Page 9 - ThePhoenix1981-82
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lhe Phoenlx Ihursdav, September 24, 1981 Western Maryland College Volume I, Number 2 Mapes a hypnotizing man Dan Trollinger In 1970.-he studied hypnosis in Hypnotist James J. Mapes. making nate the fear and misunderstanding Europe and integrated his showman- his third appearance at Western and prove that hypnosis is a powerful ship with hypnosis into an entertain- Maryland, College since 1977. will tool that can harness the potential of ing slage show that earned Mapes perform here on Thursday, Sept. 24 the human mind and change pee- distinction as "Campus Entertainer of at 8:00 P.M. in Alumni Hall. The show ple's hves." the Year" in 1978 "PSI," which 'takes its name from the Mapes' lifelong fascination with In addition to entertaining, James J word referring 10 unexplained or par- hypnosis began at California State Mapes is Director of the New York anormal phenomenon, explores hyp- UniversitylNorthridge where he 'lost Hypnosis Center in Manhattan where nosis through demonstration, 96lbs. and.stccceo smoking "_"'iththe as therapy. He imagination, and audience participa- help of a hypnotist. He graduated he practices hypnosis is also the founder of Positive Sell- tion. there with a M.A.- in Theater and Image Training, a program that "Besides providing entertainment," subsequently has appeared in televi- Mapes explains, "1 want the show to sion shows like Star Trek, Bonanza, ~:~:e~a~~~ i:y~:~I;'m:~: tn:~I~i~~; James J Mapes destroy the myths that surround hyp- and Gunsmoke as well as numerous Publicity nosis. Through 'PSI' I want to elimi- soap operas and commercials. ~:y~~~ti~~t~~~i~:~gSh:n~:~~:~~~o Mapes retums for intriguing evening Cadets take 'Leap test' plunge Airborne School at Fort Benning, GA little worried. None of them had ever times. The Leapfest. was won by a Canada train its women to do the Rather than soaking up rays and "It was a remarkable feat," according jumped out of a Huey helicopter and team from the Pennsylvania National same, Michael Price's summation of Guard. but "The ROTC Team" did his personal experience said it for all the small drop zone was bounded by beer with summer's last lemmings. to CPT Don Schenk, a WMC cadre the cadets. "It was scary at first three WMC students chose to reverse officer. "Considering that none of the every hazard dreaded by the para- well Not one of the cadets was disap- because il was only my sixth jump trooper _ trees, a river, buildings, and . course and spend their Labor Day cadets had more than six jumps we power lines. SFC Gary Baura, also a pointed, as everyone got at least two and there are obvious dangers in weekend parachuting from an Army were primarily concerned that they all WMC cadre member and the jump- jumps and some three. The Canaol- -parachuting. But I had confidence in helicopter in the mountains 01 West landed safely on the drop zone rather master, reported on the cadets' per- ans were surprised to meet the lady my training and equipment and il Virginia. The event was the Fourth than making a good score," he said tormerce. "11 was important that none parachutists. Sheri Bullard of WMC turned out to be a fantastic Labor Annual Pierce Memorial Leapfest When a team member reached the , of the jumpers hesitated as I only had and Carole Znamirowski of Loyola Day holiday." sponsored by the West Virginia Na- ground he was timed until he about five seconds to get them out of and vowed that it was high time that tional Guard's Special Forces Section stepped on the target. The closer to the aircraft. The drop zone and the at Camp Dawson, West Virginia the target he landed,then the less longer would mean someone might Rouzer coeds Sixteen teams competed including time it usually took to reach it and target were so small that to take any Canadian paratroopers and Army Na- stop his time. The military parachute tional Guardsmen from West Virginia, all the teams were required to use miss. But they all stayed alert, kept their eyes on me, and when I pointed Pennsylvania, Maryland. and arcoe was not hight)"maneuverableskydiving and said "Go" they went out every settle in Island. equipment so times varied from Sheri Bullard, Dan Myers, and Mi- seven seconds to five minutes, Indi- time," Thanks to careful jumpmaster- chael Price, Army ROTC cadets at vidual times were averaged for a ing by SFC Baura and MSG Robert Mollie kingl Shawn Warner She did point out that she felt it was WMC, joined by three cadets from team time and after each team had Clark from Loyola, and expert piloting Women in Rouzer? So what's new? not the administration's fault and Loyola dubbed themselves "The Jumped three times the team with the of their canopies by the WMC cadets Only now they are there to do more added that work orders had been ROTC Team" and entered the event lowest total time was the winner not only did they hit the drop zone than check out the guys' stereo placed by Dean Laidlaw, Male resi- All were graduates of the Army All the cadets admitted they were a • but also tumed in very ,competitive systems: they are there to live! As a dents of Rouzer. some of whom had result of last year's decision to create not heard that renovations were to be more housing for the ever increasing made. seemed nonplussed about the number of incoming female students situation. But as Gary Forte, a fresh- to WMC. there are now women living man on Rouzer first, pointed oct, "I've on one side of the first floor of Rouzer heard they (the women) don't feel it's Hall private enough over mere." Scandalous, you say? Just a pass- According to Elizabeth Laidlaw, as- ing phase at WMC? The students and sociate dean of student affairs, some administrators interviewed had vary- of the expected renovations wilt not ing answers to these and other lake place. such as placing curtains questions, According to those directly between the shower heads lor involved in the new co-ed living at greater privacy in the women's Rouzer, "II's no big deal," Students shower room, In addition, Wray Mow- and administrators did, however. bray, dean of student affairs. stated have some definite views on renova- that there are no plans 10 erect a tion, day to day living, problems. and permanent door off the center en- the future of co-ed living at WMC. trance in order to close off the sides One area discussed by the new and provide more privacy for the occupants of Rouzer was that of women renovation. Many women expected Dean Mowbray did stress that he is the construction of permanent doors open to suggestions and would seri- to close off the shower room and the ously consider any comments made addition of shower curtains between about the situation. "rve had no the shower heads to take place over complaints," he maintained. The sub- the summer. When Rouzer residents ject of renovation is a topic thta is Megan Davis and freshman Beth being discussed by the female occu- Chapman found the renovations in- pants of Rouzer and the administra- complete, they were not upset but tion alike. and by no means is the did feel that things would be handled case closed at this time. However, in due lime. However, Mary Kaye there is more being discussed in McDonald. Resident Assistant tor the Rouzer other than permanent doors entire first floor of Rouzer, was slightly and shower curtains WMC ROTC cadets and Army Reservists make themselves comfortable annoyed that renovations had not before taking off for Operation "Green Terror" last May. been completed on schedule continued to page 3
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