Page 65 - Scrimshaw1978-79
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No Great Expectations for the Pub? Ron Jones need to be installed, certain areas still require painting, and cabinet While the Pub may open 'during the month of April, Preston work is unfinished. Yingling, director of Physical The Administration. a Plant and Purchasing, warned representative from the college community members not mechanical engineers. the Campus to have great expectations. . Center architect. and the ("011- tractor Charles J. Frank held a John M. Seney. the sub- meeting and discussed how to contractor hired to install Pub approach the building problems equipment, planned to have all the February 23. At the meettng. the necessary items and equipment on contractors said thev would return college property by February 28. to the college and t~y to complete Unfortunately, said Yingling, the uie consuucnon contractor failed to receive the equipment on this date. "It's really Also. a factory reprcscntauve. a frustrating I don't know when contractor representative, and he's (Seney) going to get it all Yingling inspected the Campus (equipment)." Center February 27. They found (among others) the toilet in- Seney contractors are still stanauons leaking; therefore, the waiting for ovens, food display contractor plans to implement 79.80 S~A Budget Fixed; counters, a number of beverage and repairs. may noted Yingling, con- the warming dispensers. However, units. college seek another other items Even if the Seney contractors. tractor if delays continue, but such Reallotment of Funds had received 28 the these Pub supplies on action is 'considered a last resort February probably, due to legal problems which would would completed after until not have spring been "vacation. ensue. Jim Wellman The final 1979-1980 Budget SocialCommittet' remarked Yingling . Our (Administration) hands The SGA opened their 1979-1980 passed as follows: {_'oncerls: Basically, the general contractor are sort-of tied." he said. "But the building going to finish we're Budget meeting, Wednesday night {'tassell iaorr-campus esasu $3000 _ (Charles J. Frank Incorporated) one way or another ... we're at that February 28, with a tentative Freshman $150 2 on-campus@$2ooo $4000 finished work on the Pub, which point. budget of $33,743. The SGA_hasn't Sophomore $150 Films included plumbing and electrical -tt's frustrating to see day after received any additional funds this Junior ,1000 '3 Films (package)@$39 $350 installations. The hold-up is day nothing done there." continued year, so they have had to Senior '150 8 Films (regular) @$100 $800 presently due to the late arrival of Yingling. "You're told the workers reallocate funds where requested Clubs 311dOrg:anizatiuns· Extra allocation $300 Pub equipment A motion 10 allocate $1000 to the Black Student Union $575 ,\·U\"f'''.\· However, the general con- will get to it (construction) in a ~ew radiostation was proposed. Part of CirdeK . $250 a acts estsc struction deadline. is around a year days - a few days pass and nothing this money will be used as a base writersUnion $250 $1500 and a half behind schedule and isdone. 0' for future fund raisers. The motion Radio Station '1000 aecu eesoc "it's just frustrating to be so far "I think we've been taken ad- proposed to eliminate one on- Publications {'urr('t'lI"u~('Enlrrlainmt'nt behind." commented Yingling vantage of to a certain extent by campus concert (@$2ooo) and Yearbook ,6500 20 weekends in the Pub@$60 the contractor ... irs getting-to the distribute $1000 to the radio Scrimshaw ,6500 $1200 Furthermore. various other point where we (administration) station; $700 to the Yearbook. and Contrast '10lI0 to Coffee uouses estoo $1000 items need 'to be completed in .t~e don't know where to go (for the remaining $300 to the social SGA .'·Ii.,,(>r~ Campus Center; loaks.extst in the :uli;isl.:l1''''''). __ committee for films. The Year- Homecoming- $175 s mlxers esrso $1350 dining porch and elsewhere. treads COnsidering the situation as a book requested the increase Publicity '100 9mixers@$200 $1800 for steps have to be finished, and whole. Yingling hopes future because lei deficit was left to them Copying $100 ~lud(>ntW"rkrr $230 certain bathrooms are in need of construction will go faster and this year and these extra funds are Telephone $100 TOTAL BUDGET $33.743 repair. smoother. but all told, "the whole needed to improve next year's Stamps $13 .s'These are the only clubs that Also. a punch list for the Campus business has (so far! been a l Yearbook. the motion passed. deal 01 Office Supplies $200 requested funds Center construction shows locks nightmare" a good After debate. Tuition Increase Spring Concert Different Expected Yearly Mary Cole Hall April 13 as spring semester's can advertise least and 40 concert and interested at have rate oJ"inflation. The Social Committee has on-campus concert. Tickets are $2 students, shows are frequently sold Jenifer Ulrey A long range plan is drawn up changed its Concert Series format in advance. $3 at the door for 0", The Administration recently concerning tuition for every school this spring. Instead of having only students; for off-campus. the cost The change in format, besides announced a $400 increase in year, several years in advance. one big concert during second of $4 offering a wider variety of music to tuition, room and board, making This predicts the rate of inflation semester, the committee is The Committee plans to ad- students, will be less costly to the the total cost of a year's education yearly and projected costs for t~at presenting one big on-campus vertise certain off-campus con- SGA. With $2.000 allotted, the here in 1979-80 $5,025. The growing year, and the Administration concert and is also arranging for certs which will give a discount to committee spent $1,750 on Tom inflation rate is effecting tuition arrives at a figure for tuition, room off-campus concerts in t?e groups of 40. The discount to a Chapin. Jeff said the Comrrunee increases even though, as Mr. Phi] and board DC/Baltimore area. Jeff Robin- group is approximately' 40% and if 'expected to get $1.250 back with Schaeffer, WMC treasurer, says, The long range tuition plan made son, Chairman for the Committee, there is enough student interest advertising on and off campus for '
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