Page 89 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 89
mQf!JNtJiQQ~JIi8i"QlZialsA:aUet:OfW:7!iWWd_'::Ef!:4~~';;~;JA!/:e,C;/:i~~~~';~~~'~~;f~;g Farewell And Thanks To The Staff meant to do it to go with the uon, country, or college who nected and a part of all the After this issue, I will be wel- By REBECCA KANE has to concern itself with the people in its community. coming a new editor, S. A. EJi",,·i'I-cJoi./ points in the story." Betteryet, madly go through every single impossible ideal of making sure The Pnoenix could never Sommer, into the position of Five minutes before the paper issue, changing your mistake everyone in the community is have accomplished anything editor-in-chief. Thoughout the is due at the printer, you paste the happy, without the staff, which has year of 1994, she and her staff fast page of the newspaper to- with a red marker. Or, just The Phoenix staff, however, more than doubled in size in the will continue to improve the pa- gether. Suddenly, you glance at laugh heartily when 2,199 has achieved the greatest ideal past year. The paper is by no per, welcoming any and all help the top of the page and notice that more people point at the paper of a campus newspaper: free- means my newspaper or any and contributions. r can't wait the date is wrong. Madly, you laughing and saying "Don't dom of speech. The Phoenix is other editor's newspaper. It to see the firstissue!'! flip through all the pages of the you know how to spell scholar- dedicated to publishing articles, has succeeded thanks to the paper only to discover that the ship?" date on every page is wrong. The As editor, you learn quickly editorials, and letters for the work, time, and care of section Phtlt}Oix Staff pho- in our campus clock ticks faster. There's no that aside from being a con- sake of people not for the sake of editors, reporters, writers, layout Editor-in Chier copy tographers, staff, community, time to re-Iayout every page" stant test in problem-solving "looking good" to those outside staff, business and advertising Rebecca Kane '94 That would take at least two skills, running a newspaper is a our community. After all, pub- managers, those who wrote let- Managing Editor hours. ANXIETY, lot like sculpting, and perfec- licity is the purpose of WMC ters, and people who stop by a S.A. Sommer '95 S1RESS@?!*@#WHAT CAN tion is an unobtainable objec- advertisements and brochures. Phoenix meeting or call to share BE DONE? You hurriedly print tive. You can spend 100% of Business Manager out one page with the right date, your time and energy striving The Phoenix by adhering to the opinions or advice about how Annan Latif '96 could be better. the newspaper not only first amendment has make fifteen copies, and care- toward perfection and never given members of the campus All of these people helped cre- Advertising Manager fully paste each one individually get there. Perfection is even Sue Farrell '94 the opportunity on top of the wrong dates. more impossible in a "com- community their views, but it also to ate it and sustain it. Over the News Editor past year, they have caused express the Whew, no one could tell. munity" newspaper, because has motivated people to do this. newspaper to increase from 12 Karen Downs '94 Three minutes before the pa- your "positive" changes are OpinionsJEditorials Editor per is due at the printer, the lay- another person's "negative" It is not surprising, then, that to 16 pages, and more impor- Greta Powell '94 participation out editor and you glance at the changes. After all. there are readership and over the past tantly, improved the content of 'On the HiU' Editors have both grown the stories themselves as well as screw-like figures ornamenting probably a zillion· permute- Jenny Daino '95 every page of your freshly pasted tions and combinations of the year, demonstrated by the in- the diversity of the Issues cov- Kristin Vick '95 layout. ANXIETY, way things could be done, and crease in letters. The campus ered. Others who haven't Sports Editor STRESS@?!*@#WHAT CAN trying all of them would prob- has become interested in what shared in this experience Jay Hilbert '95 ~E OONE? Nothing ... except ably lead to an early death. So, should be said in the newspaper. should! Even if it isjust by way Layout Editor what a little white-out can fix. you and your staff have to de- and more students want to say of giving complaints or sugges- Jodi Harman '95 You had already sent $300 for cide what is most important. things in it. This is just what we tions for improvement, EV- the printer part that would have Not a small feat! want; the newspaper to be con- ERyoNE IS WELCOME! Pbotography Editor Chiara Berlingo '96 corrected the unwanted design, When Ibecame editor, Ina- Y_. I the para- ively did not realize +I but it bas not arrived yet. dox of the position Ihad taken: .m ma.LUre e.w. Copy Editor Lisa Hill '97 2.200 copies of The Phoenix .~~--I"Bh._~I~__~S1a"~~----~---------~ arrive outside the PoStOffice. As Almost ali major decisions you walk over to pick one up, were ultimately mine and no Karen Beamer '96 a child, Staff your friend points out "Hey! matter what choice I were to Dear Editor: For example, Bevis who Layout Randy Rytter '97 watched and Look! Scholarship is spelled make, some people would be I am a sophomore here at ecstatic and some would be left WMC. When I read this Butthead, burned the house Rick Tarr '97 wrong in the headline, witban '0' upset. I don't envy President months edition. I was ap- down because of TV influ- instead of an 'a'." ANXIEfY, Photography Staff STRESS@?!*@#WHAT CAN Clinton, President Chambers. palled. I cannot believe ence. But I expect a little Aden Moges'97 the Admmlstrauon, or anyone that college students actu- more maturity and sense of BE DONE? Lie and say it was a Rick Rodriquez'97 else in charge of an organiza- ally produced such imma- right from wrong from col- not a mistake: "The Phoenix Copy Staff ture views and such an im- lege students. There is no Carleen Alves '97 mature print out. escaping advertisements. Jessica Casalaspro '97 I would think that since Morals are part of every this newspaper is not hand adult, and a poster will not Jill Marron '97 written, you would use provoke any individual to Faculty Advisor spell check before publish- rape another. Terry Dalton ing. The third word of the Rape, abuse, discrimina- headline on the front page tion, and compromising of ~Plwmix ispublishedbiweekly. is misspelled. I usually values happens not just on Theqinionsexpessedintbeeditaiall spell scholarship with an this campus but on all others qinionssectiooas weD as in letters ex- pl:S5thebeliefsoftheir~(unlike 'a' not an '0': and even in the real world. inoewssto"ies)lIllddonotrqn:sentthe Secondly, the editorial Opinions should be heard opinionsd~PhoorixSlaff~faculty "Hear Our Voices: It's Not but, its not a perfect world. and adnini.'Ua1Cl"Sat WMC. an editaiaII Anyone lIII1y subnit Safe Here" is not just an Nevertheless Maura, how qlinionforpiblicatiollllSlongasitrefers opinion, it is a misconcep- could you write such an lOissuesllllherlhanspecificarticles,edi- tion appearing to come opinionated editorial de- taials,ociettersin TheP/lomi:cx.. Alet- from someone who has grading your school and put ter,mlhecthcrhand,CllDid"erlOspecific lived in a closet their whole it in the paper on parent's anicles,editaials,oclettmiinThtPh«- abo nixll'l well as issues. ThtPhomix life. Maura Ziolkowski, are weekend? It gave this welcomesnews,'mthehill',andsports you not a student at this school such an freelaocesubmissJomasloogastheyare school? Do you take any unrespectable image. written in the con:d._iwrmliWc flnlllt pride in your college? Chris Walton and.«yIe.ThtP~willpDli.!ball submissionsllSloogasspaceperrnits. Regarding your views on Thccditor reserves the riglll 10 edit for the greek life is sucb.a mis- claity,kngdiandbbel. conception - obviously you Submissions are aa::
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