Page 21 - ThePhoenix1992-93
P. 21
PA.R.T.Ywith WMC - Story Pg.10 THE PHOENIX Political Debate in Forum Tonight Maryland representatives of questioners will be Christine George Bush and Bill Clinton Keiner, a senior biology major, will tangle in a Presidential de- and Joseph Vemetti, a senior bate Thursday, Oct 15, in the political science major. They Forum at 7:30 p.m. will be joined by faculty panel- Representing Mr. Busb will ists Christi anna Nichols Leahy be Ellen Sauerbrey of Balti- of the political science depart- more, minority leader of the ment and James Lightner of the Maryland House of Delegates mathematics deparunent. and a graduate of WMC. Mr. If time permits, questions Clinton's representative will be will also be taken from tbe audi- Larry LaMOI.leofOwingsMills, ence. a member of the Maryland The debate was organized by House of Delegates. professors Herb Smith of the The debaters will make political science department and opening statements and then be Terry Dalton of the English de- questioned by a panel consisting partment, who will serve as of students and faculty. Student moderator. 0 Students Want More of a Say on Budget involvement. Ebenreck says there are at longuetill I know the facts," sbe said. lege for what purpose, according to By K1usnNE HOLLAND Slil/!"',;", least 20 to 30 students who want to know Thomas thinks that many students Ebenreck. This article is theftrst in a three part se- more about the budget. and faculty become upset about budget The process of approving the budget ries about the WMC budget. Article one fo- Senior Jay Taylor, a math and chemis- decisions because they don't understand is a long and involved one. In the begin- cuses on the budgeling structure ojthe col- try major wbo supports Ebenreck's efforts how they are made or where the money ning of the school year the department lege and the rise oj student interest in bud- says he knows very little about the budget. submit their anuci- ge/ concerns. The second one will discuss comes from. chairs and directors the budget in the past, present, and future, "The only time I learn something is by Some students and faculty expressed paled budget to one of the four vice and theftnal article will explore the restruc- talking to a few members of the faculty," concern over the projects 00 campus in- presidents of the college. turing plans of the college he said. ''This is not a very organized way eluding the new landscaping with park Like the department chairs, the vice With the Board of Trustees set to of giving out infonnation. The college benches and trees that were placed be- presidents sort.through their proposals approve the final changes to the $28 should make a effort to disseminate infor- tween Rouzer and Daniel McLea, says and submit requests to the internal bud- million budget for this school year, mation more effectively." Taylor sug- Thomas. get committee chaired by the President more students are determined to both gests that the college could make the de- According to Thomas. the money did Robert Chambers. understand how the budget is fanned tailed budget available to students at a not come from tbe tuition based operat- Anything that will be included in the and have a say in the process, according central location such as the library re- tng budget but from corporations and budget must pass througb this budget to Jered Ebenreck, a sophomore. donors who gave grants specifically for committee. In January the budget com- Ebenreck, an Ecological Thought Maura Ziolkowski, a junior French the projects. "The grants depend on the mittee meets for two weeks of intensive major, recently went to Ruth Thomas, major, said she wants 10 understand how donor's desires," said Thomas. eight hour or longer days wben they de- director of Financial Planning, for more the budget is put together so she doesn't The students should have a say in vise and approve a budget plan for the infonnation and to initiate more student make false assumptions. "I try to hold my what companies give grants to the col- See BUDGET, Pg. 11 Col 1 Rukeyser Speaks at Founder~Convocauon By KRISTIN VtCK within the business community stepped to the podium to ad- SltJl!Wri,,, of the Baltimore area. He is the dress the anxiously awaiting au- It was a brilliant, sunny honorary chairman of the board dience. He is a man recognized morning as friends and family of the Black and Decker Manu- across the nation for being of WMC students and those of facturing Co., and he has been America's foremost economic the westminster community director of other national and commentator and is the long gathered in front of Big Baker international firms, including time host of the T.V. show Wall Chapel on Saturday, October 3. the holding company for the old Street Week. He is none other The event marked the first Western Maryland railroad. than Louis Rukeyser, who, in Founders' Convocation, which The Decker Foundation, honor of Western Maryland's was held over Parents' Week- which be is the manager of, pro- 126th year, was presented with end to celebrate the founding of vides assistance to many local the degree of Doctor of Humane the college in 1867. colleges, including WMC. Beginning at II o'clock, Decker and his family have held ~~:;:=e7S~n~~k~~: f~_--=--:-_-:-===~~!!!!!~"", opening statements and greet- a long standing affiliation with by saying, "Through your gifts ings were made by Mark: WMC, which is what has earned of witty irreverence and pre- Lancaster, coordinator of reli- him so much honor in the WMC cisely-pointed prose, you have won the attention of over 10 have no interest in the theoreti- gious life, and Kourtney community. domesticated the forbidding for million viewers. The most cal jargon of technical discus- Sweeny, SGA president. Presi- The award was introduced a general audience and thereby popular aspect of the program is sions of money. dent Chambers continued with by Dr. Kathy Mangan, and pre- become an internationally cel- Rukeyser's style itself. Chambers, continuing his in- some anniversary remarks. and sented by M. Lee Rice, the ebrated broadcaster, lecturer, His witty, punderful humor troduction, added "Your the John Smith Memorial Me- chairman of the Board of Trust- columnist, and author." and his down-to-earth manner weekly shows for the last 21 dallion Award was presented to Wail Street Week with Louis has added a bit of spice toa T.V. years, however, have beauti- Alonzo G. Decker, Jr. Following the presentation Rukeyser began in 1970, and topic that is usually viewed as fully blown away those befud- Decker is a prominent person of the award, the guest speaker since that time, the program has dull to everyday consumers who See SPEAKER, Pg. 10 Col. 2 .----- ------ - r--