Page 94 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 94
Tliursday, December 9, 1993, Page 10 <:"~:~:~;;1mf;;;nwwm 2::'b1M;:<~~:WWtt;~'~~)illJ_&::~::::::::r:Jf%WiW.4t.Jt···:"·,,t;"~.;?:>J Youth And Experience Key: 60 Seconds Focus On Wrestling Team Within the next couple of re- classes weight 134 pound KOREZNEWSKI By PElE Matt Sopbmore spectively. weeks, C"",ribo0'l8W". .. , the team will be have on Campus tling team is looking forward with to Watcher rounded division. and not in- some wrestlers returning to the out the win- The 1993 Green Terror wres- squad. Senior Greg Welch is ners by finishing in the fourth expected to stan out at 150, then Heavyweight this year, a bright season drop down to 142. Freshman Since the tournament the potential for a Centennial Phil Simmerer is expected to re- cludes only take-downs Conference Championship. in to lead the team Stepping at 150. J. gery and will wrestle and did both bad 4-1 records again this year will be fifth year victories, Pickersgill and Dell turn this week from knee sur- head coach Paul Johnson. The not even place. Black will be back in early January to wrestle at 158 or The captain this seasons are H'you could choose the 60 seconds team last year under Johnson, in Pickersgill in the 167 Ib class 150 .. posted one of its best seasons Overall, Pick:ersgill feels that question, what would you ask? years, with a respectable 8-10. and junior Ted class. Speers at the if the squad can "place Srd or Heavyweight spot for the team One bright By Rick Rodriquez is the fact that last year's record mistic All in all, the team is opti- 4th at Centennial's, then the season would be considered a and about this season was accomplished by a team of which consisted only of one se- bopes to make it their best. success." Pickersgill admits Ursinus and "Do you think there nior. "Some problems that hurt "Even thougb we are missing a though that will be tough chal- Muhlenberg team was the lack of last year's are misconceptions depth in the line up and a num- few key people in tbe line-up, to lenges for the Centennial Con- we are still looking forward about the Greeks and ber of injuries," remarked senior the upcoming season and hope ference title. independents on this Andy Dell. "There is a good to be able to pull out a lot of Wrestling Line-up campus?" mixture of younger and older wins" says Flemming. Il8- Andy Dell wrestlers, which makes it easier Part of the enthusiasm can 126- open Smith to the conditioning Lisa Wieder, '94 to teach the younger wrestlers be traced placed by Assistant 134- Dwight Hampton/Greg Welch 142-John program captain the ropes," says senior Communication Ray Ptckersgtll. Coach Frank Young. "He 150- Phil Simmerer/Greg As the team matures, they (Young) has helped the pro- Welch hope to gain the experience nec- gram a lot. He has a good work 15S-J.Black essary to become a dominant ethic, and when he is stepping 167-Ray Pickersgill/Rick Estes force in the Conference. The in for PJ he gives us a good in- 177- Joe Flemming/Denny team is still young, yet some of tensive workout. The squad Tichnell the better performances have al- lifts two days a week, runs two 190- Damon leWIS ready been but forth by the un- days a week, including stair Hwt.- Ted Speers! Matt derclassmen. sprints." states Pickersgill. Watcher Besides the question of depth facing this Terror squad, the Mike Webster, '94 team lost two outstanding fresh- Business man from last season (Nick Stafford-who decided not to re- Administration turn, and Mike Bevins-relocated to Texas). "Should Mari- Already this season, the Ter- juana be legalized rors were Place Winners in a in this school?" Take Down Tournament ef- at Exceptional Swarthmore. Andrew Laporta, forts were put by four members fourth who placed of the squad, '96 or higher at the event. Communication! Sophmore Joe Flemming took second in the 177 pound Political Science weight class. Senior Damon Lewis and Freshman Dwight Smith each took third at 190 and "Ifyou could change one thing about this school, what would it Camera FANS be and why?" Joanna Lajewski, Shy '97 Music! African Studies! @ Urban Welfare .~ "Where do babies CHINESE RESTAURANT come from? Why is Camera the sky blue, and why S'zecliuan » Cantonese» American is the grass green?" 59 West Main St., Westminster, MD 21157 Shy Kym Samuels, '94 Telepho~e: History/Art History (301) 848·0919 • (301) 876,.3166
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