Page 106 - Scrimshaw1978-79
P. 106
SCRIMSHAW Letters "tothe Editor Let's Learn From Our The Privileged Few Editor, your actions, I assume for the Inclosing, I would like to ask you Past Experiences In all actuality, this letter is to remainder space of the year Ican park in again Mr.' Fasano, "What is your that or other handicap?" any in Mr. Fasano, head of campus restricted parking space without security. fear of finding your calling card Thank You, It's that time of year, again. Senior finals begin today. Mr. Fasano, what exactly is your inscribed on a pink piece of paper Russell Johnson on my windshield. Yesterday they went to the.Jest classes of their WMC handicap? Physical? Mental? John Hines career. Now, on tothe real world! Only ten more days (and Other? The reason I ask is because of WMC Is a Friendly Campus counting)! It seems like only yesterday that they were you have extended the privilege for the being closed out of classes (remember the Arena?) or using the parking areas of Decker handicapped, in front were put in the rooms that no one else wanted. But for College Center, for your own most, WMC has been a learning experience; and hopefully personal garage. I noticed on May Dear Editor, Circle K for their time and effort, a good one. WMC has taught most a lot, both about the 8th that you parked your big, blue, One comment that we in the without which our program could liberal arts and about the people involved with them in Pontiac boat r lic # EVE-227: Admissions parents Office and hear from not have been the success that it prospective was. All of you have helped attract visiting various ways. Parking sticker 1/ 380) in the space reserved for handicapped drivers. students is that the students and good students and good people - the When questioned about it by a people on our campus are ex- kind of people that Western Scrimshaw hopes that the underclassmen have learned, ~ tremely friendly and co-operative too, and not only about classes. As a student body, there student, to you the gave effect a flippant "if We all heard it again on Saturday Maryland is proud to have. your par- remark for again of, Thanks have been a number of problems this year. Being the in- students do it, why can't I'?" I when we held our annual May Day ticipation telligent college-students that we are, let's hopethat we've agree, you have as much right to Visitation program. Sincerely learned from them. A good number of students were quite park in that space as the students, the staff, On behalf of the Admissions - Russell C. Hess but you also should experience I want to thank everyone upset when it was announced last September that there thrill of finding one of your own students, faculty, staff members Admissions Counselor and would be no more open fraternity parties in their sections. pink tickets for the sum of $15 011 including Mrs. MacDonald and the Co-ordinator of the Many people in the school, on all levels, linked this com- your windshield. On the basis of kitchen aides and particularly May Day Program plaint with the "alcoholism and vandalism problems" that we have. Fortunately, these seem-to have abated recently. Perhaps this is becausewe are adjusting. Women's MAC Track Results Ufe on the WMC campus has changed greatly in one aspect during the past year. The cause of this change? The Dear Editor: women's MAC's are as follows: Sherri Linkoff - 2nd 440 relay - 4th in the mile Berit Gillingstad Decker College Center. It's taken a lot of doing for most relay; 5th in the 220 yd. dash students to adjust to this change. But, as this academic It is a shame that the school Phyllis Landry - tst in the 220 yd Thank you for the space - better care even year draws to a close, everyone seems to be settling in newspaper to write doesn't an article on. the dash; 2nd in the 100 yd. dash; 2nd late than never. enough 440 relay much better. The television in the upper lounge is almost MAC women's track meet. This is Karen Greist - 5th in the mile; Signed, always on, people use the lounges at all hours. Students the first time this school has had a 5th in the two mile Phyllis Landry organizations seem to be making better useof the facilities women's team and it 'is the first Leslie McDade - 4th in the mile available to them, particularly their offices. The freshmen time we had a MAC meet. I realize relay Alison Ward - 2nd in the don't know what it was like without a good game room if we were male we might get more relay; 4th in the mile relay 440 EDITOR'S NOTE Scrimshaw was told that the Track and Field a golden or if one has coverage right by the cafeteria for an after-lunch or dinner-time opportunity to beat a guy in a race Jenny Filby - 4th in the mile team waa'co-ed; that's why there pool game. Very few people would walk all the way across you sometimes get a whole relay; ard in the 880 was no special women's track campus to the old Winslow Student Center to use its scant paragraph. For those that are Ann Royston ard 100 in- coverage. Also we didn't recieve facilities. interested the results of the termediate hurdles; 2nd 440 relay the MAC results from anyone. Western Maryland Defined Although, for a while, it seemed as if the class of '82 might possibly see an opened Pub before graduation, we've all been able to enjoy a relaxing night of drinking DearEditor, people who pay the bilJsstand in liable to fall to a 3.3 or so. And they there. And perhaps those seniors who will be back for What is Western Maryland line for hours to pay more bills are going to cheat me out of my Homecoming wilt even be able to taste a genuine WMC- College'? WMC is the only place the where the honors. the faculty and ad- people who pay bills are I accuse made Pub pizza! WMC is the only place where the given what amounts to a written ministration of having lied to me people who pay the salaries contract, that is broken by the when I came here. I will fight this As far as academic problems go, the biggest problem have to park further away than people who are paid from our - move as long as possible, and know this year was just announced recently. Many students the people who are paid the bills that many feel the same. There are salaries today are upset by the new honors requirements. If we WMC is the only place where the 922 of us (according to the lottery When I came to WMC I was told, take the suggestion of the members of the faculty who are people who pay the salaries in writing in the Catalog, college totals), if we all boycotted tuition next year they would lose close to 5 trying to help and work together to bring about change, have no input into decisions publications, and numerous letters million dollars ... they wouldn't maybe we can get more done than by burning couches or made by the people who make that I needed a 3.25 GPA to get out have a whole lot of choice. I say the decisions. yelling and screaming. A liberal arts education should WMC is the only place where the of here with Cum Laude. I went that it is time that the people who teach us the value of compromise and diplomacy. Let's try people who pay the bills can't here believing that. Now, as a pay the salaries tell the people who using them and seewhere it gets us. smoke in Memorial, but the junior it is too late to transfer to are paid the salaries that we are not going to en around and let them another college, and they tell me people who are paid can in that Ihave to graduate with a 3.4 to push us around violation of insurance get Cum Laude. I have a 3.42 right regulations (possibly sending now, but have still to take P-Chem, the bills up) and some upper level physics Sincerely, WMC is the only place where the courses and my GPA is only too Steve Bainbridge people who pay the salaries are treated rudely by .the people who are paid the salaries (have you ever tried to get into the Fraility and Editor-in-Chief Meg Hoyle cafeteria without an IO?). News Editor Chris Bohaska WMC is the only place where the Inaction Published feature Editor Tim Windsor Compu& Papc..bac.k ~$IKllel$l Sports Editor Jim Teramani ,.~",,:,::,=io<"¥.:!.~.-' 10000.~.~ITl1o! To the Editor: Perhaps their reminder letter, sent Business Manager Sue Quinn l.~'1'P.""~oo;_:-...::r..:.1.".:~=.1 to him one month post-deadline, to Advertising Managers Jim Wellman Since Peter Agoris's letter to say that his name was being Pam Owen 3._SlI rII'ion.bI'JRA r_(Ba_.S2.!I5) Scrimshaw May 11 indicates that removed from the class list elicited Distribution Manager Bill Spring _ ,........ "'<>'"<1_ ...... _"""'" he believes frailty and inaction some response, but knowing him I ·:::.%·~~c:::;..rF;;=·~~~'1,:':deserve publication, I wish to doubt it Cover Photo Jim Teramani Iam well As pre-medical adviser Staff: Teresa Baker.Beth Devries Patty Noonan Marie Borowski, ~=~~sn:-:'-.~2.7S}_"'" ~:~~Je~;pu~~~Shi~~~:!~/inaction aware of how difficult it is to be Bill Byrne, Mary Cole, Sue Frost, Mimi Griffm, Helga Hein, Ron 6. __ dAccordlngtoGo
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