Page 10 - ThePhoenix1982-83
P. 10
Page 10 October 7, 1982 Royalty brings hopes of new goals to WMC Brian Kemfage esrec her. Not until her junior degree in Psychol99Y. During workshops and group ses- A new addition has taken year of studies at Towson place in the Student Affairs State University did Ms. Roy- her graduate studies at the' sions as possible. Basically Ms. Royalty recog- University of Maryland Ms. Office. In June, while many alty finally make her decision Royalty worked at the Coun- nizes that stl~ has three students were hopefully en- to go into the para-protes- seling Center where she' goals; facilitating the psy- joying their summer break, sional field of counseling. This counseled clients. Ms. Royalty chological, educational and Ms. Georgia Royalty took over decision was made with the is now in the process of social growth of the students the position of director of help of a clinical psychologist eaming her doctoral degree, and faculty. She hopes to counseling and careers. The who became her mentor. pending the completion of the reach such a goal by giving position, which was left va- Ms. Royalty comes with the last chapter of her disserta- personal counseling as well cant by the promotion of Dr. qualification of a professional. tion this fall. as career, couples and possi- Jeanne Higbee to associate During her undergraduate . After Ms. Royalty·took over bly family counseling. Thus, dean 1of.student affairs, is now_years at Towson State she . the position as director' of by using her counseling skills, filled WIth. another g~ per- embarked on a career in the counseling and careers she workshops, and group ses- son who IS.well. qualified and para-professional world of found that "Jeanne Higbee sions Ms. RoyaltY looks for- has g~ls In mind. counseling. Before graduating has done a good job getting ward to a prosperous year. As with many people who from Towson State in 1977 the office to resemble what a Ms. Royalty brings to this dSCi.deon going into a pro- and eaming her B.S. in psy- Counseling service should college professional counsel- tessl~al field the decision ~o chology, Ms. Royalty worked her training she two be." Like Dr. Higbee did last ing with a -personat touch. do so ISusually made early In at the Brotherhood' of Man years as a para-professional year, Ms. Royalty is finding She will obviously be an asset one's academic career as an now known as the Baltimore counselor. out this year; it is difficult to to the Student Affairs office undergr~duate stud.ent. Ms. Community and Resource Her pursuit of a higher edu- expand with only one person and to the student body as Royalty IS n~ exce_Ptlo~.H.ow- Center. Her job as an under- cation to a doctoral level was to run all of the activities for ever, she did decide In hlqh- graduate entailed six months accomplished at the Unlver- the office. "especetlly when welt. We on The Phoenix Staff welcome Ms. Royalty to West- school that the field of group of training in communication slty of Maryland where In you find you have more Ideas ern Maryland College in the therapy an~. counseling inter- and counseling skills. After 1979 she earned her Master's) everyday" However, she Will hope that.she will achieve her try and run as_many of the goals Terrors looking for a swing \ 'aIde bard comes to WMC 1 In gridiron fortunes Kate Altman ickness, Rosalind puts Or- The National Shakespeare I Jack, but the extra point kick son). Company, with the sponsor- lando's love to the test. She also finds she has attracted a was no good. Ursinus scored The defense played well ship of WMC CAP Board, will country lass, Phoebe, adored the team with four intercep- on two field goals as the but once again was extremely present the hilarious Shake- by Silvlous, and uses the AS comedy, overworked. No defense can YOU I nons last year, and also re- Terror defense got tough ...... be on the field over 75 per- speare IT on Tuesday, October opportunity to make some turns punts and kick-effs. The when necessary. LfKE pointed statements on love. wea\<.side cornerback job has Both sides missed chances cent of the time and not make 19, in Alumni Hall at 8 p.m. In the meantime, when he is been shared by Todd Rowe at scoring points that could any mistakes. One bright spot The Company has toured down the natives, and Tom Flaherty. 80th saw have won the game when was Rick Conner's intercep- from coast to coast "bringing not puttlnq Touschstone is off chasing action last year and hope to eacn team missed field goals. lion in the second half on Bard" to almost every nook the milkmaid, Audrey. Rosal- ~ do very wen this year. Pat Luee also came through which he made a fantastic and cranny of the United ind's father, and his followers, return, only to have it called The outlook for the season for the Terrors and blocked States, and this year cele- of the with the exception looked - very good a few an almost sure field goal so back because of a penalty. brates its twentieth anniver- ascerbic Jaques, are enjoying weeks ago. The offensive line that Western Maryland could The Terrors not only had a sary season. life in the forest far more than was returning; the backs and salvage a tie. tough opponent in Gettys- "One of Shakespeare's fa- life at court, learning how to receivers all had experience JUNIATA 14 WMC 3 burg, but they also had a vorite comedies, AS YOU lead fuller, richer lives at from last year, except at Juniata again posed a prob- tough opponent in the offi- LIKE IT is a romantic romp nature's bosom. quarterback, where Paul Wal- lem for the Terrors. Although ctars. The play of the officials that extolls the virtues of life In the end} everyone finds lin, the owner of a rifle arm, the offense had a better day dominated the third Quarter close to nature and pokes fun each other, including the two would finally figure to start. than the previous week and altered a game 'that at the excesses caused by evil brothers who, having re- The offense looked very against Ursinus, the only should and would have been 'overcivilization.' pented of their sins against strong. . score WMC could come up a lot closer. their kin, also resort to the The defense seemed ques- with was a Rich Johnson field F & M WMC Forest of Arden. All sides tionable. The important ques- goal. The defense was tough What will homecoming have come together and celebrate tlcn was whether people except for a few lapses, and in store for the Green Terrors? the mass marriage of Rosal- coulo adjust and play to the they came through to hold the It should be an interesting ind to Orlando, Celia to same caliber as those who visitors to only two touch- game and hopefully more en- Oliver, Touchstone to Audrey were lost to graduation. For- downs. Although they lost, the tertainlnq than previous home and Phoebe to Silvius." (syn- tunately, except for a few Green Terrors gave a better games this year. If the offense opsis from National Shake- lapses, the defense has at- showing than they did against can get their act together and Central to the plot is the speare literature). most played up to the caliber Ursinus. play the way they are capable love story of Rosalind and For those fanatics craving a of last year. The only problem GEnYSBURG 34 WMC 3 of playing, WMC may come Orlando and their separate double dose of Shakespeare, so far is that they are on the Once again the only score away with a victory. But the tales of exile. Her father's The Company will be running field for a majority of tne Western Maryland could man- offense must develop a game dukedom usured by her a full dress rehearsal of King game. They have forced turn- age was a Rich Johnson field plan, They have to run plays uncle, Rosalind is banished Lear, one of the great Shak- overs, but the offense has not goal. After Mark Jordan re- which will set up other plays, from the court and flees, espearean tragedies. The re- been able to capitalize on covered a fumble on the so that they can sustain disguised as a boy with her hearsal will be held in Alumni these. Even though they are Gettysburg 13 yard line, the drives and keep the defense cousin Celia and Touchstone, Hall and is open to the col- an experienced offense, they offense ran three unsuccess- off the field. The defense is the court jester, into the For- lege community, free of do not seem. to have the ful times up the middle and good, but must have more est at Arden where, unknown charge. .discfpfine to set up plays and had to settle for a field goal. time off the field (to rest) in to her, her father has taken Tickets for the evening per- eventually start -running the The offense mustered one order to play like the record up exile. In the forest she formance of AS YOU LIKE IT variations off the basic play. good drive in the second half. setting defense that it is finds many messages of love are $1.00 for students, tac- In fact, at times it seems that Ray Evans used Bob DeBeer, known to be. to herself in a bad verse hung ulty, and staff, and will go on the plays that are called are Dan Fielder and Rich John- F & M will be looking for on trees from the lovesick sale at Decker Information simply drawn from a hat. son, to drive the Terrors 60 revenge from last year. It was Orlando, for whom she also Desk beginning Thursday, WIIC 6 URSINUS 6 yards before they were finally one year ago -that Rich John- pines. Orlando, also in exile, October 7th. Please set aside The first game was an ex- stopped. Just as in the last son's last minute field goal has run from his elder some time in your schedule i treme let-down for Westem two games, tumovers were gave WMC a 15 to 14 victory. brother, Oliver, who has plot- and plan to attend The Na- the downfall of the Terrors. In ted to kill him because he is It should be a tough contest, Maryland. It marks the first Shakespeare Com- tional pany's performance ot AS .', ~~e ~t ~f>eCX:in'Ursf~~.W~ ~~~k~ ~::e~hr!~ i1u~~;:~=._,g~y~u:r~t~ir M~~~~I,. ~~~ l~~u:ngf~a~~t~~~. g,OO~ YOUpKE IT It is guaranteed Terrors only score came on a ~eptions. (the record is 24 T~rr,?rsc~uld finally be on the L MaSqUerading. as a -boy to be a truly exciting event, run~by' freshman -Wsyne -PoI- - --interceptions'In' a· slfl9le· sea---.~winning. en of the score.' ... ''"Y_{ho XP.PY!<§. ~,.~Q. .qL!r!3)9Y!3~: wf)ich should. not b;e- miss~9.~