Page 27 - Scrimshaw1975
P. 27
.. Wednesday. March 12: 1975 Scrimshaw It's _eithe r o ptim ism 0r tea rs Native peoples Cindy O'Neal Are, the native peoples of Ms. Harris began by gent~y corner of the country called Indian as for many people. non-Indians for every Indian.' America just another natural lashing out with the most baSIC Oklahoma. Obviously destroying an This is something to ponder. .resource? The same branch of complaint first registered by The school situation identity was no way to help the Needless to say, the Indian- government handles both other minority groups--that demoralized and weakened the situation. nations seek, among other affairs. Are natural resources being either the lack of or t~e already uprooted nations of natural rights, control of their exploited? Is the American erroneous depiction of their native peoples. When the The Indians according to Ms. own resources that they might Indian exploited? people to history American Government decided to Harris, have' the poorest of ~~:fr theo~~fit~~~~::~W~sef~ Common with so many race history always begins with assimilate the Indian com- and ethnic groups, the foreign immigration+never munities (for lack of knowing everything good (schools, small tracts of home in order American Indian is just now with the history of the native what else to do). U.S. Marshalls ~necrO~~te~~')e~~~y\~~n~g~~sJ to better their attitudes and beginning to destroy their Americans. It begi~s with a loaded wagons full of children (suicide etc.). And all because life styles. The Northern unwelcomed stereotypes. They description of Ignorant, from unwilling parents. From we wanted to be a melting pot; Cheyenne, poor though they are just now beginning to gullible savages' who were the Comanche tribe for somewhere along the way the are are already making loosen the rusty hinge that has so easily conquered. Thou~ example, the children we~e idea that everyone could melt tre~endous headway in their heretofore kept their gate to ~1s. Harris exaggerated In bussed 200 miles away. Their became a myth. . fight to reconstruct the high liberation fast. After a sue- stressing that the history of heads were shaved, they were "Mr. Peabody's coal train ~~l:e ~~nJ.ePt and pride they cessful meeting with the F~I Thanksgiving is. taught as !he uniformly dressed and and Justice Department m white man feeding the Indian regulated, and as if this ~:n~au~~~ii!naW~~t~~n~es;:~~f Tired for both herself and D.C. in order to open com- (since it seems most students weren't enough of an antithesis fight the crummy treatmen~ of her ancestors of hearing the munications and establish a were taught it was a cer~~ony to the deep cultural the white man's landgrabbing phrase" act like we do and better understanding between of sharing and appreciation) ramifications significant in and exploitive nature. On one we'll accept you ...maybe! Ms. Government and the Indian her point is well taken. The long hair and grooming, no reservation 3/4 of the land is Harris saysTm not .sure I'm nations, Ms. LaDonna Harris, Indian nations were conqu~red language but English was wife of the former Senator and by disease and demoralized permitted to be spoken and strip mined and huge ~!~:rnau~:tH~~!:t~Pti~i~;~C s~~ a Comanche Indian, came when they had to assume the physical punishment-unheard ~~:~~t~te~~~:ua:~;d ar~n c~~~ cry." Ms. Harriscertainly.was • straight to' WMC. Invited by white man's God was stronger of among the tribal people who same reservation, because of not- crying on ~arch 5 in a Dean Zepp and his Liberation than their own since t~e im- used pride and humiliation as the strip mining, there are 35 crowded McDamel Lounge. class, as one of three cours~- muned white man did ~ot social training--was freely related speakers, Ms. Ha~rls weaken or die near~y so readily meted out at the government, tried to explain the Indian as they from .disease. The schools. The final culture Beware of the Beonstolk situation as it has developed sophisticated government, shock to shatter their heritage- and currently stands. culture (of the seven full -the heritage of hunters--was alphabets in the world, on.e of the government determination Mark Bayer Reid as the Golden Harp, them is from an American to turn them into farmers Strange things have been Sandy MacKenzie as the CAPITAL CEN.TRE Indian tribe) and technolog~ of through schooling It was not 'happening in Alumni Hall. For Golden Goose, and Roberta John Denver 4/12-13 many "primitive" Indian until SIX years ago that the the past few weeks, a giant has Tall, Craig Singhass.tand Dave CIVIC CENTER tribes were all but ~estroyed Indians were permitted to been stalking the halls, and an Griswold as members of the Ringling Bros. Barnum and by the resource grabbing of the control their own educational odd green plant has been Giant's kingdom. Christian growing all over the un- Wittwer designed the set, for ::rr~~~~e!~f~lt~~f~~l:f~; s: Bal~~%e~~~r3~};~3 ~~!;~~~e~~ t~~f(Tc.;a~hec~~~ SY~i~':;hower tried to right the derstage area. Could it be that which allows the" audience to sit in the middle of the staged D~~ck~:~~~!~:~~~ p~~e~~ so~;:J!:~~i~~~:h:~~~ the legendary Alumni ghosts, action. Sue Geyer and Kip fed up with being stepped on, Snol.v 3/12 acceptance of the multitude of a 'Termination and Relocation' are taking bizarre forms of Walton are assisting with the Miles Davis and Herbie different religions,. cultures, campaign. It was a pro_gr~m revenge? Not this time. These lighting. Hancock 3/15 approaches to hfe,. a~d either of disbanding .treatles unusual incidents are all part po~~~clY2~ones and Tower of ~~~g~~e:lo~e~~ i!~oir~~~u~h ~~~ n~ir~~~ ~~~fc~~k7~;~~~l~ of JACK AND THE BEAN- Stone's concert Depart- STALK, the Drama Pete Seeger and Arlo merely to accept 'Indian,' the and movi~g them into big ment production which is to be Gunthrie 3/25 separate nations must be cities-such as L.A. which now presented this weekend, March a success SHADY GROVE equally recognized Ms. has the largest- U.S. Indian 14,15, and IS, in the understage George Carlin 4/5 Harris says, ".I'm a Comanche population next to the ~av~ho area of Alumni. Karen Pilson KENNEDY CENTER first, an IndlPD reservation-and sprmklmg In their Quixotic quest for Pearl Bailey 4/7-13 can't put an Indian In. a people around to avoid ghet- entertainment, many students, Times for the production disillusioned with the ordinary I-- -,-o-s-s-.,I-.'-e-d-s-----1 ~oa[d~~f:!i~~ts~~Y:o:si~~~ ~~~ a~~~h:~,ern ~:a?asrs fff~~ (better write these down) are 7 weekend ritual, have C national acceptance of the· where else because alcohol has P.M. this Friday night, 10 A.M. discovered that the recitals For Sale Mo~oFcycle..B.S.A. ~~~~~s a~~ a;!p~~~~e s:~f~~: been a means of escape for the and 2 P.M. Saturday, and 3 sponsored by the music dept. ii!s Contact Jim Martin 848- tantamount to liberation. ~is P.M. Sunday. Best of all, in can be an interesting diver- keeping with the concept that sion. For example, on Friday, . breakdown of Indian tribes shll this show is for "children of all March 7, the senior piano • • • lacks common recognition Disarmament ages", the price·of admis~ion is recital given by Craig Stone Custom sewing:. Tops, shirts, today because of the need for the same for everyone, had Levine Hall filled to slacks, pant SUits, .dresses, tribes-even those who a~e Ray Richards, an inmate in regardless of age: SOf. capacity. skirts, wedding gowns, purses, ancestral enemies-to unify m Draper Prison for usi~g one of The recital began at exactly pillows, boutique items. Call order to fight for their rights as B: 00 when the lights went out Rebecc~ 848-0323. people and citizens of the U.S. ~~ssa~:~i:~ a~~~~ k~~~emf~~ Bill Tribby, who directed this and the smiling performer • • • and the world. damages. He claimed that the ~U~~:l ~~:8~~~~rn's~~~d:~ t~ began to play by the glow of a Want something to do ~~en The history of the Indians in small spotlight. Warming up Spring 'Sets in? Take riding the hands of the government is ;~[~~~~S~s ref~~ni~ let ~f~service to the surrounding with a lively piece, Musette en lessons at nearby ~r. a bitter one. Treaties stole the have either of his arms while ~~TI~~~ity ~~iSwell V:;Si~~~ Rondeau by Rameau, Mr. Griswold's farm, only 2 mIles land and it is no fabrication Stone thus prepared the from campus. Lessons ?f~ered that treaties never sto:;Jped the ~~:P:~i\:i~~e;sn ~~~~i~~~:~ previou~ly presented as a TV audience for the more involved for every level of proficIency white settler from taking was arrested and forced to ~:~~a;s,bfugt;I~S ~~~~~d S!f:; pieces yet to come. Tension by experienced teacher. For whatever he wanted-the Trail surrender. his. artificial limbs considerably, and it's not just gradually mounted in the next information see Lonnie Myers, IJf Tears testifies to that: a Rameau, ex. 315, Blanche 21S. cruel walk-way from their to a detective.m Jan~~~y, ~ratfor kids. There's a gum- piece, also during a which the .chewing golden goose, a giant Rigaudon, T~e de~e<;tlve s East coast home by several Richards ~Imbs were to be who moonlights as a scientific performer stood up and con- Wanted: Old Comic Books, tribes forced into an out-of-way used as eVldence and that he inventor and a Villainous tinued playing. There were tamps, and Related would soon get two more f~r baron 'who's behind vigorous applause after Materials. Contact Mark KEEP .PACE Richards. Howeyer, as th.e .swt everything Much of the script Beethoven's Sonata Op. 10 No. Rouzer 222 claims, th~ Ja~l off~c.I~ls and prod~ction spoofs the 3 when Mr. Stone skillfully INTHE ~~~:~l~~~il;: n;::; ~;t:;:~~:original tale. executed the crossed-hands For Sale hurt someone. sequence in the. last Wilsan T2000 tennis racket. STEREO RACE 'the cast includes Bob movement. Probably the most s~lection Brand new never been used. 4 •.•....•• Peckham as Jack Sprague, enjoyed was Funerailles of the by ... evening 5/8" grip. Medium weight. Deborah Pferdeort as his Liszt which featured a $30.00. Call Becki Bloyer - ext. !'HGHCST .QUALlTY- mother, Mrs. Sprague, Suzi ... 3.'i3. Extra Pith; Paglee and Kelly Stone as dramatic chromatic sequence. The last selection was Zweite ends of Betsy, Beginners horseback riding LOWEST PRICES Man knows so little about his opposite cow, Mark Bayer the Sonate fur Klavier by Hin- & family~ essons being given at the low Fellows. In his eyes, all men (ahem) as the Evil Baron, demith, a modern piece. student rate of $20.00 for 8 WESTERN MARYLAND women act upon what he believes as the Giant, Altogether, the recital was a if he were Louis Chambers - hours. Why get ripped for $5.00 ELECTRONICS would motivate' him success. The varied styles of an hour, when I can teach you mad enough to do what that Adele Moorman as the Giant's music were well chosen to housekeeper, Charlie Wag~er for $2·.50.See Bat:_on,ext. 237, or JOHN NORMENT MACLEA A·13 other man or woman is doing. as the Giant's assistant, Rita appeal to people of diversified tastes. :ijouzer 222. William Faulkner
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