Page 6 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 6
SCRIMSHAW Personal Viewpoint WMC Fails to I Western We Demand Respect on this till 1976 and never ministrator Maryland is an certain students white Provide Courses academic institution that has been actively participated in an Af- campus. Within for 110 years. in existence firmative Action Policy till Hrn. A the lifespan of over a century this charateristic of an institution that The B.S.U. recognizes the fact Re-entlv, the Black Student Union prepared a document whIch dealt same institution has not sue- projects an image of institutional that the institution is beginning to with the atmosphere of racism on the WMC campus. The document cessfully homogenized the student racism is that that institution does make some minor steps towards summed up the character of WMC as "An Academic Plantation." body, faculty and administration. not take steps to change or create a dealing with it's own racism. More The essence of any college Is what the students are exposed to, and In 1977, a group of students began just and equitable enviorment on than just hiring full-time Black what they are learning. On our campus exposure to minority curriculum to examine the history of Western it's own volition but change only faculty members is needed, more and minority professors is minImal. The admlnlstratllon, in a recent Maryland to see if any steps had comes when pressure is exerted by than just increasing the Black document entitled "Positive Steps 'Toward Affirmative Action," been made in the direction of the oppressed group. After meager student community population is catalogued all the course offerings of the past seven years which dealt equality and diversity in it's steps have been made, that same needed and more than improving with minorities. On paper the list is Inoeed Impressive. However, one student body, faculty and staff. It institution that systematicly op- the deplorable conditions of the must remember the list covers seven yea-s, which breaks down to seven was a sad but true conclusion that pressed Black people seeks the homes owned by the college where Jan Terms and fourteen semesters. In such a large period of time, surely these students came to see that limelight as a champion of civil Black people are forced to live several excellent courses based on minority culture could have Western Maryland College was not rights when in fact if given a choice because of the racist climate of the developed, which would have continued to Ihe present day. only an academic institution but it would have chose to do 'nothing. town in terms of where 'Black UnfIJrtunately this hasn" happened. Many of these courses seemed was also an acaderq,i~lantation. Such an example of this is seen in people can live and can not live. programmed '0 fail. The time at which a course is offered and whether or The group of students that the recent release of a document The white administrators, faculty not it tutttlls a major requirement are two factors which greatly influence searched for the truth as a man in from the administration titled and student body must begin to student enrollment in a course. darkness searches for a light, were "Positive Steps Toward Racial examine their own racist attitudes. members of the Black Student Diversification." It is interesting The Black Student union feels that Many of the minority courses were not required for seecrttc majors, Union. When the B.S.U. brought to to note that as of date this same the college community must ac- and were offered at night. This proved to be a fatal combination needless the attention of the administration document has not been distributed cept the total Black student which to say. Students were not motivated to sign up for electives In the evening. the inequities and obvious in- to the B.S.U. while the ad- involves his-her culture, heritage .jusuces we were met with such ministration has seen the necessity and life-style. We ask for respect The lack of instructors with minority background is also a factor that comments as "Even though what to give copies to certain white and to be treated with dignity. We will limit the amount of courses that can be offered. This results In a bad you've asked for is in line with the student leaders. It is not that the ask to be talked too not talked at. situation for all students. The minorities are not given any role models philosophy of the college, it is not a B.S.U. desires that the white Not once in the past academic year with whom they can identify. Other students have no exposure to priority." It was because of such student populus be uninformed, for has an administrator approached minorities, and any opportunity for understandlnq between races is lost. responses that the B.S.U. has to it is imperative that all people be the B.S.U. to gain an un- Surely an educational system should be designed to give every student ask what is a priority'? The die- given the opportunity to know both derstanding of our hopes and a maxImum opportunity to explore knowledge and understandIng in all tionary states that priority is a sides of an issue, but why was not aspirations. All discussions have areas. With the addition of a few well-designed, wetl-ttmed courses taught noun that comes from the root the B.S. U. included in the been initiated by the B.S.U. Is this by expert instructors, WMC could accomplish this goal! word prior. Webster's Dictionary distribution of such a document'? what we must accept as showing Tile English Department, the Sociology Department, the Political defines prior as "preceding in The Black Student Union has no mutual respect'? Science Department, the History Department and others could make time, order or importance." Is- other recourse than to question the determined efforts 19 establish reasonably permanent courses dealing there no longer importance to be integrity of an administration that On September 23-24 the ad- with minorities. The fields of minority literature, art, and hIstory could found in justice, truth and racial publicly misrepresents the truth or ministration is sponsoring a offer great sources of knowledge and lnsplr attcn.. It is a shame that equality? Or rather is justi-ce, truth tells half-truths. There were many focusing on minorities students can only be exposed to bits and pieces burled in the middle of and racial equality not desired at activities and events cited by tbe " and women. The executive other subjects. WMC because they have not been administration as positive steps members of the B.S.U. were in- 'Friges Messed Up classified of students, faculty by and the which the to do with nor did they vited to attend meaningful dialogue. in as had priorities administration and participate majority nothing hopefully staff'? encourage. If the administration Due to the lack of respect Many' complaints have been echoing around campus during the "pest In the opening paragraph of the insists on taking the credit for displayed by the administration by two weeks jlertalnlng to the great refrigerator mlx-up. True, the service document "WMC: An Academic these events and activities that it's last course of action it places and attitude of the company could've been better, but there are several Plantation," it was stated by the they had nothing to do with, the the B.S.U. in a precarious position. positive factors to be considered before the ccuece- University Student B.S.U.thatanatmosphereofdeep- administration must also assume Even though we can possibly Leasing Company Is condemned. seeded racism had been implanted the responsibility for the whole foresee some progress coming into the institutional fibers of truth. Does the adminstration take from such a dialogue we would find The company operates out of New Jersey and is two years old. They Western Maryland College. One credit for the white student boycott itdifficuit to carry on a meaningful offer new refrigerator units instead of the old sctf-slded units of the must reach out for an un- of the Commodores concert two discussion with someone on the previous company. The price Is basically the same, but they only require derstanding of the term in- years ago'? Does the Ad- other side of the table that has 03$6 deposit, refunded at the end of the school year If the unit Is clean and stitutional racism to understand ministration take credit for the shown through their actions only undamaged. The other company wanted a 510 refundable deposit. the devastating blow it has dealt fact that when the BSU sponsors disrespect and a mockery of Black Another big plus, especially to Mr. Jarcowelc, manager of the bookstore, society and this institution. In- activities which are open to the students' dignity. Therefore the and hIs helpers, Is that the new company delivers the refrigerators to the stitutional racism is not prejudice. entire college community that few Black Student Union has decided Indevldual rooms. Last year he had carry forty·elght units around Prejudice, defined by Random if any white administrators, not to send any representatives to himself. A fourth factor Is that Monday, September 26, will mark the third House Dictionary states. "Un- faculty and students attend'? Does this workshop as an open ex- visit of the company to WMC. It has been possible to call and request favorable opinion or feeling the administration take credit tor pression of our disappointment and more refrigerators for students who hadn't previously signed contracts. formed beforehand without the fact that when Martin Luther general disgust with the manner in Last year, If a student didn't order by the set day, the only way for them knowledge, thought or reason." King was killed that a certain which we have been treated. to get a refrigerator was to buy one. Black people can live and survive fraternity on campus gave a This is not to say that we plan Many of the problems encountered last week were Indeed the faulf of with prejudice because for hun- celebration party'? Does the ad- never to meet and discuss the the company. The school was Informed that the truck would be comIng dreds of years we have survived ministration take credit for the issues with the administration or directly from New Jersey to Western Maryland. No mention was made of knowing that some white people fact that earlier this week a Black faculty members because we have the stop at Mt. St. Mary's to unload some of the untts. If such a stop was hated us simply and only because student was verbally attacked with always and will continue to be planned, the company should've had the common sense to bring enough we were a different color. Black degrading negative racial slurs by ready for such dialogue. Such for both of the schools. people can not survive with a goup of white students'? If not discussions in the future will only racism. Racism as defined by Dr. then why is the Black Student take place once it is evidenced that In addition to being approximately eight hours fate, many students Delmc" Della-Dora in "What Union being casted in a role of the college community is willing to received extremely dIscourteous service which was totally uncalled for. Curriculum Leaders Can Do About villian or troublemaker by certain deal with it's own racism and This fact has been mentioned to the owner and has hopefully been Racism" is " ... different from segements of the .college com- emulates a level of respect that it eliminated. One thing a new company lust trying to get started should racial prejudice, hatred, or munity'? Is one a villian when one holds for other facets of the college know Is to give courteous service to the customers. The College. discrimination. Racism involves asks to be treated with respect, community. University Students Leasing Company could build up a good buslness-. having the power to carry out dignity and equality as opposed to ~~~~:~t~:~~~,al~~Uo::~o~!7::e~~;t~t~~h:~:I~~ they don't operate In an ~::~::t~rouJiS3t~i~i~~:O~; :;be::;n::!g~c.:::all~e::.d a:..:;;N;:!i:gg!::e:..,b~y~gro::::::u",!:,;;o:..f .!,!Th~e,;;B!:la~ck",S~tu""de",n",tu"n",;o:::..,n y~(,l. Co.n .see, t: Improve~m ) ~:ut~.~~ o~:m~~:~~Y"~nln ~~~~ +h(.y're ,""e-e+ln~ 11"'\ the.r-.e. right Rights stated that racism was Head Honcho Jeff Robinson how -+0 dISc!lLSS 6Uf pr-oblems ~'t~~:tio~t::tud:iru~~~irOen o:hiicnb Auitant Honcho Meg Hoyle subordinates a person or group because of their color .... Racism is Side"ick Honcho Space Man not just a matter of attitudes:' Nancy Menefee Key punchers Dave Cleveland Cindy Kienzle. ~~o:~n:ei":t~~~":: sr~~t;:::~ The Money Man Da....." Lunschford ShuUersnapper From Knowles and Prewitt's book Joe Della Badia SCOtt Dahne Institutional Racism in America, Mu.JeleMen LaughMan they state" ... one of the clearest lim Teramani Mark Katz Other Thinl:s. indicators of institutional racism is limWoe:sland Phil LaPaduJa the exclusion of black members of society from positions of control Dollg Bowman The U$!WI Gang of Idiots AnneV!l'lney MarkC. Bayer and Jeadership." When Western Steve Bainbridge Tim Windsor YotfMakino Maryland is examined in this light BUIWeeks David Zinck Scott DeMario the conclusion is more than ob- MikeD'Andrca Chris Bohaska Denise Giangola vious. Phyllis Menschner Mark Mylin Thoo Braver HaISchmulonitz He Ornery Western Maryland College lias BcckyCassilly L-__~ 2-__~~ __~~ __~~ ~ne~~~~:~::~~a:a~~~~ ~--------------------~~----------_J
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