation of the whole cam- the college by professionals hired by the Dickinson with $121 million, and F&M with Board of Trustees or the Board themselves. a whopping $213 million. Western This then provides steady revenue for the Maryland's was only at $33 million at this budget every year. nrne. Donors can specifically requestthat their Right now it is almost $40 million. If money be applied to the endowment, which WMC has grown this much over nearly two is one of the ways the endowment can grow. years, just imagine how much the other Other ways in which the endowment grows schools have added by now. include: the Board of Trustees designating endearing traits about the play was the ver- Features writer satility of the acting and the ability of the After seeing the theater productions actors to change their accents and voices. "Loose Ends" and "The Roar of the Grease- Some of the best scenes included one paint, the Smell of the Crowd," I can't say I where parents seated at the dinner table are was thrilled with the quality of Alumni Hall's minding their very excited kids with exas- productions. The creativity level was high, perating discipline. and the acting was very well done, but Ijust Another had a group of happy, playful kids didn't understand or appreciate the material. ata birthday party, watching on as one child's I spoke with a number of other people about parent flirted with another's. Still another had the plays, and they didn't think very highly an old grandfather disciplining his patient of, or appreciate. the plays either. grandson, while his housekeeper looked wily But after seeing WMC's newest produc- on. CONFIDENTIAL AIDS TESTING tion. "The Dining Room," by A. R. Gurney, As I began to watch these scenes though, Spring Semester 1999 I completely changed my mind. The plot was I saw that the dining room centerpiece wasn't nothing complicated: scenes of the lives of meant as merely an object for the characters 12:00 - 2:00 WASP's (White Anglo-Saxon Protestants), to act around, but a reflection of how these with the dining room playing an important characters viewed their different worlds, and Every Other Thursday part in their lives. a method for communicating that sense to the Yet even though there was seemingly audience. April 8 & 22 little meaning behind it. the scenes in it were I certainly hope that WMC continues to so clever, humorous, and unusual, that the entertain its student campus with nontradi- May 6 play in its entirely was really entertaining. tional plays that are arranged in a montage Location - Smith House Eacb scene was well thought out, and though of scenes. They givethe feeling of an audi- many seemed very similar, all had a very ence able to understand the meaning of the Call Ext. 243 for an appointment different quality to them. One of the most plays very well,
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