Page 98 - Scrimshaw1978-79
P. 98
SCRIMSHAW Letters to the Editor Will WMC Take ~New .Requirements Unfair than 90 hours more at a point in Winning Too Far? Dear Faculty, distressed at the accumulated of a 3.4 becomes an academic student's objectives undergraduate attainment the I am greatly without recent action taken to alter the impossibility increase in the a career which chance effectively the corresponding eliminates any of requirements to graduate with course load senior year. . student attaining the new ob- Notice something a little different on The Hili recently? honors. It is not the intent of the Presently, nineteen juniors have jectives. We have. When we go to cover a sports event, we usually action with which I am most GPA's of between 3.2 and3.4. Most I sincerely hope that the actions these unless students, win. We actually expect to win. This is quite a change in disturbed, though I believe a of action is taken by the facuity, some of the faculty will be reviewed at strong case could be made against will many sports. The athletic program is being upgraded. it. My major complaint is with the not graduate with honors. If, as I the next meeting, As a precedent, I for the remind you of the timetable Through attrition we've seen eight new head coaches here timetable under which these new have always been led to believe, institution of the new requirements in four years. And the new coaches have winning teams. requirements will be put into ef- honors serve as a measure of for the total number of credit hours But between all of the fun of winning, Scrimshaw would fect. successful academic achievement, necessary for graduation. Once like everyone to stop and think. How far do we want the This year's seniors are not af- these students will have fallen again I ask that you change the Regar- by the new policy. athletic program to go and how quickly? We don't expect fected of the reasons for this ex- short of the mark. But thier failure timetable for the institution of the will not be attributable to a failure dless the to become a "football factory" but we do enjoy the vic- clusion, most would agree that it on the individual's part to achieve new requirements, not To do so themselves. requirements tories. After ali, it's easier to cover wins than losses. would be grossly unfair to deny the prescribed standards. Their would be only fair, and in ac- But how long before the program start to change things seniors honors at such a late date. failure will owe to an action by the cordance with the principles of a at Western Maryland? Will just any student will be able to Unfortunately, the faculty has not faculty which redefined the liberal arts institution. cour- the same seen fit to extend at a point in tryout for the teams, or will an tnvttetion be necessary? tesy to a number of present academic objectives redefined the Dennis Hoy faculty which the Will (or are) athletes who want to come to WMC given juniors. preferential treatment with regards to financial aid? We Juniors presently with a 3.2 to 3.4 hopenot. GPA will find it difficult at least, Vandalism Unfair to Others One of Western Maryland's definite good paints is the and in many cases impossible, to high percentage of participation in athletics by the attain the during new their honors To the Editor: number of bottles were hurled at senior requirements students. There are students of all majors on all of the year. Assuming a 3.2 GPA after 90 the side of. our building, ac- teams. They. live among the non-athletes. Scrimshaw hours, it would be necessary for Over the past four months, we companied by a barrage of verbal regards this as a vefuebte esset in the learning process of the student to achieve a perfect 4.0 have been involuntarily forced into abuse. Several of the shattered to land a curious in the phenomenon managed the liberal arts. over the final 30 hours in order has to studying is increasing in magnitude bottles of our room. On their way, which center achieve a 3.4. If the student And probably the biggest athletic activity as far as on this campus. For lack of a they tore the screen, broke five number of participants is the college Intramural pr~ram. better phrase, we will refer to this panes of glass, shredded the An estimated fifty per cent of the student body participates A Special phenomenon as destructive, window shade, and pulled the in at least one Intramural program during the course of the malicious vandalism. - curtain rod away from the wall. We were prompted to write this school year. With the upgrading of the inter-scholastic letter, not because of any single The following day, we were still that were sports, will intramurals be given a back seat? We believe Thanks incident, but as the result of a picking up glass slivers of the room, scattered the length it's beginning to happen. Intramurals are constantly being recent series of destructive acts. some over 24 feet from the broken changed because of a coach who decided that a facility is For instance, in January a minor window. neededfor his sport. Scrimshaw doesn't feel that the team Dear Editor, annoyance arose when the memo While the incident in January as a intended should be put second on the list. But the coaches get first I'd like to take. this space to board on our door was partially might have prank, been the others were and a message destroyed harmless left, the choice in making their schedules. They should sign up the thank several people. First, I want content of which we will leave to costly and potentially dangerous. necessary facilities in advance and stick with them so that to thank everyone who voted for the reader's ·imagination. In We hope that the most recent act Intramurals can be scheduled around them. No coach me and supported my candidacy. February, someone shot at our will be dealt with, however we thanks should be aI/owed to change the schedule after It has been Secondly, Hackman are in order SGA for windows with an air rifle, leaving question a "security" system that and the Ann three made. _ Elections Committee for running a March, panes of glass broken. In would allow it to occur at all. We one of our cars was im- guards Scrimshaw doesn't want to start the idea that the successful election; then there is mobilized by the theft of the bat- realize that the security at all times. cannot be everywhere coaches aren't appreciated. for they certainly are. We now the SGA Executive Council for tery, leaving the owner with no However, if smaller acts of van- have respectable teams in almost all sports. But support and for a really good year transportation on the day before dalism were handled more ef- working Lastly I'd like to together. remember, athletics here at WMC are for the students - all thank Mike Steinmetz for running Spring-Break. The cost lor repairs Iectively, other more violent in- of the students, not just those onthe teams. an excellent campaign that en- in this case came to almost $200. cidents could be prevented. incident took place last The latest Donna JoRili couraged a large voter turn out. I weekend. In broad daylight, a LeeAnn Biggs hope the campus can rally behind next Mike a suc- M~y Day Art Show Featured cessful to make I encourage year student Help Needed at Parties year. participation in the new ad- A juried art show, sponsored by foot section of fence to display ~~nis=tti~~, ~: :~:I~t~~~~e~e~~ The problems of sponsoring a organizations sponsoring parties the Western Maryland College Art their work on. Artists may sell something to be said for newness party in the Forum or the could use a little help. Maybe the Club, will be held dur-ingfhe an- their work if they wish. and a fresh approach. I welcome Cafeteria are well known to anyone SGA could hire a student to help nual May Day Carnival on the Open to all students and local new faces in the SGA. I hope the who has had the misfortune to supervise the parties. The Western Maryland College artists, there is no entrance fee or students will continue to voice work at such an event. At the T· student's responsibilities would campus, Saturday, May 5 from 11 registration required, but at least opinion and support the SGA. Shirt party earlier this month, include knowing how to operate the a.m.tos p.m. two works in any medium must be Congratulations to all winners in nobody working at the party knew keg, knowing what should be done Artists may bring their work to shown. Cash prizes will be given the elections. And to those who how to tap a keg correctly. (Unless to clean up, and knowing where the the area in front of Hoover Library for Best in Show, First, Second and didn't win, I hope you will remain having to pour orf almost a 1f.! keg supplies to do it are kept. Lets ra_It_"_9_a_m_ .._M_a_Y_5_tO_'_'I_ec_t_.n~8_·_T_hi_'d-'.P_[._,es -, ~~a~~,tiv~i~~t ;;;~n:iS y~~m~~d of foam is considered normal) make the parties in the Forum and Cleaning up was not much better. the Cafeteria less of a hassle for congratulations. At one-thirty in the morning it is those students who volunteer their lots of fun trying to find where the weekend nights to run them. Sincerely, mops and other cleaning supplies Rick Roecker h;ave been hidden. Clearly, the Bill Byme CCMCFunds Reinstated, With A Little Help Editor-in-Chief Meg Hoyle 'News Editor Chris Bohaska Dear Editor, receive money for the programs Feature Editor Tim Windsor we wish to have. We will have a help. Once again, thank you for the Sports Editor Jim Teramani . . part-time campus minister, and a The Catholic Campus Business Manager Sue Quinn We would like to use this forum seminarian, working with the Ministry Council Advertising Managers Jim Wellman to inform the students of our Council next year. Pam Owen present situation concerning our thank Distribution Manager BiJlSpring budget on April 21 that the budget in- everyone Council their wishes help to in our Thanks, Betes problems. We were The formed for Cover Photo Sue Quinn we requested for the academic battle to get OK funds restored. We Staff: Teresa Baker, Beth DeVries Patty Noonan Marie Borowski, year 79-80 was granted in full. This especially wish to thank the Dear Scrimshaw, Bill Byrne, Mary Cole, Sue Frost, Mimi Griffm, Helga Hein, Ron means that Catholic Campus students who wrote letters of Iwould like to thank the Gamma Jones, MannyRosenberg, Jenlfer Ulrey, Debbie Wooden, Amanda Ministry will function as it has in protest, the students who urged Beta Chi fraternity for presenting Walker, Judy Walker Barb Forrey SteveTimchalla Mimi Eby.. the past. their parents to write letters, those that excellent documentary on last Ed Moore Connie Thompson. Next . year we will receive a who made personal protest, and college administrations, It was Thursday those who kept us in their prayers. in the Forum. Published by and for the students ?f Western Md. College. The opinions. expressed budget for mass on the weekend Also, we wish to thank Dr. John very relevant and seemed to be in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of the staff or administration. and for holy days. We will also and Dean Mowbray for their quite accurate. Thanks, again We welcome comments and/or suggestions. Please address all mail to SCRIMSHAW, personal and official concern over Betes, for that enlightening Iilm; Box I, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. 21157. our problem. Very Sincerely, Austin Gisriel
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