Page 102 - Scrimshaw1978-79
P. 102
'SCRIMSHAW Letters to the Editor Are New Honors Administrative Policies Requirements Fair? Challenged Ladies and Gentlemen, honors requirements change, or smacks of Hitierism, particularly Any~ne with their ears open around campus knows that As the year ends, the seniors look "the overload charge, and the ban to older people. Don't bother there is one subject about which almost every onehas back, and we find that expression on section parties. It is claimed taking your problems elsewhere; it people is to various It is particularly something to say. And that subject is the new Dean's List of our thanks I would first like to that WMC was told of the rule of will not help. this year as a senior, in the Forum. frustrating When appropriate. only parties and General Honors requirements that are to take effect thank the Office of Student Affairs was this? In 1973, when the present doing well and not likely to trans- this coming fall, What are people saying? Why is a new set for its general harassment, par- students were in high school, and fer, to be set against a brick wall of standards necessary? Why now? It's not fair to include ticularly from Dean Laidlaw, but as a wild, unsubstantiated rumor in my only chance of finishing juniors in the new standards. When did they announce it? also Dean Mowbray, and the last year. I'd also like to know college. Rather odd in that WMC Who approved it? Secretary room Helen Haines. She lost I whose idea the Forum was in the wants more academically inclined but is unwilling to sup- my assignment when first place: r hope it wasn't students, that of The answer to some of these questions are that the new arrived as a freshman. The a student. port them. standards were approved by the faculty, who apparently Associate Dean, in her infinite A hearty thanks to Financial Aid A final thanks to certain believe that either we're getting smarter or they're being wisdom chose to move myself and as well, and their bumbling friends secretaries that have no con- too lenlent., but that something had to be done quickly. But my roommate around A-section in Princeton, who are in the habit sideration for students or knowledge jobs, telling Scrimshaw wonders if it was too quickly? The motion was MacLea without She again us during of losing my aid forms. I have not While there of their some or both. shining enjoyed being a patsy' in the "bait lost my the summer. are passed at the April faculty meeting. The chief reason given room assignment last year. which and switch" game, in which a good exceptions to this, let those of you was what they've termed "grade inflation." This means was on the desk in front of her. No offer of aid is given to the fresh- in the Registar's Office and second that grades are going up and we aren't working as hard for apology was offered for these man and reduced in following floor Memorial be hereby con- them. incidents, requiring me to waste years. Transfer is not attractive, demned. For those in the The majority of the students who know what's going on my time correcting=her mistakes. as many schools have less bookstore, second and third floor and to than for with the new standard have found out from friends and Also last year, the screen to my financial aid for transfers Particular Lewis (past and present), keep up the from freshmen. incoming room was torn when I arrived some administrators, classmates. Very few students know for sure exactly what summer vacation. Calls to have it thanks go to Ms. Wittwer for her good work, and a sincere thank these standards are. This is because, except for mention at replaced were useless. She topped rudeness not only to me, but to my you an SGA meeting, there has been no official communication her own nerve during her spring parents as well. There is no reason Sincerely, with tothe students letting them know about it. "inspection" my roommate Mr. Yingling. why any college official has to deal PeterG.Agoris that in and r of with a manner people accusing Apparently there is some amount of grade inflation, if vandalism, and that it would not be the statistics from the past few years are studied. It's replaced till next summer. Complaints Aired About either that or the fact that students today are better Her favorite tactic to avoid prepared in high school to confront the higher expectations repairs is screaming vandalism, Disciplinary Board of a college of our caliber. At any rate, in 1968, 15% of the seemingly building blind to the need of an like older for MacLea graduation class received honors (either summa cum maintenance. The Carroll County DearEditor: After the Board's decision, I laude or cum laude, for there was no magna cum laude at Health Dept. had to be called about I have recently been thrown out applied for an appeal to Dean the time). By 1977, the number had more than doubled; the' bathroom on rst floor A- of school. The Disciplinary Mowbray. Rather than send me a Board 31.6% of the class graduated with honors. " section, as the school did nothing. is Hearing semester, suspended not me for prompt reply, letter he took ten days to nothing the to the Dean, According only scheduled which and my answer But the people who are most concerned about the issue, unsanitary or wrong with every means I am not allowed even to the Appeals Board for over three al}9 most of what they're saying isn't good, is the junior sink being clogged, a toilet that visit the school, but also that my weeks after I was suspended. Had class. They believe that to include them in the immediate screamed like a train whistle when transcript will not be released until the Appeals Board reversed the implementation of these requirements is totally unfair. flushed, unusable showers, or a the end of the semester, meaning decision, I still would have missed Naturally, the senior class won't be affected. No one would urinal that overflowed onto the that I will not be able to apply to over two weeks of school, including college until that time the another and would have totally floor when used. Fortunately, mid-terms, deny a senior graduation honors at the last minute. But is HealtDept. did not feel similarly The charges against me were not screwed up my grades.Because of it right -to include the junior class, too? Scrimshaw Never have Iseen a woman treat serious enough for me to be thrown this, I did not send in any new believes that it isn't. It would prove a much bigger so lightly appointments that often out, at least according to Dean evidence and suspension was a student having to miss whom involve challenge to those in the junior class who are now close to, class or work only to be told (and Mowbray, before with my Board I talked upheld. It probably wouldn't have hearing. made any difference, shortly the anyway; or, if they continue with the same grades, would have cum not always this politely) "Dean All the charges were connected Appeals Board almost never laude honors than anyone in any of the following classes Laidlaw is unavailable; can you with a party given in my room, and reverses a decision of the would have to meet. Why does the faculty consider it make another appointment?" This the most serious of them was Disciplinary Hearing Board. necessary to either eliminate or put pressure on these is particularly frustrating when disruptive behavior. There was no If I thought my case were I would never have written students and them only? she arranged the appointment for property damaged that night, and unique, letter. I know, however, you. Inconsistency the party incident was an isolated this and favoritism Sc.-imshaw would like to make a suggestion, and urges spcn- been actions others have all those concerned to consider it. Would it be that difficult extend to her disciplinary bring up which was unplanned and several ina similar who manner, andat treated taneous. However, don't as well. to include the juniors in the new Dean's list requirements any specific cases; all you will get I was given the choice of letting least a dozen more who have only, and allow them to graduate under the old standards, is silence; the issue has been Dean Laidlaw decide my fate, or complaints about Dean Laidlaw Jhose that they had been planning on? Begin im- decided, and they're not going to letting the Disciplinary Hearing and the Student Affairs Office. If peon, practice, do so. In actual plementation of the new honors requirements with the give you, my a generalities, information. it Board is very little difference; the the administrators of this college it strikes there act responsibly, but Excuse cannot classes of 1981 and 1982. That would allow them to work seems to be the only thing that Board is chaired, convened, and me as sheer folly for them to ex- with that goal in mind. But tell them now, so that they can't office understands, and the hand-selected by Dean Laidlaw pectthe students to do so. Although say they were surprised at the last minute. If the faculty policies are based on them. Furthermore, the meetings are Iam no longer in attendance at this and administration believe that these new honors that Chief among these is the theory are held in secret and the record to fine institution, I think those who are have the right acts is supposedly of vandalism to hear what I destroyed. This all requirements are necessary then they should be willing to alcohol-related. The damages done help the student, but it also serves- have to say. implement them in such a way that is fair to all concerned. Sincerely yours, this semester would tend to refute to keep anyone from knowing what -------------------, that claim. Who took the TV near is going on. Steven H. Smith the gameroom over spring break? Ask the Pub workers how many glasses and pitchers they lose a night. Where are the inside phones in the girts'idorms as well as in the quad? Secondly, is the claim that Editor-in-Chief Meg Hoyle the fraternities are to blame for of destruction. the majority 'News Editor Chris Bohaska have been semesters when There the Feature Editor Tim Windsor damage done in Rouzer exceeded Sports Editor Jim Teramani that of the whole quad. The frats Business Manager Sue Quinn are to police themselves, but who I Advertisin~ Managers Jim Wellman polices the rest of WMC? Don't ask Resident, the Rouzer Head he's Pam Owen Manager Don't Distribution gone. look RA's; the at Cover Photo Glen Bar!QW Bill Spring they're too busy in fistfights, and if they turn someone in for having a Staff: Teresa Baker, Beth DeVries Patty Noonan Marie Borowski, party, it is not before they mooch a Bill Byrne, Mary Cole, Sue Frost, Mimi Griffin, Helga Hein, Ron few beers or bongs first. Security? Jones"MannyRosenberg, Jenifer Ulrey, Debbie Wooden, Amanda The head of ()ur Security force Walker, Judy Walker Barb Forrey' Steve Timchalla Mimi Eby (farce) used to order food for the Ed Moore Connie Thompson I Glen Barlow cafeteria; you get the idea of his Published-by and for the students of Western Md. College. The opinions expressed quality. Lastly, and most inex- in this publication do not necessarily renect those of the staff or administration. cusable in an academic com- :....\ We welcome comments and/or suggestions. Please address all mail to SCRIMSHAW, ~~~.itr~ it~eth~~r~u~~~d~~~ I~~~ • \ Box 1, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. 21157. possible moment. Witness the Tim Shank and Dean Mowbray won't be dry for long!
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