Page 204 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 204
Thursday, May 9, 1996 - Page 12 FEATURES WMC students make the grade in Westminster In a recent poll, community showered the students with positive compliments tomer, a WMC student, left the bank and 71, has many customers who are students. County Times printed a full calendar of By JIm VICK drove home, but came all the way back to Holt, who lives in the Carroll Lutheran Vil- events that Bryson said was very helpful, but FeaturesEditor return the extra ten dollars she had mistak- lage housing complex for senior citizens, is they've discontinued this. Whether opening a checking account, enly been given. the owner of the store. The Westminster Inn is a popular haunt renting a movie, ordering pizza, or sending Resch said she enjoys attending the events "I love the fact that they [WMC students] for WMC students who take advantage of flowers to a special someone, WMC stu- at WMC, including instrumental and Madri- are getting an education," Holt said. the happy hours and 75~cent draft nights that dents rely on the town of Westminster. gal concerts, and Theater on the Hill. She "They're just super." Her experiences, she manager Dave Welsh said is purposely Recently, a small sampling of residents said these events help to draw people from said, have been more positive with male stu- geared toward the college crowd. Welsh, 33, were asked to express their feelings about surrounding areas to the college, noting that dents than with the females who haven't been of 6000 Middleburg Road, said the restau- WMC and its students. The result was an her dentist once drove all the way from Co- as considerate and polite as the "young rant "really appreciates the business" that overwhelming majority of positive com- lumbia, MD, at least a half hour drive, to at- gentlemen" she's waited on. students from WMC give them. ments about the students and the programs tend a violin concert. "We depend on the college a lot," Holt "Business doesn't slow too much in the held by the college. "I'm friends with a lot of the students who added, who said she often gives discounts summer but is more of a local crowd rather "The students who come in here are very come in here," said Samantha Summers, the of up to 20 percent to students. than a college crowd," said Welsh whose sis- polite, well-mannered, and friendly," said 28-year-old manager at Little George's Con- Tim Bryson, 47, of 31 New Windsor ter graduated from WMC. Laurie Graham, 32, of 312 Wompler Court, The only problem he sited from all the a florist at Stewart N. Dutterer Hower Shop, "The relationship between the college and use students make of the restaurant has been Inc. Graham, who likes to go to WMC's the vandalizing of bathrooms. He said that drama productions, has worked in the shop Westminster is a positive one, but it's the kind of fraternities have been carving their letters for 16 years and said several students have on the walls and that rivalry between the dif- worked there in the past. "They're always thing that could be built on. " ferent Greek groups might have something a lot of fun and fit in well with the custom- to do with it. ers and other employees," she said. Tim Bryson Down at Little George's, Summers said Stewart N. Dutterer is located on Penn- that there have been problems with certain sylvania Ave., but WMC students have not ventence Store. "I've come to recognize a Road, said his store, Locust Books, could individuals trying to cause trouble by loiter- been noisy neighbors, according to Graham, lot of faces over the years." always see more WMC students, though ing or saying rude things to people in the who said, "I think the students have a really Summers, who lives at 157 W. Main St., there are several familiar faces that come in. store, but that these incidents have been few. good relationship and rapport with the com- has worked at the: store for four years and In his opinion they're "intelligent, interest- "Most of them [WMC students] I don't have munity." She believes students could afford said it wouldn't be getting the kind of busi- ing, and likable." Bryson has participated a problem with," she said. to be more involved with the community, ness it has now if it weren't for the college. in the Books Sandwiched In program for Overall, within the small sampling of but understands "college life is a bit hec- "Business comes to a real low in the summer several years, and said he likes to attend Westminster citizens, WMC students have tic." and during breaks when students aren't Common Ground events, lectures, and plays. left good impressions. The owner of the Sherry Resch, 45, of 200 Bloom Road, around," she said. Sales drop dramatically "The relationship between the college Treat Shop in the Cranberry Mall, Trevis is as a teller at the Carroll County Bank. She on cigarettes which are most frequently pur- and Westminster is a positive one," said Alban, 26, of 290 W. Hausen Drive, said a describes WMC students as "very honest." chased by students, she pointed out. Bryson, "but it's the kind of thing that could lot of his high school friends now atten'd Her impression was influenced by an expe- Used, cheap furniture and other items are be built on." He said the college has "a lot WMC and he enjoys seeing them at football rience in which she accidentally gave a also popular purchases by WMC students. At of great programs" but that they could be ad- games every fall. "There's some pretty young woman the wrong change. The cus- The Mission store on Main Street, Bell Holt, vertised better. Several years ago the Carroll classy people at WMC," Alban said. GREEK WEEK ACTIVITY 5-K race winners -a-nnounced By L~URI" CICERO SraffWriter On Saturday, April 20, Phi Sigma Sigma sorority sponsored a 5-K race on the WMC golf course to benefit the National Kidney Foundation. Phi Sigma Sigma would like to thank the student and faculty participants and the following local businesses who do- nated prizes: Baugher's Restaurant, Hoffman's Ice Cream, Record and Tape Traders, Tulley's, and the WMC Bookstore. Special thanks to Dr. David Herlocker for assisting with the star! and finish. The top three finishers were: Ron Chesney (alumnus), Colin Fonnan (student), and Dan Ebrahimi (student). The 5-K race was held in conjunction with Greek Week. CLASSIFIEDS LOVING CHRISTIAN COUPLE . WISHES TO ADOPT AN INFANT. WILLING TO PAY LEGAL AND MEDICAL EXPENSES. COURTESY OF ORATE MANAGEMENT CALL COLLECT: The Dirges, a band/rom the Pennsylvania State College area, played at WMC on Friday, April/9th in the/arum in conjunction with IRV AND KATHY (410) 923-6077 Greek Week. The alternative band was sponosred by the fraternitv Phi Della Theta. and tickets were only $5.
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