Page 82 - ThePhoenix1986-87
P. 82
Page 4IWestern Maryland CollegeIFebruary 26. 1987 Editorial Apartheid shootout Almost no one survived the McDaniel Lounge Massacre. And those who weren't mowed down by the blazing rhetoric sacrificed their own dignity. On Feb. 10, Jennifer Davis, Executive Director of the American Committee on Africa; and David Sanders, National Field Director of the Conservative Caucus in Vienna, VA, went head to head on the issue of Apartheid before an audience of 30 people and a panel designated to ask questions of the guests. Davis, who entered a room of supporters, advocates the establishment of both strong US sanctions against the South African government and a relationship with the outlawed African National Congress (ANC) which is fighting for freedom. Sanders, on the other hand, espouses a laissez faire approach, explaining that change must come from within the country. He believes that backing the ANC, which has several Communist members, would allow a Soviet foothold in South Africa--a country rich in natural resources. So far so good, right? Right. But then the debate began. We realize that an issue such as Apartheid will naturally draw people on both sides who harbor emotionally charged views. But perhaps these individuals, along with their logically developed arguments, could bring some tact with them next time. More than once the "discussion" degenerated into a test of lungs where audience members and panel guests pursued childish "you-said- this, no-l-didn't, yes-you-did" exchanges. Come on, most people outgrow this sort of behavior on the elementary school playground. ---------------------------- In addition, some members of the audience would ask Sanders a question and then cut him off before he could begin to answer. Granted, the man was supporting an unpopular side of the argument, --- Letter to the Editor --- and it didn't take a genius to recognize his Red Scare mentality, but courtesy dictates that he have his say too. Freedom of speech, remember? He did not interrupt when. others were talking. Indeed, we applaud Sanders, not necessarily for his views, but for his ability to Preachers contest image, coolly withstand a barrage of caustic remarks directed not only at his opinions, but his person as well. It seems, then, that a number of people came to the debate for the sole purpose of verbally destroying Sanders, harboring the warped idea seek new Greek charter that if they completely annihilated the man, somehow they would be doing their part to abolish injustice in South Africa. What happened to the intelligent transmission of information between the two sides? Editor, player mentioned on the All- This past January, for example, There was very little at this debate. In 1981 a series of events Centennial Conference team), the six of us worked at the Carroll Certainly, the breaches of common tact were so numerous that prompted the administration of varsity swim team, and the junior County one hundred fiftieth space will not allow us to mention them all. And we haven't even Western Maryland College to take varsity basketball team. Ibelieve anniversary celebration held here gotten into the mockery that was made of the impartial moderator's away the charter of Delta Pi these examples quite clearly show at the college. We have also been role. Alpha fraternity, better known as just how active we are, and lit me involved in many smaller The sad fact of this whole situation, then, is that the worst the Preachers. The administration same time dispel the falsehood projects. Community service is offenders may not even recognize themselves in this editorial. Or ruled that we were to supend one factor that a school looks at worse yet, they will laugh. further fraternity operation until a when considering a case such as In the end, though, these individuals are doing the very thing for review of the case was to be held ours, and I believe our group has which they condemn the South African government-denying someone in 1990. For the following done quite well in this area and with a different point of view the chance to express it. reasons, however, I believe that would be willing to do more if .----..;..--------------, Delta Pi Alpha is deserving of a necessary. reinstatement of its charter and is an oraganization that feels we In conclusion, Delta Pi Alpha The Phoenix original charges. have been for unjustly held of worthy of reconsideration of the actions responsible First of all, every indi vidual responsible for the actions that Jed individuals who most of us have EdltOl'.Jn-Chlel JonathenSlade to the suspension of OUf charter never even met. The past few ~~~E~~~~~ ..:::,:.:::::..:: steele Hemphi~:::~:~\~~~i,!~ no longer attend WMC. In years the administration of WMC PhotographyEditor.... .. Blll Mann addition to that, after his current has denied our existence and ~~~~~~i~~~~~i~i8;;:::·::....:::.:::.:::::::::~~J:~~~f,~ semester, not a single member of excluded us from every Greek GraphicsArtist.... . ChristineGeorge our group was even at this school function imaginable. Despite ReportingStall LindaAshburn.CraigCecil. when the incidents occurred. For this, we still manage to survive An~~~e~~ICr:~~:~IY91~'ci;:~~~: this reason I find it hard to believe solely on the strong feeling of RoshinlGeorge. Kim Morris, that our orgainzauon could still that we are just a bunch of co- friendship and brotherhood each of RL,:nR~::.rsSU~~~e~:I~: be held responsible for these nothings that go around us feel toward each other. Delta SharonSIIozllas.Lee Spector incidents and be forced to wail terrorizing the campus. Although Pi Alpha is the oldest fraternity Advisor PemelaRegis until 1990 for review. our group is currently much on campus with a new group of r::ryl~~II~:. ~~~~t!~:~~!~~C~~ cJ~m~:s~e~~ Secondly, our current group smaller than any other fraternity guys looking for a new start and tenereto the edilor do I10tnecesseruy refiectthose 01 the staff has a diversity of members that on campus, I believe our list of an opportunity to prove :;;~~!::~n~a!~;·a~~:: ~;et~ee~~=s~~~.O~ ~~ hasexcelled both academically and honors can compare favorably ourselves. Don't we at least reservesthe right to headline.and edit lor length,clarity. and athletically. This past semester, with anyone else's. deserve a chance? ~~~:~h~..:'t:I~~%l~~ 10 the editor must be signed. members of our group were Finally, over the past two Address all mall 10: ThfI Phoenix. WesternMarylandCoI~e. represented on the dean's Iist, the years our group has been very James Cardea L_....!w:;;est::::m::::;o;::ste:::',_::M::::D,;..!'::.;"::::57"-. .....:; __ --1 varsity football team (including a active in community services. Delta Pi Alpha
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