Page 87 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 87
,~a:, i1::::_fftr::rt:;w:' -'--'--'-'~-"ntttDwtfE,::hlW@fWMWAm:1B:C::~,:~: l1ft:Wmtlliftfffim2ifllilt5;;;2;;;:::~X-Wtg::,1m(t;:-·-·-\t1T;;""'w,> Thursday, December-e, 1993, Page 3 Registrar Barbara Shaffer Says She "Loves It Here" cause it was such a bureaucracy," Shaffer cence.bctsneseid, "Atadirector level. you explained really have to have a Masters degree." Her familiarity with the campus as a stu- Meanwhile, bet family helps her juggle dentincreasedevenmoreon the protessiceal the demaOOs of wodc: and school. She said level. "Sane ofmy professors that I had are that 14 year-old Adam and 8 year-old TOO:1 stillbere. In fact, theyinterviewed me on the are "very supportive." She commented search committee," sbe said. Then, leaning proodly, "Adam is the cook of the family, forward with a laugh, Shaffer revealed, "It's andSOOIetimes it's even edible!" refreshing to see that they actually have a Aside from wOlk and school, Shaffer senseofbumor oow that I am a peer and not sings in the choir at Locbem Presbyterian <.> astudenL" Cburcb,wberesbehasbeennarredasan"el- At tbe end of the day, when Shafferlqls der." What's more, she would like to be- into bercartocommute OOckhometo Balti- come more involved On campus. "I really more, berwork is far tren over. wanttoget involved in tbe cboir-I was in it Ironically, the bright-eyed, bubbly bloo:le aU four years when I was here. If I were Barbara Sharrer, a '76 WMC graduate, became the WMC Registrar last takes night classesatJohns Hopkins Univer- closer, I could make practice," she said February. sity, wheresbe is six courses away from get- WithberMaster'sDegreeinsigbtandber ting bet Masters of Administrative Science in eye on the future, Shaffer plans to move While Shaffer filled the Registrar posi- By RANEE DEVO Information Systems Tecbrotogy, Shaffer closer to WMC after Spring. What can she SroffW,;'" tionat WM:Cjust last February, this college badneverplannedtogosofarinhigberedu- In the mad rush to get ber two boysoffto was hardly a newpJace to 1:Ja". say? "I love it bere!" school and herself to work on time, Bertera Sbaffer is a 1976 WMC grnduate, who Open Forum Shaffer tripped ova a stack of bealth 000ks maicred in French with plans to be ateadx::r. From Page 1 and lroke her arm. Consequently, from Howdidsbeeverend up in the Registrars Then students asked if faculty could their concerns about the lack of lights and shoulder to wrist, Sbaffer's right rum will be Office? serve that function if a Campus Safety of- phones on campus by the water tower be- bound in acast for the next six weeks. "I wasn't the best French scboIar that ficerwasnotavailable. "We ought to ex- hind PELC and by Harrison House. Dean "Fortunately, it didn't occur during pre- ever graduated," she confessed, grinriing. plore other avenues if Campus Safety Sayre said that in the long-term plan, the registration,"tbeRegistrar chuckled, widen- Moreover, ber start as a clak typist at the can't supply enough officers," said Sayre. college plans on renovating a new walk- ing her eyes dramatically, as she canicaUy UniversityofMarylandBaitirn safety on pike liI:e ddJI fOr studems to address scarch and filing state reports. had relatively liUle contact with anyooe.,be- campus. Some female snxJents voiced issues to administrators;' said one junior. We've got the money; you've got the opportunity We now have a new list of internships from Western Maryland Interfaith Housing Development Corporation. All expenses will be paid. Here they are: 1. Community outreach, Assist in recruiting tenants and buyers, 2. Title research for Allegany county for residential property. 3. Title research for churchowned properties in the five western Maryland counties that are vancant or residential. 4. Research in taxes paid within the five counties and how much is spent on low income housing subsidies, 5. Assistance for HOPE which is working on a 25-house program in Allagany county. 6. Construction I design intern working on costs and develop, 7. Clerical help for programmanager for projects. 8. Photography to shoot housing and people. 9. Computer expert to assist in computer information developement. 10. Development intern with sociology or business interest and backround. 11. Video intern. 12. Publication intern. 13. Assistant to director of finance, working on grants and funding. There are other possibilities as well. Contact Dr. Hartman in the Philosophy Department, Extention 562.
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