Page 101 - Scrimshaw1978-79
P. 101
Men's Lax Defeats F&M; Clinches Championship Manny Rosenberg way. The four Terrors goals were The two biggest games of the scored by Clarke Tankersley with Terrors Men's Lacrosse team one, John Patrick with one, his season were played last week as second of the game, Rick Morani the team played host to the F&M with one and a hustling Scott team in a game that decided the Kallins with one goal and one MAC,.championshlp. The Terrors assist. came away with a victory that WMC was finally able to put the clinched the title since they played game away in the last period as one more league game than either they outscored the F&M team F&M or Gettysburg. three to one with one goal each by The WMC team jumped off to a Kallins, Kendall, and Schwaab. quick 2-{} lead with a little more The fans who came to see the game than two minutes gone in the first were treated to a well played game period as John Little took a feed and the players expressed their from Jack Kendall and put in the appreciation for the good turn out first point of the game. Little has to see the team win their second been playing very well at attack in straight MAC title. The only bad the last few games as he added one note of the game was that defen- assist later in the game to run his seman Rob Bowman hurt his knee season point total to 20 (10 goals and did not see any action in the and 10 assists by the end of the following game against G-burg. season). However, Dave Mi1chling played Eric Schwaab put in the second very well in Bowman's place. goal of the game on a fine Coach Thomas, in a bold move, unassisted play. Lou Boeri and replaced Birely in the goal with John Patrick added one goal each Junior Chip Steele in the third to finish the Terrors' scoring for quarter. The move was the first quarter. The F&M team psychological on his part and the was able to put two goals past entire defensive unit rose to the Wayne Birely, who had a tough first challenge and jelled around Steele. quarter Birely returned at the start of the The F&M team was able to rally 4th period. in the second period and they out The final game of the season was scored the. WMC men 3-1 in that played against Gettysburg last quarter to achieve a tie as the half Saturday in a game that did not came to an end. The lone Terror matter for anything in the division score came on a shot by Jack standings but was a grudge match Kendall on a feed from Schwaab. because the G-burg team was the The third period ended with the only team in the MAC to beat the score still tied as neither team Terrors last season and the team could swing the momentum their continued on page 3 Grade Inflation Raises Honors Meg Hoyle cerning the rise in standards. is not good. The biggest complaint no matter when they take effect, The last revision in the honors A higher set of standards for McCormick has felt for some time comes from the junior class. This the first class involved won't like requirements was made during the that He says l both Dean's List and General that they should be raised. number year's seniors, naturally, new will nor it. It is hoped that the rise in the academic . year 1974-75. At a 2.2 (on time, Dean's List required of the great be influenced stan- by the that because by the Honors have been approved Western Maryland faculty. The of students who make the Dean's dards, whereas, the Class of 1980 requirements will motivate. bor- a 3.0 m A scale) and Honorable action took place during their April List each semester, the honor has will be the first to feel its effects. derline students to push for the Mention was a 2.1. Honorable meeting. lost much of its importance. It Dean McCormick recognizes that honors. Whether students will be Mention was done away with in Beginning in the fall of 1979, the doesn't mean as much to students there must be aperiod of transition inspired or discouraged by this 1975, leaving the standard at a.a for GPA required for Dean's List with today as it once did. According to when the changes are instilled. But depends on the individual. Dean's List. honors and for graduating cum McCormick, one semester's list laude will be raised from 3.2-3.49 to had approximately 400 students on 3.4 to 3.59. A 3.6-3.79 will be it. It is for this reason that several .Parachuters at Review necessary for Dean's List, high schools of our size and caliber, as honors and magna cum laude well as many larger colleges and graduates. The previous GPA universities have completely done needed was 3.5-3.74. To achieve away witha Dean's List. Dean's List, highest honors and The Maryland National Guard graduating summa cum laude will Grade inflation Parachute Demonstration team necessitate a 3.B or above, instead the major cause will perform at the 59th annual of lhe3.75 needed now. President's Review of the Western These higher standards will The major cause for the new Maryland College ROTC Cadet affect Dean's List and General requirements is what McCormick Battalion at 11:30 a.m. on Thurs- Honors only. Departmental honors refers to as grade inflation. day, May 17at Hoffa Field. haven't changed unless you-have Basically, getting higher grades been notified by your particular requires less of the student than in The parachute team will be department. years past. Hopefully, the revised performing freefalls from ap- standards will minimize grade proximately 8,000 feet at 120 miles Change suggested by inflation. There would have been per hour before opening their Admissions and Standards no need to change the standards if parachutes at 2,000 feet. Committee it weren't for this. The faculty has been encouraged Other activities scheduled for .......The suggestion that the to be rigorous in-their expectations the event are a military parade requirements be raised was for classes to help reduce grade formation, a display of military presented to the faculty by the inflation. However, they are also vehicles and cannons, and a members of the Admissions and encouraged to be sensitive to the helicopter landing. The College Standards Committee. The problems and needs of the in- Band, directed by Carl L. Dietrich, committee is composed of the dividual student. It is felt by the will play at the review. Director of Admissions, Les administration that learning Bennett, five faculty members, requires much work and effort, Twenty-six awards will be two senior students who ' apply and this becomes evident in the presented, based on such qualities through the SGA, and Dean Mc- student's grades. as academic achievement and Cormick, who serves as a con- According to Dean McCormick, leadership. Representatives from sultant on some matters. the recent ratings drop of Western the VFW, the Sons of the American In the fall of 1978, this group Maryland in the Barron's catalog Revolution, the Daughters of the began reviewing the Student was never even mentioned in the American Revolution, the Handbook and suggesting various committee and faculty Sojourners, the American Legion, revisions that they deemed discussions about raising the the Military Order of the World necessary. The change in honors standards. Wars, the Association of the U.S. requirements was merely one The faculty and members of the Army, and the Reserve Officers i' i suggestion they have made. Admissions and Standards Organization will present the In talking to Dean of Academic Committee are well aware of the awards. will A parachute team demonstration, military parade forma- In case of rain, the program Affairs William McCormick, student reaction to the revised beheld in Gill Gymnasium. tion, anda display of military vehicles and cannon will be several reasons were given con- standards, the majority of which featured at this year's President's Review.
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