Page 105 - Scrimshaw1978-79
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Winslow Center Will get Faeelift "talking about audiological testing Debbie Wooden and sign language labs." The only Renovation of the old Winslow hold up has been the lack of Student Center will provide the available space. As soon as the Education and Psychology Decker College Center was con- Departments with much needed ceived, a portion of the old student space and facilities. center was reserved for the Deaf Plans have been drawn up, with Education Department. the help of the two departments At present, only a few portable involved. Construction is hearing testers are available for scheduled to start in the upcoming students use. Because there fall and the building should be weren't any special rooms todo the operational in a year. The building testing, they had to be done in non- will be partitioned into many sound-proof rooms, which ren- separate rooms to make the best dered the test inaccurate use of the available space. An Practical experience involving elevator and a ramp entrance will contact with actual deaf students is be installed for those who are received at schools for the deaf in handicapped. The outside will Frederick and the surrounding remain the same with remodeling area. Now, with the completion of inside to accomodate the various the audiology lab, students will be activities, according to Mr. able to get more and better Preston Yingling, Director of the practical experience right here at Physical Plant. WMC, according to Dr. Prickett The psychology department will Money for the project has come move out of the library and from several sources. A grant of relocate on the upper floor of roughly $66,000 was given by the for Maryland Veterans Disabled will divide the Timing of New Honors Winslow. Partitions booths, testing the audiology and lab. This group many has area into classroom and seminar with helped initiated projection rooms, • tAt· d areas, etc. projects Their help money handicapped, to is raised persons, ReqatremeR S~ues tORe ~:~~tede~~~~i~~~onck~;i~~!~~ be, totally through profits to Mr. Yingling. The lower level will from mission stores, according seminar rooms, sound-proof The remainder of the money will Bill Byrne members could lead to a change Action Committee was assigned booths, and audiology lab and a come from the state and WMC. The The Faculty's approval of the that would be more acceptable to responsibility for drafting a letter sign language lab, along with costs will be assessed, with the Admissions and _ Standards students to Dean McCormick which would modern equipment, will allow state paying about half and WMC Committee's recommendation to The SGA, at its first meeting state the recommendations of students to get practical ex- matching that amount. raise the grade point average after the new Honors requirements students concerning when the new perience , in the testing and Dr. Prickett states that the new requirements for Honors has were announced, began in- requirements should be im- teaching of the deaf, according to space will be used for deaf received widespread criticism vestigating the situation. The plemented Dr. Hugh Prickett, Assistant education mainly, but that is throughout the Western Maryland Professor of Education. "flexible enough to allow other College student body.,~ In the Students, as a part of their areas of education, such as opinion of many students. it is YEAR % SENIORS WITH training, will perform hearing counseling and reading programs" unfair that the new requirements SCHOOL AVERAGE tests on volunteers from the school to be eccomcdeted. (which are more demanding) be 1963-64 2.53 HONORS as well as the community. The A sign language interpreter imposed upon next years seniors 64-£5 2.49 students will not serve the public, training program will start this who have set their goals for the last 65-66 2.55 but may receive volunteers from summer at WMC. The State three years according to the old 66-67 2.54 outside the college. No treatment Vocational Rehabilitation requirements', 67-68 2.63 15 will be provided, because the program is giving the college 2.50 68-69 students are not sophisticated $27,000 for equipment and According to Dr. LeRoy Panek. 2.62 enough to make recommendations scholarships, "some of the individual faculty 69-70 2.64 as to whether or not a hearing aid Dr, Prickett claimed that the members have had second 70-71 2.75 14.4 is necessary, etc. The main pur- deaf Education Department offers 71-72 thoughts about when the new 72-73 2.76 pose is to allow the students to an "unusual program fpr a school honors requirements should be 73-74 2.75 practice. Two-way mirrors will this small." He believes it im- instituted." He also made some 75-75 2.75 28.1 allow students to observe testing presses people that a school as suggestions as to what students 75-76 2.80 procedures and other experiments. small as WMC is involved in such a might do to change the date of 76-77 2.83 Visual equipment, such as video specialized area as teaching the implementation. First. the SGA 77-78 2.93 31.6 recorders, wiII help students deaf. Started roughly ten years ago should send a statement of their practice their sign language, by the program has an "international position to Dean McCormick which seeing films of themselves doing reputation," according to Dr can then be submitted to the The above chart gives the school statistics for the overall school sign and also interpreting others Prickett. faculty at their first meeting next GPA and th~ per centage of the senior class graduating with honors who are signing Dr. Prickett believes the Deaf fall. This, with the help of student (the old requrrements). For years, according to Dr. Education Department will do a lobbying with individual faculty Prickett, the Deaf Education "first class job" with the available Department and WMC have been space and new equipment Student Publications' Editors Announced year, is particularly well qualified readers to think. Nancy also hopes They hope to draw from one stitutions. Ann is more receptive to in that she worked this year on the to provide a fQrum for opinions in another's opinions and provide a this practice than Rick because Jim Fry yearbook as editor of the Campus next year's Scrimshaw on op- balance and variety in their work she feels the outside sources One of the many chores that are Life section. She is enthusiastic to posing points of view as well as and the magazine that they will provide the needed variety and to be accomplished each spring say the least and eager to begin incorporating news from off publish. Rick feels that having two material. Rick, however, is en- here on campus is the annual working on next year's issue. campus that is in the local, state, editors will provide for greater couraging the alumni to begin selection of a new editor for each of Terry is not afraid to work but at and national interest. Nancy objectivity in the selection of submitting their work in order to the student publications. Resumes the same time hopes that she will previously worked for the paper in poetry and prose to be published, a keep Contrast pertinent and are submitted to Dr. Keith Rich- not be alone to work on the year- the postnons of news editor and process that often tends to be relative to campus life. wine who then n-terviews the in- book. She plans to enlarge next managing editor. She is well in- subjective. Rick prefers the in- terested applicants along with years staff, possibly enlarging the formed on campus issues; she is or trospective male point of view Campus life is what all three Joyce Muller of Public In- group into a formal organization. has been a member of the SGA, the while Ann is more often em- publications are supposed to ac- formation, Dean Mowbray the Student participation is vital to Lecture and Concert committee, pathetic, preferring a third per- curately reflect and capture on current editors of Scrimshaw, publishing a good yearbook and Junior Follies, Contrast, and the son's point of view. The two paper in picture and print. Terry, Contrast, and the Yearbook and Terry hopes to encourage interest Feminist Alliance. Nancy tends to combined should provide for a Nancy, Rick, and Ann hopefully two students -otnted by the on all levels of student campus life. be radical in her pursuits and format with a more complete reflect the majority of student SGA. Unfortunately, no students opinions and this should be overview of student life. views on this campus and will he applied and none were included on Nancy Menefee has been reflected in next year's paper. Ann and Rick will try to up accurate in their tastes and the board. The new editors selected to edit Scrimshaw also student participation and en- selection of material. But, they can recently selected are Terry Dom has hig plans and many ideas on Rick Reeker and Ann Hackman thusiasm that Nancy and Terry only reflect the student body's for the Yearbook, Nancy Menefee how to improve student. in- are going to be co-editors of both noted is on the ebb. Due to the pride and enthusiasm that is ex- for Scrimshaw ar-d Ann Hackman volvement ln campus publications. Contrast next year. This is the first lack of submissions Contrast has pressed in the art that is submitted and Rick Reeker are to co-edit Nancy said that she hopes to time the editorial position has been published material submnted by to them. The rest is up to the Contrast. publish a paper that will inform, shared because Ann and Rick the students on campus as well as students at large at 'western Terry Dom, a sophomore next entertain and challenge the specifically requested to do so. those from other schools and in- Maryland College.
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