Page 20 - ThePhoenix1992-93
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Western Maryland Col~ge Hoover Library WMC Professor tice adding, subtracting, multiplying, and researcher education, is a member on math- and commentator of sev- ematics News: Wins Award dividing whole numbers." eral highly renowned regional and na- All students, especially those who are Effective immediately, the Library An article on elementary mathematics at risk offailing in mathematics, should be tional education organizations, including Commons will remain open until 2 am education by Dr. Francis "Skip" Fennell, exposed to a complete. balanced math- the National Council of Teachers of Sunday through Thursday. Campus professor of education at WMC. has re- ematics program, Dr. Fennell stated. Mathematics, the American Educational Safety will patrol the room at regular in- ceived a national award for its publisher, "The single most important declara- Research Association, and the Maryland tervals between midnight, when the li- the Arithmetic Teacher. Tbe article, tion is to acknowledge that all students School College Mathematics Associa- brary closes, and 2 am, when the com- "One Point of View: Reaching by Teach- bave a right to learn and the ability to tion, among others. He also has pub- mons will be vacated and locked. ing," received a Certificate of Award in learn," Dr. Fennell wrote. "With this idea lished several articles for various educe- The hours of Hoover Library are: the 1992 Excel Awards conducted by the in mind we must make sure that we reach tionjoumals. Monday through Thursday: 8:30 am - Society for National Association Publi- all our students. Tbe homework-chalk- In 1990, Dr. Fennell received the Out- midnight; Friday: 8:30 am - to pm; Sal- cations. More tban 500 entrants from talk-try-these-at-your-seatwork-and- standing Mathematics Educator award urday: 10 am - 10 pm; Sunday: noon - across the country competed for the more-homework model must be from the Maryland Council of Teachers midnight. awards, which honor the nation's leading changed ... Practice will still be impor- of Mathematics. That same year, Dr. Hours vary during final exams, vaca- scbolarly journals. tant, as will occasional forays to the Fennell's "Number Sense Now!" pro- tion periods and holidays. For current Published in the February 1991 Arith- chalkboard, but not every day. Keep gram for elementary mathematics teach- hours, call 857-2740. a metic Teacher, "Reaching by Teaching" them guessing, challenge them, make ers received a national Eisenhower grant urged teachers to draw students closer to each day a new and different experi- from the U.S. Department of Education. Sundays of Note: the process of learning mathematics by ence." Dr. Fennell, a nationally recognized The project's total budget over two years 0 was more than $375,O(X)' downplaying the "steady diet ... of prac- 1992-93 In keeping with Western Maryland College's lifelong tradition of joining the achievements of tile past with the vital- ity of the future, the eighth annual Sun- days of Note season will offer music that has endured through the ages. Audiences can expect lively playing and provoca- tive selections from pianistllecturer Jacqueline Schwab, the famed Greitzer Ensemble, renaissance specialists Hesperus, and harpist Sonja Inglefield. For her Sundays of Note debut on October 4, Ms. Schwab will play ball- room and popular dance tunes from the 1860s, in honor of Western Maryland's continuing celebration of its 125th anni- versary. The concert will take place in the intimate salon setting provided by McDaniel Lounge. On November 8, the Greitzer En- semble will perform chamber favorites and salon surprises in Baker Memorial Chapel. For its Sundays of Note appearance, Hesperus will be in its crossover guise. The performance will take place on Feb- ruary 21 in McDaniel Lounge. The season's final performer, harpist Sonja Inglefield, is becoming a fixture on the area music scene as a student at the Peabody Conservatory and as a first- place finisher in the 1992 Yale Gordon Concerto Competition at the Peabody Institute. On April 18, Ms. Inglefield will present a program of traditional and new music for the harp. The concert will take place in the historic (Little) Baker Chapel. The Sundays of Note series is jointly sponsored by the Western Maryland Col- lege Department of Music and the Peggy and Yale Gordon Trust. The Peggy and Yale Gordon Trust was established pri- marily to provide support for various cul- tural and educational institutions in and around metropolitan Baltimore. Imptc- mcnung concert career opportunities for young emerging artists as well as estab- lished artists is a continuing activity of the trust. All performances in the series begin at 2 pm Sundays on the campus of west- em Maryland College. Admission is $5; students 18 and under arc admitted free: Information concerning tickets, direc- tions, ctc., may be obtained by contact- ing the College Activities Office at Western Maryland College, 410/857- 2265, or, from Baltimore, 876-2055, ext. 265. a r--
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