Page 27 - ThePhoenix1992-93
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L·elters:cto:·,the Editor October 15, 1992, Page 7 Misconceptions raters or the decision makers. an entertainer, we do educate the event and are re- 60 Seconds About CAPBoard: create The most effective way to tile agent and performers about in CAPBoard changes tile campus climate and general Dear Editor, programs is to join a committee. attitudes. If an incident should This is in response to (he edi- We are an open organization occur, such as the Comedy tonal in the October I edition of and everyone should get in- Night, complaints are made to The Phoenix. "The Nights the volved. the act by the students who or- Comedians Came." What is to As far as the Board's polices ganized follow should clear up some and guidelines on diversity, we membered for the next event. misconceptions thatare floating co-sponsor and support events As stated before, the best around about CAPBoard, the with many other student groups tion and changes can only hap- ~~_9ampus way to create changes is to join College Activities Program- in an effort to get as many var- a committee and make your ming Board. ied viewpoint and perspectives voice heard. Direct communica- CAPBoard is a student run on campus. organization and any concerns We have co-sponsored Pub pen when students get involved. or complaints about sponsored Nights with the Gay and Les- On the door of the events should be addressed di- bian Alliance, the Black Student CAPBoard office (across from rectly to the students who run Union, and People Making Glar), there is a list of officers, Who do you see as the strongest tbe group. Changes, dances with committee meeting times, and presidential candidate? CAPBoard is not part of the BACCHUS, and a program just office hours. College Activities Office. Al- a few weeks ago, "Strange Like Talk to anyone on though the names are similar, Me," which was overflowing CAPBoard, stop in the office, or Bill Dolbow '93 they are two separate entities with diverse ideas and con- go to a committee meeting. with different concerns. scious-raising issues. Whatever you choose to do, History Both MilCh Alexander and CAPBoard is sensitive to stop complaining and take some "Pres. Bush's trust, Cindy Zeiher, members of the unique opinions and wants to action that wiU lead to positive College Activities Office, are support as many as possible. changes! character. and experi- advisors for CAPBoard and yet, we are unable and unwilling Julie Simmons ence will change they do a greatjob. But advising to censor acts before they per- President. CAPBoard America, I question is what they do; theyarenotdic- form. However, when we hire Cum of 1994 slick Willie's Patrio- t21r.-........... tism" A Course in words in their statements. I Thankfully, few rninutees, and I was left alone dur- ing (hesse saddened This me, since Flag Etiquette: know several of the speakers, bad almost died in Viettnam, and find them to be thoughtful and did not llike to see the sym- Carol Wbite '93 Dear Editor, and intelligent. Several other bol of my country treated like a Politican Science On Saturday, October 10, I students voiced opinions similar toy. The student apologized to decided to take a break from to mine, so Iknow I was not the me, and left to rejoin thc rest of "l don'tknow: Theyare working in the library. only one to be turned off by the the dancers. all the same, l don'tlike I wandered over to the quad language. A second student then came any of them " to listen to the bands that were The event that angered me up to me. and he also asked scheduled to play in the after- took place as the second and about the flag. noon. I wanted to enjoy a relax- was winding up the day's activi- When Iexplained my actions ing afternoon in the sun, but ties. to him, he said he was sorry when the day was over, I ended Several dozen students were about being insensitive to my up feeling rather sad and very dancing in front of the stage, feelings. He expressed an inter- angry about what I experienced. tossing balls, waving flags, and est in learning about my experi- As the crowd was waiting for generally enjoying themselves. ences in Vietnam, and hoped we Jane DeGroot the music to start, we were ex- Soon, an American flag was could talk later. Communications Prof. horted several times by the an- being tossed around as well, and I told him I would like that, "Ilike Perot. Hesounds nouncer to "Take off your Ibecame alarmed. and we parted company, each refreshingly unlike a pants!" When I was very young, I one a little wiser for ourencoun- I didn't think this was par- was taught that our flag should ter. politician and avoids ticularly amusing, but I was be treeaaated with respect and As I look back on yesterday jingerpointing. " willing to overlook it as youth- dignity. while I write this, I still find ful enthusiasm, SO I ignored it. I thought that everyone knew myself thinking about what took After the first band left the this, so I wasn't quite sure if I place. .stage. several student spoke to should say anything to the stu- I am glad that I acted, and the crowd about their worries dents who were treating this bad a chance to explain why, concerning next month's elec- particular flag like an old shirt. even if it was only to two Jeff Pereto tions, their hopes for the future, However, when the flag was people. I still am saddened that Math/Computer Science and some of their fears about the tossed onto the ground and left Ihad to act at all. world today. there, Iknew I haad to act. I I think that is what bothers "Bush Perot looks like They all were very sincere, walked over, picked up the flag, me the mOSL Will Purdue. Putting a and it seemed to mc that each and took it to my car. Sincerely, domocrat in office will one spoke from the heart. I hoped that no one would Mi/(eMarceau only raise inflation, " Unfortunately, their mes- approach me while I was doing Class of 1992 sages were lost to me because of this. because I had no idea what English Major the abundance of four-letter I would say or do if they did. More Letters on Pg. 8 Col, 1 KimonKostopoules'93 Biology ~ 1'09. "Clinton is the best choice. Perotisaquiter Bush'sdomesticpolicy isfalling apart, "
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