Page 92 - ThePhoenix1993-94
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Holocaust Survivor Speaks to WMC But Szatajer was trans- By SANDRA R. ELLMAN ferred again in 1944 by train. C.. uribwli",Wrir<, Six million Jews were per- Each person was give a loaf secuted between 1939 and of bread the size of a brick FOR RENT 1945 at the hands of the Nazi and a bucket for human party. But one strong man, waste. 100 people were Beautiful two room & bath semi- Rubin Szatajer, lived to tell of packed "like sardines" onto a efficiency, in private home his existence in a German con- railroad car and were only al- outside of Westminster. Includes all utilities and refrigerator. centration camp. lowedout during air raids, he Private entrance. Furnished $350 WMC's Jewish Student said. a month, or $300 unfurnished. Union (JSU) sponsored The prisoners would eat Prefer a responsible ADULT Szatajer's talk last Wednesday snow during the air raids be- Non-smoker. No pets. Security deposit required. Call 876-3649 in McDaniel Lounge toa crowd cause they were dehydrated. after 6:30p.m. of close to 70 people, mainly Out of 100 people, only 10 students but Dean Philip Sayre people got off the train alive, and Dr. Cornelius Darcy were he said. Happily Married Childless among the audience. At the new camp, Szatajer Co.uple Wishing. ~ Adopt A Aaron Kahn, a JSU repre- helped to clean up the yards. White Infant. Willing To Pay sentative, introduced Mr. The prisoners did what they Medical And Legal Expenses Call collect: (202) 244-2151 They had to to survive. Szatajer and his wife of would take clothes off of Pikesville, l\1D. dead bodies and tben throw FREE TRIPS AND Mrs. Szataier. a history teacher, began with a brief his- the bodies in a pit. "I never MONEY!! thought about tomorrow be- tory of Adolph Hitler. At a young age, Hitler was intro- cause I didn't know if I'd Individuals and Student Organi- zations wanted to promote the make it," be said. duced to a group of anti- Hottest Spring Break Destina- semitists and was taugbt to hate Rubin Szataje, a Holocaust survtsor.Hves to tell tbe story of However, in 1945. the tions, Call the nation's leader. the Jewish people. After WWI, bis life in a concentration camp in~~rmany. British invaded the German Inter-Campus Programs hejoined the National Socialist I3yearsold. "It was a day like ta Ie with two benches. "My camp. "They [British}didn't 1-800-327·6013 party and in 1933. he became I remember yesterday," he br tber and I would sneak out at know what to do with us," Chancellor of Germany. said ina heavy, foreign accent. ni ht to get food...we'd dig with Szatajer said. He developed Pm SIGMA SIGMA With Hitler's rise in power The fighting began at 6 a.m. 0 /handS in the ground to get a dysentery and it took him came a new confidence in the and two hours later, there were ~ to," he said. months to recover, especially Wants to Wish a very German people. He rebuilt the casu~lties,.Mr.Szatajer said. When Szatajer was 16 years because be was "just skin and II!lAll"ll"lf country's economy and gave HIS family packed a fewbe- , the German soldiers came to bones," he said. llIllllR!.'II'II!llDJAlf,o them a purpose. But Hitler's longings and began to leave/ e hirnaway. "It is the toughest Luckily, Szatajer's older objective was torule the world. town on foot because there t~ing Ican speak about." he said brother and sister survived SISTERS Sarah In 1939, he decided to invade was no other transportation. '1'ith tears in bis eyes. "I can ~till and.they were able to unite. Kephart, Kristen ms parents untortunatery, Poland and the Holocaust offi- But before they could escape, rrmember my mother walking perished along with his cially began on September 1. they were stopped by Ge,Ouan ttsi~ trying to get me [away younger brother and sister. Porcaro, and Amy 1939. Hitler's goal was to ex- soldiers, he said. I m the soldiers}," Bridgeman!!!! terminate 11million Jews, Mrs. They were given orders of When he arrived at the concen- Szatajer and his brother felt Szatajer said. what they could an9~uld not . tration work camp, he was given a that the only safe haven was After Mrs. Szatajer's back- do. Szatajer, his four brothers uniform, blanket, shoes, metal the United States. It was very ground history on WWIl, her and sisters, and his parents cup, and utensils. difficult for them to survive SPRING BREAK in the United States, because husband addressed the spell- lived in a ghetto. The ghetto He was also given a shovel and they were uneducated and did 7 Nights from $2991ncludes bound audience. When the war was a small room that con- it was very important that he Air. Hotel, Transfers, Parties and h~~~s~~:e I~~:~ began, Rubin Szatajer was only sisted of a bed, a stove, anct/a never lost itorelse he would have not speak the language. But Morel NASSAU· PARADISE ISLAND. r:;:::,;::::::,::,:;=~=~~~AMIAOE::::::::":::':. :":::HQUa::":"::::::':E;';:::/::;"::'~I~ig :~e~s Szatajer believes "you have JAMAICA· CANCUN· SAN JUAN to start sometime, the sooner the better," he said. Organize a small group - Earn ~ ~~ build the factory," be FREE Trip plus commissions Last year, Mr. and Mrs. 1-800-GET-SUN-l na WItT %MIN Szatajer's life there was a liv- Szatajer revisited Poland. aTDT mg hell. There was no soap, tow- For years, Mr. Szatajer had had nightmares about the S-IS"&mS s: =~;.:te:a~~:e:daj:~ camps and the brutal burials SPECIALS diseases. He was undernourished, of his fellow Jews. But dur- ing this recent visit, he came Milwaukees Best & Light $ 7.99 case usually only being fed soup and to realize that the negative MickeysQuarts $.99 bread, and occasionally horse Coors, Miller Lighl & Draft $ 12.99cueeam meat, he said. attitudes towards Jews in Po- Miller High Life $10.47'''''(311) However, in 1943 be was taken land had changed for the bet- KilliansRed $14.99,_,_ to a stricter security camp. The ter. he said. Busch & Light $9.99'_'anJ camp had German shepherds that However, he will never be NawralLight $9.99,- Molsen $7.991~_'" attacked people trying to escape. totally at peace because he Rolling Rock $13.99cuoboltles As an example of what would feels that "mentally you CanadianMist7.50ml $5.99 happen if they escaped, a skeleton never recover" and he was SM87 $7.49 was put on an easel and everyone "made to pay the highest VO. 7.50ml $8.49 WHILE SUPPUES LAST was forced to look at it, be said. price anyone could pay." A'ITENTION AMATEUR The RUSH Is About To Begin 11S1'S AND WRITERS CRUISE SHIP JOBS! Coming The First Week In February All H~;,}~~r~ f:Ff. i~f Students needed I Earn $20C10+ monthly. Summerlholidayl Sophomores, Juniors, And Seniors With A exceptingsubmissions. For fulltime. World travel. Carib- , writers guidelines or a. 2.0 GPA And FRESHMEN with A 2.5 GPA membershipform, send m Mexico.Tour Guides, Gift Shop bean, Hawaii, Europe. SASE to Are Welcome To Come Join The FUN!!! 12202 Green Valley Road Workers, ect. No experience Kiirenza Lockhom Sales, Deck Hands, Casino For More Information, Call Shane King at x8406 Union Bridge,Md 21791 necessary CALL 602-680-4647, Ext. C147.
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