Page 4 - ThePhoenix1982-83
P. 4
Page 4 October 7, 1982 . State gives the OK to new WMC major Fidy Kuo proposal for the major and Owings Mills. Md. offer the It's official, As of July, gave its .approvat for that reason Blackburn dis- pie's lives," she commented. WMC's newly designed With the curriculum de- student a chance to improve carded his history major and "but public relations is more Proper dress, themselves. Studies in Communications signed and the planned for proper conduct, and proper Wolf her social-work studies. positive." , received approval by the introduction of new courses in responsbility are the require- However, Wolf admitted that As of now, faculty advisor State Board of Higher Educa- the spring of 83, all that ments of the 110 hours that her plans for a career as a Palmer is, "very pleased." tion. Subsequently, the new remains is a "refining" public relations agent is more_ with the way the Studies have fe courses offered by the process. What faculty advisor' compromise each single in- suited to her personality. "So- turned out. 40 students are or ternship. studies will enable WMC stu- Dr. Melvin Palmer means by cial work deals with more of are expressing a wish to be Required studies in techni- dents to prepare for careers this is to "make the cqmmunl- cal production acquaint the the nega.tive asp_ects·of peo- included in the program. in the~ communications field. cations studies more accessi- student in the correct use of These may include publlc re- ble to students." The creation expensive equipment. Ad lations, marketing assistance, of dual-majors around' the c~mpaigning helps in the de- Caboose augments Hoffa news coverage. and television studies will accomplish. velopment of a rapport with production. The dual-major enables a the public. In the past. students pre- student. to concentrate their The final hoped for resut: is from JIOlIe 1 pared themselves for the own studies in one area, but a student who can under- development. played instrumental roles in 'acquiring the communictions field by self- also have enough communi- caboose. While working on this project through many designing their own majors. cations courses to be pre- stand and can fulfill the es- correspondences with the Chessie System Schaefer, in sential purpose of agencies of The self-designed curriculums pared for media-related would include what communi- careers. Such a dual-major the media-perfect quality of retrospect, said, "Mr. Ridenour was the only one wnc took communication. . cations related courses were has already been created for me seriously" and he provided moral suport to continue While the Studies are quite available at the time. These dramatic art students. Other technical in nature, Palmer in the face of major financial obstacles. In addition to encouraging the project, Mr. Ridenour included journalism, speech, such majors are now under feels that they should not lose was involved in correspondence with the Chessie System design and production of planning or consideration. the advantages of a liberal non-print media, and so on. According to the Studies in arts institution, such as WMC which included a key contact in the project with Alonzo G. Oekcer Jr., the Chairman of the Executive Committee As student interest grew Communication Handbook, is. along with a national trend the major intention to the of Black and Decker Manufacturing Co. and a member of "This is why," he said, "the toward the communications program is that the student word 'Studies in Communlca- the Board of Directors for the Chessie System. Alonzo G. field as an academic study. achieves mastery of just that - tions' is preferred over the Decker Jr., whose mother Decker College Center is named after, encoOraged favorable action for the Chesste the WMC faculty began the communication. "Rigorous use of the term 'Communica- development of a regular study," according. to student tions Major'." According to Systems gift committee to donate financial assistance for the total cost of the project including installation of the major. Assisting in its formula- Scott Blackburn, in courses tion was an ad hoc committee like Joumalism 203 and Tuto- the Student Handbook, the caboose. Milton DOlinger, Assistant Vice President of the Chessie System Railroad, implemented this action by Studies emphasize the philo- of faculty advisors. the under- rials in Composition are a pushing the project through the Chessie System hierarcy. graduate curriculum commit- means to that objective. sophical, psychological, and Thus. through the combined efforts of many people and political aspects of the media. tee, and a consultant from _ The two required internshios Juniors Scott Blackburn and the generosity of the Chessie System, which included not Muhlenberg College in Penn- at various agenCies of the Ellen Wolf both believe in the sylvania. Sometime in July, media, such- as the NBC increased prospect of job op- only the caboose, but also shipping costs estimated at $10,000, the caboose arrived on campus early in August the State Board of .Higher station in D.C.• Oceana mag- portunity for those studying this past summer. continued to page 9 Education reviewed a detailed azine, or the PBS station in communications skills. It wa YOUR GIRLFRIEND WEARS ARMY BOOTS. If she's a member of Army ROTC, that's a real compliment. Because she knows mar ROTC offers the same opportunities for young women as it does men. In ROTC, she11 have me chance to develop leadership skills and earn . money at the same time. ARMY ROTC. After graduation, she 11 become an officer in the BEALL YOU CAN BE. Army, where she'll get the kind of experience em- ployers value. If your girlfriend wears Army boots. she has a head start on an exciting career after college -- For more information, contact your Professor of Military Science. 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