Page 122 - ThePhoenix1986-87
P. 122
Page 4IWesiem Maryland College/April 30, 1987 Editorial Name that college Here we go again. Every year we hear college administrators murmur about changing the name of Western Maryland to someihing "more marketable. H Their contention is that the present title implies that we are a stale school--which apparently carries enough of a stigma to deter students looking for a "quality education." In addition, they explain that "western Maryland" suggests that weare located in the nether regions of the slate. This, they claim. could discourage high school graduates who want to attend a more centralized institution. Admittedly, these points harbor some validity. We believe, though, that altering the name would still have more negative consequences than positive ones. First of all, let's talk pocketbook. WMCs rich. 120 year history has left the school with a rather large pool of alumni and trustees from whom donations are constantly being solicited. One of the reasons these people financially support our college is that they are proud of its heritage. Changing the name would certainly foster a feeling of abandonment among these contributing graduates and therefore bring about drop in donations. That's a cold, hard-cash fact. Thus, from a purely economic standpoint, WMC should only consider this move if it is sure that the new name will generate enough income to compensate for the loss in alumni revenue. We contend that no title can guarantee such spectacular results. In addition to this, we believe that the name "Western Maryland" is not as great a handicap as some administrators might think. More than a century's-worth of stu~nts have been able to find our fine institution despite its obvious misnomer. Indeed. our apparent misplacement makes us unique. Whenever someone is introduced to - Jasoo E. Plummer WMC, he's always told in the same breathe, ..... and it's not really in Western Maryland. but in the center of the state." One of our editors, when visiting Ocean City, MD, last summer, Transfer GPA policy mentioned 10 a person he had just met that he went 10 WMC, and the new acquaintance burst forth with, "And it's not really in Western Maryland, but in the center of the state." This phrase, in fact, has almost become part of our name. People do read our admissions needs re-evaluation brochures, and they do know where we are. _ If, however, college officials, despite all of this, still decide 10 do away with "Western Maryland." how will they choose a new name? How would you like 10 and finally graduate with honors. year school is 10 get a 'fresh start' Will it go to the highest bidder-someone who donates a large sum of receive only part of your grades? The existing policy is a very with a 'clean slate'." money? What if Arnold Schwarzenegger gave us such an Okay, well lei's say they are your inadequate judge of character of This "clean slate" idea is endowment? Would "Schwarz.enegger College" be easier to market? best grades? Well, this is what is other colleges, and will lower the idealistic, because students have Or maybe we could name ourselves in honor of an old friend? How happening to transfer students reputation and quality of educauon either worked very hard It' get about "Billy Mac's College?" who go to Western Maryland received here at Western Maryland their high GPA or they hardly No. It is far from necessary to take such a drastic measure, and College and plan to graduate after College. worked at all. doing so would certainly be damaging. 1988. The previous policy was that Another possibility to solve Western Maryland College, by any other name, would smell as Many of you, as students, ask of accepting both credits and this dilemma is similar to that of sweet So why play this name game again? "What does this have to do with grades. According to Dr. Richard the earlier policy. WMC could me? I am not a transfer student." Claycombe, Chairman of the accept all credits and grades, but Well, it doesn't affect you until Admissions and Standards Board, when determining the you go to receive your diploma "This solution was faulty. The cummulative GPA, credits and That is, when you see a first year grades that are transferred could be transfer student graduate with counted as only one half of those The Phoenix honors. Later, he explains to you earned at WMC. By taking only that when he left his previous " college. he had a 2.0 average. half of the credit-grade, it lowers the value of the quality points of When he came here all of his the GPA. Edltor-In-Chief Jonathan Slade grades were dropped. The only Copy Editor.... . Maryann Aada classes he had left to take were 18 The implementation of this Slacia Hemphill idea is simple because the only Sporta Editor... .. Cynthia Schaler credits in his major field and 12 thing that must be done is to add PhoIogr.phy Editor Bitl Mann elective credits. a few mathematical equations to BusInen MaMger C. Lloyd Hart UnfonuruueIy, there are not Production T~ , "Andr8W Raith the WMC computer system Reporting StalL .. Craig Cecil, Angela Coleman, Bill 100 many answers to this which does the grade point Dasclak, Adrian Gewdiak, Aoshlni problem, that Ican see. But there averaging. This solution is George, Kim MorrIs, Aobin Myere, are a few things we could do to policy keeps the quality of virtually costless and would Jason Plummer, Stacy Pucci. Leo help prevent the creation of 'false education here at WMC high only satisfy most concerned. The Ayan honor students." AdvItor Pamela Aegis The scenerio that I mentioned if the quality of the previous transfer student. gets his The PhoerIi1Ia • bitnonthly publication 01 Western Maryland is going be the result of schools are just as high. The appropriated GPA, and the four College. The opinions exp!'essed in columns and letters to to faculty of WMC decided that if a year WMC students are not the editor do not neceuariIy reflect ecee 01 the staff or WMC's current policy of diploma is going to be given out cheated by 'false honor students." administration. Edilorials ara the responsibility 01 the editor- accepting credits without grades here at WMC, then only the in-chief, and ara apprcwecI by the editorial board. The from eansfer students. Students Now is the time for all the PhoenIK rfIHMII the right 10 headline. and edit for length, grades that should be counted are students to fight for a policy clarity, tnd ~beIoos content. AN letters 10 the editor must be knowing of WMC's policy before those that were received here." change! Help me support a signed. Aulhorthlp wiH be WH'1Iied. they attend can arrange a schedule Addretl all mall 10: The Phoenix, Western Maryland Ms. Barbara Disharoon, change in this policy by writing a College, Westminster, MO 2t 157. at another school, pass with a 2.0 Registrar, agreed with letter to Dr. Richard Ctaycombe grade point average, come to Claycombe, adding, "The reason telling him your views on this WMC, have his GPA dropped, many students transfer to a four matter. ~I
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