Page 130 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 130
The Phoenix • Editorial The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow 1500 copies Every other Thursday Editor-in Chier SA Sommer '94 "Not again!" This phrase could be heard coming from the masses on a '1111flAdV~$li'lg Manager nearly daily basis this winter at WMC, and it could only refer to SueFarreU '94 one tbing - the weather. Day after day, week after week. it Business Manager seemed that snow, ice, sleet, and rain would fall from the heav- Arman Latif '96 ens crushing our dreams and plans and ambitions fro the day and Layout Editor the night TBA News Editor Strickened looks plastered the faces of everyone on campus. StewertBittel '95 Maintenance and grounds worked around the clock trying to On the Hill Editor clear the sidewalks before the next four inches fell. Jenny Daino '95 For the entire month of February, ice covered every surface Photography Editor across campus. For some reason the dismal, if not bleak, Chiara Berlingo '96 weather has incited the dismal and the bleak in all of us. Sports Editor As the snow and rain fell, so did a malaise, a sense of hope- Jay Hilbert '95 lessness, tempers flared, psyches brooded and egos were bruised. It seemed as if there truly was no hope. Then, as if answering our prayers, the sun broke through, Cartoonists Aaron Ablbum, Jeff Sharp melting away the hard shell of winter. But it was only a lark, a General Staff joke. One that was definitely on all ofus. Carleen Alves, Pamela Barry, Tracie But cbeer up - the sun will come out tomorrow, Spring Boggess. K3reD Downs, Mark Furlong, Break's only a day away. Lisa Hill, Mark Hughes, Hope Jordan, Scott Lee, Robert Magee, Jonathan • Editorial Nelson, Keith Remo, lB. Sanderson. Dan Schaeffer, Annelise Sullivan Pholography Starr Tournament Causes Parking Problems Aden Moges Proof ....... rs Carleen Alves, Pamela Barry, Each year the Maryland State Wres- andwerebinct:redbypeoplewhojustwowd out the gym foc the tournament, but s0me- Tracie Boggess, tling Tournament is beld here at WMC not listen. thing has to be done eboat the inconve- Lisa HiU, Kim Stoess and each year all the students and staff are Yes, the coUegemakes money renting niences to staff and students. inconvenienced by the wrestling tourna- 1""""::---------------------, Faculty Advisor Terry Dalton me~alking across campus, the shortage IIOpinion A Hero Dies In Blanche ofavailableparldng~_. blodcing walkways parlred everywl
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