Page 13 - ThePhoenix1982-83
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coming , '82 The Phoenix Western Volume II, Number 2 Task force seeks innovations for the 80's committee ~and the .attraction and more vigorous training service and recommenCl It serves to provide curricu- and retent'~n comm.,ttee.. programs for the. security changes. It is also recom- lum that is current and in Why did you come to The curnculum Innovation force have been imple- demand, to improve the qual- WMC? Was it the courses com.mittee works to update mented. In response to com- mended that college activities ity of campus life, to increase be spread over more week- offered? the student lifa? or curriculum and to meet cur- plaints about the food, a food ends. the number of applicants for just the atmosphere? These rent course demands. New service consultant will be Dr. Griswold believes the admission, and to keep West- BTe the things the marketing maiors, such as business ad- coming to WMC to conduct a marketing task force will have ern Maryland College thriving task force is concerned with. ministration and communica- study of all aspects of food beneficial long range effects. through the 1980's. The task force, headed by Dr. tion are evolving and minor Muller. is an administrative ~~sCO~~ittt;.:i"i~ .j~~!~:Chandler House renamed Smith and Mrs. Joyce Eart Griswold committee designed to study lng out departmental reviews and recommend improve- to test the effectiveness of the It is now official! The resi- . But the matter was handled to those people who showed ments to various aspects of courses offered. dence which has been known very poorly because the displeasure in the handling of life at Western Maryland. The marketing education as the Chandler House for name change took place to- the matter, and then he an- Formed during the summer committee is responsible for many years will now be wards the end of the 1981- nounced that he would wait of '98', the purpose of the the suggestion box near the known as the Smith House. 1982 school year, and the until September' 982 to make task force is to cope with cafeteria in Decker Center. This will be the second time residents of the House were the change of the building's what Dr. Griswold calls "the The suggestion box has been not notified of the name name Chandler House to slope of the 80's.!' Recent highly successful; with 20 ~h~i~gU~I~.in8ri~f~a~:,dt~t:~~~~ change until later. College Smith House official. years have shown a decline in suggestions being imple- ing was used as a house for president Dr. John apologized small college enrollment; a mented so far and 20 more students involved in foreign trend that is expected to under consideration. The language studies and was Yearbook slips abandon continue into the next dec- committee also carries out known as the French House. ade. For a private college to training Sessions for employ- But after a few years, the The 1983 Westem Maryland library." survive, full enrollment is es- ees. house was changed from a College yearbook got off to a To remedy the problem of sential. The task force's goal The marketing segmentation foreign langiJage house to a late and shaky start last week, student nonparticipation, Car- is to develop a marketing committee studies market residence hall for the college as the Student Publications los is asking the fraternities, concept to make the school areas and determines areas students. Board selected the new year- sororities, and various other more attractive to prospective and groups of people not When it became a resi- -oook editor after almost de- clubs and societies to offer students, as well as to retain being drawn from. The com- dence hall, the college named ciding to scrap the project their help and their ideas. He those already enrolled. To- mittee also conducts surveys the house the Chandler altogether. also wants any pictures taken ward Ihis end, the marketing of alumni to determine possi- House for Douglas Chandler, The board advertised for by individuals at various club task force is continually re- ble changes to be made in a former professor of religious and editor last April, but re- functions to be submitted to viewing curriculum and mak- curriculum and campus life. studies at WMC. It was origi- ceived no applications for the the yearbook if the club de- ing improvements in the The attraction and retention nally thought that Professor postion. Another appeal in sire it. quality of campus life. The committee works to improve Chandler and his wife had September brought onty four Other members of the staff task' force consists of four campus life and aid in admis- lived in that house while he responses, from which they include Julie Morris, the busi- committees: the curriculum in- sions. As the result of student was teaching at the Westmin- chose Carlos Ortega, a soph- ness manager, and Chris Be- novation committee, the mar- surveys and suggestions sev- ster Theological-Seminary. omore, for yearbook editor. yers, the writing editor. Carlos keting education committee, eral changes have been But it was later discovered The general lack of partici- is now looking for photogra- the marketing segmentation made. More lights on campus that it was actually House pation in producing a year- phers, page-layout people, #127 on Pennsylvania Ave- book is nothing new. Interest writers, proofreaders and typ- S.G.A. NEWSUNE nue and not the Chandler has been gradually diminish- ists, and anyone else who Etectlon Committee: House that was named after ing here and at other col- wants to help. Especially Disciplinary Hearing Board - Pete Spartin, Kelly them. leges. "This situation has wanted are freshmen, who Wolf and Patti Jones. When this mistake was dis- been brewing for three of four can carry on the yearbook Honor Board - Election: Tuesday, October 12, covered, many people. in- years,"says Dr. Keith Rich- over the next few years. 1982. Candidates: Julie Palazzi and Diane Culver. cluding science professor wine, chairman of the Student The work itself provides in- Social Committee: William David, complained Publications Board. " What valuable experience in re- Open Mixer - Place: Forum. Band: Patch. Co- about the situation and de- you see is a pattern of grow- sponsibility and organization, sponsor: Phi Sigma Sigma. Admission: $1.00. manded support that the .....-ing apathy ..... No one is especially for those students Hou.lng Committee: building's name be changed. willing to take on the work- majoring in economics, busi- Co-ed Housing Forum - Date: Tuesday, October Therefore, in March 1982, the load." ness administration, commu- '9, 1982. TIme: 6:30 p.m. Place: McDaniel Lounge. name was changed from " I don't think (the students) nication, art and English. Topic: Discussion of co-ed housing in the main college Chandler House to Smith realize that the yearbook is as Anyone who wants to help I dormitories next year. House. It was called Smith important historical document or to submit ideas or pictures can come to the yearbook that is used for years and Homecoming Committee: House to pay tribute to John Thanks for a successful Homecoming '9821 Smith, the first chairman of years," he added. " The col. office, located in the publica- Next MeetIng: October, 20, 1982 at 8:30 p.m. the board of trustees for "lecuon of yearbooks is the tions room in the basement of L_M_CD_a_"_ie_1_Lo_U_".:.ge_. ....J _WMC. most used reference in the Rouzer.