Page 23 - ThePhoenix1992-93
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~_::::t;11Ii_; _ Features October 15, 1992,Page 3 Focus on a Staff Member: Nita Hill "It's devastating when you lose a By RANEE DEVa S"",Wrl,u child. It's not that easy. People say to Nita Hill sits erect at her desk, sur- keep busy. And. I have to cope. I don't rounded by organized stacks of papers bave a choice," Hill said. everywhere, ready to answer the ques- According to Hill, the W?vfC commu- lion with her luminous brown eyes wid- nity was very supportive. In addition ening a bit and her hands primly clasped her four days paid leave, Hill took off an upon her lap. additional month of grieving. About No-she is not testifying before a 1;000 people showed up at the funeral in % U.S. Senate committee on the alleged June. If sexual harassment by Supreme Court In August, Reverend Mark Lancaster, Nita Hill, who tragicaUy lost her baby to an accident last May, Is expecting again. Justice Clarence Thomas, although she W?vfC Coordinator of Religious Life, does share almost the same name of the held a special memorial service at the couldn't get past the point that it actuaUy Tierra. "Sometimes I'm scared to have celebrated accuser of Judge Thomas. campus. In addition, many people in and happened." this child because I loved Tierra so Instead, this 35-year-old black around the community donated money Now, with her eyes welling with tears much. I don't want to treat her or him woman is assisting a student in the peri- and food because Hill had no life insur- that threaten to escape, Hill remembers like Iwas wishing it was Tierra." While it seems like her life is just "a odicals section at Hoover Library. ance for Tierra. "I don't think that any- that day. "She'd go through all the books This Nita Hill's claim to fame is en- one is expecting their child to die at such until she found her favorite---Carol's mess now", with Tierra's birthday com- tirely different from the professor's. a young age," Hill said. Christmas. And, then she'd want me to ing up and the holidays, Hill strives to The Francis Scott Key High School Not only was she financially unpre- read it five or six times," Billsaid,start- cope by staying on task at work. "I love graduate has been working at WMC's li- pared for the loss, but also for the utter ing to smile and glancing up at her the country-not rush-rush, hurry all the brary for almost 14 years, ensuring that shock and horror of losing the focal point daughter's picture above her desk. time and lots of people," she said. all the magazines and newspapers are of her life-Tierra Irene. She resumed to explain that she was But, now WMC is merely bet solace organized, bound, and up-Io-date. The tragedy changed Hill's life for- too tired to read the book that day, so away from ber home in Union Bridge, Still, many students probably remem- ever. That day, her 28-year-old brother, suggested that Uncle Steven read it. "He where she is faced with memories and ber her from last year wnen she gradually Steven took her daughter and two 7-year- started to read. But, he wasn't doing it sometimes plagued with grief. gained 30 pounds. At tile time, she could old twin cousins on a ride from which right. So, I promised to read it to ber Still, she is adamantely pursuing the be seen wobbling about the library with tbey never returned. later." dream of living in ber own bouse where saltine crackers always at band-work- "We have no idea how it happened," Looking back on the incident, Hill she can raise her baby as a single mom, ing to the last possible moment before Hill said. "The car hit a tree in my said, "It was like she knew, but she "at least for awhile." her daughter, Tierra Irene, was born. boyfriend's yard and, we just don't couldn't tell you. Those last couple of When considering her future, Hill re- Tragically, though, Tierra Irene was know." According to Hill, the fatal crash days, she-was into everything. I'll never sumes her upright position at ber desk, killed in a car accident on May 29, 1992. killed everyone in the car instantly. forget the way she looked at me when straightening a pile of papers, and Now pregnant again, Hill plans on Although no one was in their seat she said, 'Goodbye Mommy'. And.Lre- recomposing herself. working as long as she can. belts, the police claimed that it wouldn't member saying, 'It's time for your Uncle Glancing away from the picture of The death of her daughter bas influ- have made a difference in the accident Steve to take care of you for awhile,' just Tierra grinning-a mirror of bee own enced ber decisions to add a couple of because the car was so compacted. before I held her for the last time." smile that emerges-and down to bet extra weeks to ber six-week pregnancy When first discovering a 6-pack of beer Hillieamed that she was two months pregnant belly, she sighed. "I'mjust tak- leave in December. Every time she looks in the car, the police and media suspected pregnant on that same day. Now, in her ing it day by day." Cl up at her daughter's picture, she remem- that it was alcohol-related. But a later s eve nth ............................•••• bers how precious Tierra was and thinks autopsy report on her brother Steven month, she of all that she wanted to do with her. found no traces of alcohol in him, ac- worries about Free Classified Ad : Since her 19-month old daughter died, cording to Hill. loving her she's come to learn the true meaning of When the news clarified the story, second child with Coupon loss. Hill refused any interviews. "I just as much as Spring '93 Break Classified: Panama City Beach, Florida beach: Summit condominiums, That's a $2.35 value! Beach Resort, Miracle Holiday Classijieds are only 7 cents a Sales representatives needed to inn, Pier 99. Earn top commis- word with pre-payment. Call work with the # I Spring Break: sion and free trips. Limit 1 per person; 35 words. ext. 8600 for more in/ormation. Team: TRAVEL ASSOCI- For more information call: ATES AND TOUR EXCEL. 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