Page 28 - ThePhoenix1992-93
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- --------- -----------------:-------..., Class of '96 non at stake. to me the other day. AsIwas Correction: show, If I would have stopped been the getting a shirt from my closet, have I would I saw a man standing inside. breaching the contract by not Being startled, I asked, Dear Editor. allowing the act to perform. In As a parent I'd like to com- "Sir, why are you in my mend you and your staff for spite of still having to pay the closet? Are you a criminal?" the excellent job you are all full amount, Iwould have cre- "Nope," he answered. doing in publishing The Phoe- ated the reputation of literally act "A pervert?" plug an pulling on the nix. The "SURVIVAL TELE- when it did not meet with my "Nope" PHONE DIRECTORY" "A U.S. Senator?" printed on the back page of the approval. "You already said that," he 9118192 issue has been espe- In 1983, a colleague of said still standing in my closet. mine in a New York university cially helpful to students and had the same thing happen to 'Then who are you?" their families. him with a concert. "I'm a Christian," he said The recently published ar- whispering the word, Chris- ticle characterizing the Class To this day, Iam still nega- tian. of '96 contained at least one tively dealing with the agency "How long have you been error, which you might like to and my friend has been black in my closet?" in the professional cir- balled verify and correct. The cuit with other agents. That "S inee Iarrived on campus, youngest student in that class I've been hiding in this is 15, not 16 years-old; how- SUNY school is still having a closet." ever, I'm quite sure (s)/he hard time booking concerts! It seemed absurd to me for would request Chat his/her In closing, I agree with a Christian to hide in a closet. name be withheld. Michal's demand for account- I tried to explain to him that ability when programming there was a group of Christians Best wishes for your most successful publication year and at least general require- on campus that meet on on yet! ments for programs. I do not Sundays at 7:30 to fellowship. Sincerely, believe that the advisor should They meet on Wednesdays at Name withheld by request be the sole target of an 8:30 to read the Bible. individual's or a group's an- He just responded that Iam Not ger/outrage. run CAPBoard wasn't his cup of tea. I no more Then Iexplained CAPBoard: than Dean Sayre runs the first and third Tuesday that on the at 7:30. SGA, Dr. Sherri Hughes runs They meet in Little Baker to In the last Phoenix Michal Psi Chi, or Susan Glore runs hear speakers talk about im- Han gave his reaction, as the the Lesbian & Gay Alliance. If portant issues like Question 6 co-chairperson of the Lesbian you, the student, have a prob- and how to survive on campus. & Gay Alliance. concerning lem with a club/organization, Then he responded that that the two comedians on Thurs- you should talk to and write sounded quite boring. day, September 10. the group's president, advisor, Finally I told him how ev- While Isupport his outrage, the Director of Activities, and ery weekend the group pro- I feel that he had a rather Dean Sayre. Changes will re- vides alternatives to the party "cyciop perspective" on the sult. scene like going to the movies, situation. Meaning that factors In this case the agent has re- going bowling, playing vol- outside of his view are also quested that the comedians leyball, and other activities. impacting and a result of this write a letter of apology to the But he just said, "I like my situation. Alliance, the material of the closet. It's safe and secure. All Johnson First, I would like the next set of comedians has been I need to do is hide out till I through the upcoming weeks. reader to know that we met af- screened, and the audiences graduate." With that he took From Page 2 "We have a good team, a really ter Michal's article, to discuss boos and comments reinforced the door of the closet and shut each other, and I know that I good offensive team," he said. our viewpoints. The lateness my belief that student are sen- himself in. could work out a practice sched- "People have got to realize that of our meeting was due to my sitive to issues and negativity. How can I get the Christian ule for both. It'd be tough, but we have learned a lot; there misunderstanding of what Sincerely. out of his closet? I'd like to try it," he said. West- were a lot of freshmen and inex- Michal had wanted me to do Mitch Alexander How can I let him know perienced players on the team conflicting what I profession- Director of College Activities that there are people in the ern Maryland may have it's first last year, and we all have im- ally needed to do. Christian Fellowship Suite in two-sport, same season athlete. proved," Johnson pointed out. before he looks to However, Michal said he would have A Christian in He pointed to the unity that got McLea Johnson's turned on the lights and ended Suite 103 of Daniel in helping the spring, a full football season. to this season's team has, saying, He asked me, why I the Closet: that are interested complete the show. him leave his closet? "There is a little pressure," "We've stood together since the did not do that? I did not do Robert Bates Johnson conceded. "The next beginning of the season." this because it would have Dear Editor, Class of 1995 With a look of detennination placed the institution' s reputa- A strange thing happened English Major four weeks are going to be in his eye, Johnson summed up They will make or break tough. his feelings this season, "As the the season." pressure builds, we'll stick to- Johnson puts his faith in the gether as a team. We'll make it HOUSE OF UQUORS Green Terror's team to make it as a team." 0 "Everything in Spirits, PLUS Courtesy & Setvce" CARROll PlAZA SHOPf'ING CENTER, WESTMtlSTER, II) 21151 (AI. 140 and Englar Ad.) FANS 848·1314 Lotto & Lottery Headquarters r------, FINE WINE & SPIRlTS· THE PERFECT GiFT FOR ALL OCCASICWS @ CHECK I $100 off I Milwaukee's Best OUR LOW PRICES! $7.79/case CHINESE RESTAURANT I Any Case ot See, I Keystone (Reg., Lt., Dry) $5.99/12 pk. $9.99/case Szechuan .. Canlonese .. 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