Page 9 - ThePhoenix1982-83
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October 7. 1982 Page 9 Eagles to appear at Alumni WMC goes 'Training' from _ 4 Jennifer Gill educated in London and Thomas, Bennett & Hunter, Inc., Westminster con- Is it possible for the human E.s.P. - Hypnosis moved to the U.S. in 1960. It mind to be uncovered, reveal- was while still in Africa at the tractors, transported the caboose to campus, installed a section of railroad siding near Scott S. Bair Stadium, and lng new dimensions and more field of E.S.P. and hypnosis. early ago of thirteen that Ea- secured the caboose to the siding, according to Lloyd B. bizaar possibilities than ever Eagles' thrilling "One Man gles first realized his sensitiv- Thomas, president of the firm and a trustee of the before? . Show" uses total audience ity with clairvoyance, college. Dr. John, Or. Clower, and Preston Yingling me! Gil Eagles. the world's fast- participation without confusion practicing with the local na- this- summer and decided upon the present location of est hypnotist and entertaining or collusion. This - dynamic tives. For over twelve years the caboose near the stadium, though several options psychic will att~mpt to prove showman- skillfully and taste- Eagles has been a serious that the mind has no limits in fully guides his audiences and avid exponent of hyp- were considered. As of now the caboose is not functional as a concession stand, but stands as a symbolic relic of a demonstration of his incre- through the amazing and fas- notherapy as. it applies to th~ our college's history -and will be a lasting addition to the dible abilities of E.S.P. and cinating possibilities of the medical and psychiatric pro- campus in the future. hypnosis. The entertainer-lec- mind. Names...numbers fessiD_9§. turer will exhibit his fantastic nermost thoughts...and. per- sonal questions are revealed talents at Western Maryland and answered, 'all those held Tryout workshops to be offered College's Alumni Hall on Wednesday, October 13. at 8 within strangers' minds - the p.m. minds of the audience."With The Carroll Players will initi- p.m., at the Carroll County eligible to 'attend any or all Eagles has baffled people speed and unsurpassed tim- ate a three-part workshop sQ!'- Arts Center. Musicals will tie segments. There is no on more than 300 college and ing, Gil Eagles unleashes his tes, beginning October 8, covered October 8 and 1S, charge. university campuses through- hypnotized subjects inhibi- covering various aspects of dramas on October 22 and To enroll, fill out and return out the United States and tions, resulting in a laugh- the audition process and how 29. and comedies on Novem- the form which will be in the \ county papers over the next Canada, as well as four other provoking, hilarious event. to prepare for a theatre pro- ber 5 and 12. will con- two weeks, or send your Each workshop duction tryout. continents. He has also ap- Good taste and respect for name, address, phone num- Experienced area directors peared on T.V. and in con- privacy and dignity. of his will conduct these workshops. clude with the opportunity to ber and the workshops you participate in a tryout. Work- cert, 'and has been acclaimed audience is always prevalent. All three segments will be shop groups are limited to 25 wish to attend to: Carroll Play- as America's foremost lec- Born and raised in Tangan- .turer and entertainer in the yika, East A.frica, Eagles was geared towards community persons (first come, first en- ers, P.O. Box 523, Westmin- rolled), with a minimum of 10. ster. Md., 21157. theater-type productions. Kreider recites at Levine held Friday evenings. 7 to 9 seniors to senior citizens, are Pat Poprycz at 848-3885. For further information, call These workshops from high school will be Adults, Tony Epstein company Kreider on "Con- The Music Department of certo in C Major" by playing Western Maryland College will the orchestra on a second present a piano recital by piano. David Kreider on Friday, Oc- David Krieder has earned a tober 8,at 8 p.m. in Levine B.Mus. and M.Mus from the Music Hall on the Western Peabody Conservatory of Mai'yland campus. Music, where he was a schol- The program wW include, arship student, Kreider also "Concerto In C Major, K.50S...· studied for a year in Vienna, by Mozart; three preludes, Austria, on a Fulbright schol- "Andin," "Sunicen Cathedral," arship. In addition to being on and "Fireworks," by Debussy; the piano faculty at Western and "Andante Spianato" and Maryland. Kreider teaches "Grande Polonaise Brilliante," piano and music at Towson by Chopin. Or. Arlene Hegge- State and Essex Community meier, professor of music at Colleges. Western Maryland, will ac- Third art film runs Weds. Laura Cole Christo. The Western Maryland Col- "Gene Davis" examines the lege art department offers its work of painter Gene Davis, third evening of films with the whose stripe paintings empha- showing of "Christo's Valley size color and space. Curtain," "Gene Davis" and In "Jackson Pollock" a con- "Jackson Pollock" on temporary American painter Wednesday, October 13. at 8 describes the ideas and tech- p.m. in Memorial Hall. room niques that have made his 106. "action painting" a storm cen- "Christo's Valley Curtain" is ter of controversy. a film record of the creation of The show lasts one hour the diaphanous orange-cur- and the public is invited to tain that was suspended attend free of charge. For across Rifle Gap, Colorado. in further information, contact 1972 by the Bulgarian artist Julie Badiee at ext. 598. Alumni art at Gallery One the best that life has fa offer. And for classic to the contemporary. And You're ready! For the biggest and choose the ring and custom options the college ring that will speak vol- that most eloquently express you. Laura Cole Wi!liam A Griffith '70 and umes about you-and your achieve- Now is your time to get what you The Westem Maryland CoI- Steve Haje '74. Photography ments-for years to come. deserve. And remember-nothing lege art department an- extlibits will be displayed by What's more-you can afford it! else leels like real gold. nounces the opening of the alumni Chris Spencer '71 and Because now, for a limited time you Alumni Art Show on October Carol Yeager '65. Other fea- can order from the entire ArtCarved 5, in Gallery One of the Fine tured alumni artists include collection of 14K gold college rings Arts Building. Linda Van Hart '68, John C. and save $25. Come and see the The snow..a popular annual Harbold'74 and Kandyce Miz- exquisitely crafted styles-from the event, will reftect the variety of ell Douglas '72. talents and i9terests at the Oct. 11 & 12 Bookstore Lobby _ college's alumni. Participating A "Best of the Show" award alur~lO~ paint~r~. include ~II be presented at a r~ep-_ I; ".~~\:~.9~:~Of_:~~-:R:l"':":",.~4:,30-:p:-m~. ,~}<~:~)<'i'I;>j'::~" ::,..,u~~~~~M;;'~i~,"'rn,~~~6J:_··tldtJ:i?~.'~~~l' ~.'•.):-', MasterCard or Visa Accepted. ~ 1982ArtCarved Class Inc Deposit Required \ .... ~~~~ ..U\}_..9::.~i~_"!:. S~~/59, __~~~.r~~n9~~_~~,~~il.s?~t.22. i
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