Page 187 - ThePhoenix1997-98
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FEATURES Thursday, May 7, 1998-Page 15 Spring Fling 1998 Left: Alpha Psi Omega had a tent outside the forum. They sold food and provided tarot card readings. Below: Junior Joseph Garrison (right) enjoys the sunshine as he talks with Richard Rash. Thefirsr band of the day, Archer, perform in the Spring Fling party broken up by police Continued from page I "I believe the actions of the the crowd to step back, he said. "All police were appropriate," said of a sudden, Sgt. Steve Shatzer "Our relationship with the college has been good. I don'! see problems Webster. whipped out mace and sprayed" in the future. I really don't." Healey was released on $2,000 twenty to twenty people, including Students were visibly distressed unsecured bond. Oxley's bail was Charbonnier. "He gave no warn- by the situation this weekend. set at $6,000. After spending one ing." Many of the seniors were particu- night in jail she was released after Brewer said, "No one was larly upset that their last Spring paying 10 percent, according to sprayed directly in the face. It was Fling was ruined in this way. Deputy Edward Smith of the West- sprayed over top the heads of Alumni were also angered and minster Detention Center. people to create a mist effect." threatened to not support the col- The first arrest was made after Despite attempts by the police lege as a result of the way things police had formed a line to gel the to evacuate them, several students were handled. crowd to disperse. Webster said remained in the quad, shocked at Barry Blauvelt, a WMC grad of that according to the Campus what they had seen. Soon after, it 1996 who attended the event, said, Safety report, the police came to began 10 rain and many people went "I support the football team and Healey and asked him to leave. He home. If students had not left, athletics in general but when it became verbally aggressive. He Berard said police were ready to comes to other stuff, I can't see was asked several more times, his "fog" them out. myself donating money, giving behavior continued and he was ar- "It was accessible but there was money to the school." rested. no need for it," Lt. Brewer said Many students expressed con- Healey refused to comment on Monday. fusion as to why their party was the incident. Westminster Police Sgt. Patrick broken up. "We disposed of the al- Later Oxley was arrested as Bassler described the use of pep- cohol when we were told to," said well. per spray in this situation as "a com- first-year student J.B. Nassif. "But City police allege that Oxley mon procedure." He said, "a lot of we should have the right to be kicked a police dog and swung her people get wound up about mace," here." arms toward two officers, Aimee but it is not lethal and is used "de- "If students had been playing' Lau and Mark Berard. pending on the circumstances." frisbee it would have been fine," "I hit a cop by accident," said The dog was here to break up said Webster. "If three hundred stu- Oxley, who claims she only flailed crowds, Bassler explained, "It's dents could gather and not drink her arms in defense, hitting one more to intimidate people." Asked excessively it would be a great officer. She stated that police ap- if he considers this an extreme situ- thing." proached her friend Liz Johnson, ation, he said, "It's out of the ordi- a junior, and seemed ready to ar- nary, but not extreme." rest her. Oxley stepped in and at "These are serious counts that point she was surrounded by against me," said Oxley, who three officers, thrown to the blames the college because it ground, hand cuffed and taken "called the police on its own stu- away in a police cruiser, she said. dents." She has a court date set for "A woman officer grabbed my July 23. arm. The next thing I knew my face Bassler defended the actions of was in the ground, a person had his the police. He said that once Cam- knee in my back, another had his pus Safety calls them in, "We have hand on my throat," she said, re- to do our job." counting the incident. He said he has been in the po- After the second arrest, police lice force for fifteen years and that requested five state troopers and in that period he had to come here additional officers come to the a couple times for problems related scene. In total there were 25 offic- to Spring Fling festivities. "Ten ers available, either on the scene years ago was the worst one," he or on stand by, Brewer said. said. ''There was a pretty big fight Charbonnier, an eyewitness to and stuff on fire." Oxley's arrest, said that the police Last month police helped Cam- "basically body slammed her." pus Safety break up another party When students went over 10 make in the quad. sure she was okay, an officer told In spite of this, Brewer said,
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