Page 28 - Scrimshaw1975
P. 28
Pa.. _ Scrimshaw Wedne$.day, March 12, 1975 WMC swingers opti-mistic The class of '77 pulled out a LmyR"d narrow victory in the annual A sure sign or spring, along 3 scrimmage win at Towson cording to Hitchcock.Handling outfield are veterans Chip ~:~:t~~~e·~~~~~~~~l Game with picnics and halter-tops, is State Saturday under semi- the catching chores will be. Chaney, a senior, all- this past weekend losing by ;r~~~a~~~~alfh~a::e~~~~:~a~~~~r;ar~oco~~~~onsOfan:ut~~~~~~~:~~s~;~~~;;:,njunfo~~o::f{ae;~~c:nter~~~l::,r~i~~ ~r~~sf~rr'7~o~~~~t~na~~a~i~~l ; thei~ learn and their hopes for practice. ~ra~s~er Brian Rocks, sophomores Rob Andrews and game to maintain an overall ~o~~~e o~e~~meth~~~~hC~~~~ Un the eve of the scrimmage }~;~~~~~eD~avs:J::r~~n~h~nj~St~~ S~;~~bei;:~~a swing fifteen p~int spread, 860-845. however, has good reason to be Coach Hitchcock stressed that doing well early at the plate. through North Carolina during The sophomore team for the quietly optimistic about the pitching, as always, is the key Transplanted outfielder Rich spring break, and meets last game a~lved at the gym chances for a successful to a team's progress. The core Rosenfeld, a sophomore, helps Washington on April 5 for its fully expecting at least a ~~~ season for this year's version oflastseason's pitching staff is anchor the infield at second home opener. Coach Hitchcock point lead. T?,o forfeits, of the Western Maryland back,led by senior Stu Lehman ~a~. He will be joined by and several of the players however, had ~arrowed .tha College baseball team. A and sophomores Wayne JUDIor Jeff Leeds and seem to be looking forward to lead to ~:mlymnetee~ PO.II'~ts, - Coblentz and Dave Dolch. sophomore Mark Horton at the coming season Land with thus setting up a semi-excittn r~¥t~~nb~!t:r~~e~~:n!.~~\ Freshman lefthander Vic first, junior Chris Hannaby and good reason. If you're not game. Drechsler, a local product, and soph?m?re Bob Irvin at short, doing anything, come on out A modest crowd was on han ~~~gS~~fvrl~:~~a:i~u~t:r~et ~~gv~th:l~e~~~~ ~~t3.rl~c~ ~~~iu~I~;v~~tc~ ~~~~~~at~! ~sn~~~t.what all the optimism ,_a'_'_he_fin_i_Sh_. .__ MattBow"" The wide world of benchwarming -The average-size basketball to the knee, and get some excuse for not playing, and will out your arms, relax, and look your lap, hold it until the team has, say, twelve players. decent b~sketball shoes rather ~ applauded for your gut- .bored. Keep yourself occupied. referee gets there, thus putting In the course of an average than a p~ur01$2.99 W. T. G~ant smess If you do. . Relace your shoes. Wrap a yourself (momentarily, at game-that is, a game won or red, white, and blue specials. Home games are a different towel around your neck. Write least> in the spotlight. lost by less than ten points- Wear at least two and matter, since almost everyone a letter to a friend. Pick out The object Of.all this is ·to maybe eight or nine of those preferably more sweatbands, knows how I~usy you re~lly good-looking girls in the crowd. look and act as If you couldn't twelve get to play. This leaves knee pads.und elbowpads, and ar~. The spram~ ankle trick Start a pinochle game with the care le~ about the game or, at least three guys with little la~ some fingers for .effect. might work the f~rst game.but fans around you. Taking big mor~, about playing time and a lot of Print boxer shorts hanging-out people start getting SUSPIClOUSswigs from an uncapped water playing In It. Once m the game splinters. from _under the pants were around the !lliddle of ~he bottle makes you look studly. If you could ~Iow in seconds the These three guys, and scads once In, but no longer are. seas.on, especially .afte.r mne the ball rolls out-of-bounds Image yo~ ve spent the whole more like them, have learned Leave your warm-up un- straight ankle spram~ m J:lre- near you, ignore it. If it lands in game trymg to create. to withstand the frustrations 01 b~tton~ (and the legs un- gam~ (pre-g.ame dnlls .Jw:;t not playing, to take the abuse ZIpped If you have warm-up aren 1 that VIgOroUS).ThiS IS of sneering friends, and even to pants).. when you have to accept your Crossword Puzzle put up with baggy practice Pre-game drtlls are the fate. shorts. They have learned to highlight of the evening for the I "style" it to the utmost both off benchwarmer. Here you can In football, a helmet and and on the court. really shine, as almost distance from the crowd help 1 !~~:~~, 111'1_, "Styling" takes many forms, anybody can look good in pre- hide you on the sidelines. In I. I I gill but it is best to start before you game. If you are at an away baseball, the non-playing ! ~i;;;~~"I;:;~~"I liD II. Gill 1&0 11 l Ie even get on the court. Go ahead game, work hard: really get up player can hide in the dugout, Ha~~.i,lo and get your ankles taped like for lay-ups, use all of your behind the bats or water cooler i :~ ~o~~'::~in~:~." everyone else. Shaved ankles flashiest moves and double- or someplace. In basketball, plumb.. look very "jocky" around the pumps and such, being careful you're stuck right in front of IT Arrkl, dorm or at the pool. Smear not to mess up. Talk it up a lot, everyone, close enough even :~ ~~I~~I! du .. " to .••• J2 Loo~ ",i,h dO,i,. "Atomic Balm" all over your 100, and clap your hands and (or. them to see you mouthing 21 TIp<" 01 " .. ,~ JJ Wordu"d,,·i'h p'g,on body for a stronger jock effect. encourage your teammates in obscenities towards your coach H 5',..'gl, ~~J::!;,~Rom.n) !7 ._~"d~! a fatherly, or at least an older- or squirting water over your !H C."~n~.,,repuhlic brotherly, tone. The people in shoulder. ;~~~:~,:n.~",~J~~) CO'·""'I ~~~~~~;~~'i"n If you are lucky enough to the stands don't know any . It looks bush to try and, ,,,Id'''g! 11 [},;,.• f." (eoil.) 45 P,id.""ounctm,,,, get a uniform that fits, or to get better, and will think you are along with the other six or l~ P.""".I pronoun 16P,,'of,yrh.11 47 Kind 01 bum 200Ili,i,lin,l,. ~g Lou"S' ,~ou' one at all, wear it right the star of the team or ~ven guys, squeeze into the H In. g'oup (,.." '" ,,"'d,) (r..emember: big number in something. Right before the lwo spaces next to the coach. jg 0"""01 g''''' 2lP'unoun :~ :~:~i~:~~':nowm.n 54 A CO",;" g.",~ back). Tuck in the shirt, wear start of the game, suddenly Go down to the end of the 19S'!4Iog.Sp,ing, 2lh"h"m."" .. ;; ~~'I~~':"m 24 Ihnged f.".nin~ three or four pairs of different- pull up lame and limp to the bench, as far from the next guy ~~i~;~o'",bi'e, (.h.) 25 ,"U,.{.I'.j ~~:,:~o~~b.1Ipl.y.. ~6 Typo ol,un, colored sweat-socks pulled up bench~ That wav you have an as possible. Lean back, spread ~4 P,,"cip., (np'i." lOAhi«nO, '"" ~~~n:~;,~o~:I~i:: Rifle team shot down 60PI.y:··lh,W;",.,·, - Hou>
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