Page 123 - ThePhoenix1986-87
P. 123
April 30, 1987lWestem Maryland CollegelPage 5 What would you ask in 60 seconds on campus? What are the socio- What does the plus Why does it smell Why don't fraternity I would ask seniors economic and geo- or minus attached to worse in the resi- members take their what improvements llke to they would service political ramifications your letter grade do dence halls after the community projects seriously in- leave the Class of of spam and other to your GPA? cleaning service stead of going fishing 'SS? » all-purpose meats? cleans? and napping on the job? Karen Rex Andreas Wood Adam Quinn Dave Swezey Rachel Shane Letter/ Wash editors 'set the facts straight' And Thank you, but we courses. which competes with theater. EdiIDr information. numbers and a about by many. It grew. longer edited, prefabricated medium enroll in some communicaitons no TM Phoe"u could As founding members of TN: baffling metaphor: "Let's all get FlI'St came Jon Slade's The Wash is then accused of already tried that and found it Wash team, we feel the time has on that train, just like a ignore it, vocuaoo~y ~g ~ extremely distastetul, remedial, attack, complete wilh the requisite come to set the facts straight courageous group of students did nauseating pun, on our Regis. We have heard that Pam and lacking in challenge. Tn. Wash was launched by twenty years ago. It's going to be "anonymity." This was followed herself admits everything we've We are not a "group of angry "an angry dramatic arts student" an exciting mp." Sorry, but we by Luc Levensohn's letter of printed concerning her actions was dramatic arts students." The fact (student ••singular), but soon had have a strange aversion to support (thanks, Luc) in the next true. Whether Regis is happy of the matter is that the theater the suPJK?l1of many individuals. boarding moving vehicles wilh issue. the trilogy was with her new position chairing attracts people majoring in a wide Our "feisty tittle newsletter" grew strangers at the wheel. And where completed Finally, Communications and Theater Arts spectrum of fields. We simply in the April 16 issue out of a need for .the were these swdents headed? by Maryann Rada and Carin or not, the fact is she accepted it, love what we do and are not communication (the magic word) Despite the intriguing Michel. who co-authored an It was up to her to show us that willing to let go of it without of infonnation. The metaphor. we attended the embarrassingly misinformed letter she was interested in our releasing our frustrations. We administration was planning meeting, and were told, in no to the editor. department and well-being. She can't tell you how much better it many major changes that would uncertain terms, that the school The letter calls The Wash could have done this in the span feels to express ourselves through affect approximately 175 students "can't support a department wilh "semi-objective." editors of a mere 95 minutes, by The Wash. It has been a true Don't (theater AND communications only three majors." We usually express opinions? Did we attending one of four catharsis. students), but no one was immediady extracted the not sign The Wash with the word performances of My Sister in this Our hopes for The Wash lie information packets Palmer had bothering to inform the students House, one of our two major in the future. We hope that of the imminent changes. Indeed. provided and pointed out that there Editor? The letter continues to undertakings this semester . Yet tomorrow's students will refuse to the administration refused to so were three music majors and three criticize and attempts to lead us she did not or could notfind the accept complacency and will act much as acknowledge that there religion majors. Palmer out of the darkness. The letter time to merely send her regrets. to make their views heard, were to be changes. Considering shrugged. It's ves:y reassuring to supports theater and video as This option would have taken her whether or not others want to ourselves investors in the know that the administration "compatible media" Stage drama approximately 95 seconds. Regis listen. The Wash was started by College. we felt that it was, and plays favorites with departments. is a time art, able to remain the is by no means the only guilty only one person, but is now is, our right to be informed early All of this happened before we same by upholding centuries of party. We failed to see strongly supported by on of any pending alterations to stopped to correct him: There are tradition, yet allowing for the Communications professors many. Was it worth it? The the curriculum. currently seven students majoring change, excitement, and vibrancy Dillman or Sapora in the answer is a zealous. emphatic We began our quest for in dramatic arL that can only be afforded by live audiences. While we don't take YES! Look at all the attention knowledge at the lOp of the heap, Next, Palmer pointed out performance. Video, film, and role at performances, we do ootice we have received. The cliche taking our ccncems and that there were no studems laking television are space arts, they are those liberal arts professors who needs a liule updating: The more grievances to Dean Palmer. For a minor in dramatic art When relatively new, allowing manage to attend our productions, passionate they are, the harder his convenience. we reluctantly we gave him the names of five preparation of a fixed and finished including Julie Badiee, Ira Zepp, they fight agreed to meet with him as a students who are, in fact, dramatic product, which can be viewed now Con Darcy. and Charles Neal group. As preparation for this art minors. Palmer replied that it as it will be forever. repetitive, among others. Nelson Spessard meeting. Palmer furnished each must have been computer error. static, and unchanging. Although Rada and Michel were so LaIlJ3 Green interested participant wilh a stack Thus, The Wash was born. certainly an art form, video is an thoughtful to suggest that we Josh Selzer of papers overflowing with Mcae im~dy, it was talked .. , ".
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