Page 73 - ThePhoenix1987-88
P. 73
ThePhoenix 'Student Accounts staff resigns, changes planned ing. She said the unanimous com- by Roshini George plaint was against the "lack of support and communication be- All thrcestaffmembersin the tween the head and the employ- Student Accounts Office handed in ees." their resignations simultaneously Concerningpossiblechanges last week. At the same time, the under the new management, office is experiencing an internal Schmidt talked about "thoughts on transition. The transition repre- how students can pay College sents what many have been saying, Work Study directly to their ac- that the office was in disarray and counts." She also expects things "to that this represents the College's be done on a timely basis and the acknowledgement of the need for whole operation to be bettered." sweeping changes. One office that will feel the Sue Schmidt. Director of effects of the transition is the Fi- Financial Affairs, hopes Lhat"stu- nancial Aid Office. But according dents will bepatient with changes. " to Caryl Connor, Directorof Finan- Schmidt promises to"dothe best to cial Aid, "Students will be most serve the students" and ensures no affected." misadjustments in students' ac- Cynthia Schafer photo She expressed confidence in Michela Patterson performs "No One in the World" counts. Student Accounts is the cen- Susan Schmidt, director of the moves adding, "The transition is going to be easier. Sue Schmidt dunnq CAPBoard's Talent Night on April 7. ter for collection of tuition revenue financial affai rs is overseeing the transition, and it for WMC. being "overworked and under- should go smooth~~" Connor also Audrey Yzaguirre, a former Dawkins orders clerk in the office, said she handed paid." Yzaguirre testified that "ter- commented that expected that this students will hav ~roblems rific volume of work and lack of : propertraining"leadtoherresign- in her resignation on account of Fall due tcr the tran~ removal of pub TV 'Weight Watchers' win first prize sian was made partially as a result The evening included ajazz by Christopher Davis of a petition signed by students, and Jeff Morse, did a line dance to band as well as another band called faculty, and staff. by Tammie Gill the tune ''Overweight Lover in the OWl Patrick Johnson and Stan- The big screen television. Ms. Kathy Dawkins, Direc- House." ford Vinson called for audience which was moved out of the pub tor of College Activities, ordered The "Weight Watchers" Second place resulted in a support in their rap act, while two weeks ago, spawning a minor its removal, saying the television danced away with the $100 first tie between soloist Michela Patter- Karen Brooks and Althia Ellis lip uproar among some patrons, will was purchased by the CAPBoard prize in CAPBoard's Talent Night son and a band called The Blues not be returning. Instead, a24-inch "solely for programming pur- held last Thursday in the Pub. Department Patterson performed synched to "Push It." During the evening, the WMC Terror made a Anita Baker's "No One in the television has been ordered and poses," and that they had no inten- The "Weight Watchers," a World," while The Blues Depart- special appearance to perform a will be mounted on the wall. The group that includes Andre White, strip tease act. decision to purchase a new televi- continued on page 6 Rodney Joyner, Wallace Henry, ment played original songs. Sidelights: Burnstein praises activists Should Gallaudet University have given in to in Gallaudet uprising student demands for a deaf president? Burnstein conducted the fo- The conflict was put to rest by Tammie GUt rum with the help of Mr. Jack when, according to Burnstein, "on 80 Gannon, author of Deaf Heritage. the seventh day ... the Board of "A bomb exploded when the Burnstein, President of the Gal- Trustees decided to elect Dr. Jor- 60 Board of Trustees announced that laudet University Alumni Associa- dan, "forcing Zinser to resign. In they had elected Dr. Zinser. We tion, began by describing the situ- meeting the students' demands, the 40 knew that now was the time for a ation caused by the appointment of chairwoman of the board, Ms. Jane Bassett Spilman, also resigned. deaf president." Elisabeth Ann Zinser to the presi- Dr. Gerald Burnstein used dency of the school over equally "The Board of Trustees just ~20 these words to sum up the reaction qualified deaf candidates. ignored us," commented Burnstein of the students of Gallaudet Uni- The appointment touched off on the election of Zinser. "Both of versity in Washington, D.C. to the a week of protests, marches and ria- the deaf [finalists] were veryquali- appointment of a hearing president. tionalmediacoverage. Burnstein's fied." Burnstein was quick to add He spoke at a forum held on Mon- organization was the first to an- that he "had nothing against her Survey sample: 100 Source: Phoenix day to discuss the uprising at Gal- nounce its support for the demands continued on page 7 of the students. laudet and its implications . .', "
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