Page 23 - Scrimshaw1975
P. 23
.,.W,,'=d',-,",-d...:'Y_M_'_"_h,,5,=':-97_5 ----::---:;;- "":::rimshaw 'The Towering inierno:' A successful disaster Mark Bayer Keeping these reservations ceremony foroneo~ t~ose hig~- inhalation at every possible past Christmas day, when There is a new and rather in mind, I am willing to say nse ap.artment buildings, this turn. Why bother even trying to many were seeing and en- distasteful trend in motion that THE TOWERING IN- one billed as "the tallest look for rescue? joying this picture, the little pictures today, easily FERNO is a good film of its structure in the world." Ar- Ob well. Assuming it's true Australian city of Darwin was illustrated by such films as type and perhaps one of the chitect Paul Newman returns that if you've seen one disaster totally destroyed by a storm. AIRPORT '75 EARTH- best. THE TOWERING IN· from a long vacation to find movie, you've seen them all, All homes were demolished QUAKE, JUGGERNAUT, FERNO was produced by that the builder, (William THE TOWERING INFERNO and many inhabitants were and THE TOWERING IN· Irwin Allen, the man who gave Holden), has skimped on is the one to see. I suppose that killed in the calamity. It all FERNO. Popularly referred to us the POSEIDON AD· safety specifications and has, it would be too much to hope sounds like terrific material as "disaster flicks", they have VENTURE which started the in fact, hired his son-In-law that INFERNO is the last of for Irwin Allen's next big much in common. They all whole trend. Several of the plot (Richard Cham~erl.ain) ~h( the bunch. Probably not. This disaster spectacular. involve a natural or man-made mechanics in INFERNO seem stocks the butldtng with catastrophe, such as a flood, to have come out of the same second-rate materals. There is Loyola film series fire, or earthquake. Most of Xerox machine as those in a dedication ceremony that them are crammed with big- POSEIDON, but INFERNO evening, and during the party The Loyola College student March 9 - "Jeremiah name casts, with some very has a bit more credibility and a the buildin~-you gues~ed it- government association has Johnson" respected personalities in- lot less of POSEIDON's idiotic catches on fire. Enter fireman announced its spring, 1975, March 16- "The Emigrants" variably looking foolish. In dialogue, plus a welcome Steve McQueen, who, along schedule of films. March 23 - "Deliverance" most of them, the scripts seem cutback of POSEIDON'S of- with Newman, takes charge of All the presentations are April 6 - "Macbeth" to get in the way of the special fensive "lifeboat ethics" ..:. t.he .emergency situation and open to the public and will be April 13 - "Sleeper" effects. And, most distressing save the stars and to hell with saves the day- after 200 people shown Sunday evenings at 7:30 April 20 - "Young Winston" of all, most of them are making the rest. While other disaster are killed. other stereotypes in p.m. and 9:30 p.m. in the April 27 - "Thunderbolt & big money. (The only real film producers were scram- the cast include Faye College's student center, Lightfoot" exception to the above- is bling around after Charlton Dunaway (who, admittedly, Charles Street and Cold Spring May 4 - "Rage" JUGGERNAUT, an English- Heston, Allen hired no less isn't.v~r.y good here but wears Lane. Admission is $1.50. For more information, in- made thriller about an ocean than Paul Newman and Steve a terr-ific low-cut dress that The schedule: terested persons should con- liner in distress. It attempted McQueen to play INFERNO's more than makes up for her March 2 - "The Way We tact Loyola student govern- ~ to avoid the usual cliches, and heroes. Whi).e other producers performance); Susan Bla_kely, Were" ment, 323-1010. nobody went to see it.) The spent their energy and money Robert Vau~hn, Robert popularity of these pictures wiring up movie theaters in an Wagner, O.J. S.lmpson, Susan Jan Termers interviewed can be used to illustrate the effort to simulate the feel of an Flannery, Jennifer Jones, and theory made by modern earthquake, Allen merely Fred As~ire. (The last two, Western Maryland College The four following in- philosophers and moralists invested his in better, more ,3.1~mgwlth. Holden, perforl!' students and faculty, involved terviews will feature students that American society is convincing, and some truly '~'JIthprofessional grace, and .It in interesting January Term' and faculty who travelled returning to the decadence of spectacular visual effects. I~ sad to. note. that parts 10 projects, be interviewed in a during January to Mexico the Roman Empire. True, we Clearly, there is a method to pictures like this are the only series of programs to be aired (March 30 program), Europe don't enjoy watching people Allen's madness. Now all we Jobs that _grea~ stars such as on WTTR AM/FM in West- (April 20), East Africa (April being fed to lions. Instead, we need to do is find out WHY t~ese are getting nowaday.s.) minster. zn, and England and Scotland get our jollies seeing them Allen is mad. S~nce half tht; fu~ of watching The series will be broadcast (May 11). Western Maryland drowned, crushed and burned The story, if it really mat- dlsas!er movies IS ~pparen.tly as part of Paul Smith's College faculty members to be alive. ters concerns a dedication the JOy of guessing which "Weekend Carousel" interviewed include: Dr. , celebrities get knocked off, I program, beginning at 9 a.m., Georgina Rivers, professor of won't give any of this away for Sunday, March 9. modern languages; Dr. Sam Crossword Puzzle you. The initial interview features Case, associate professor of Producer Allen and director freshman Geri Lane of physical education; Dr. L. John Guillermin do deserve Westminster, who, for her Jan Earl Griswold professor of credit for holding and keeping Term project, investigated sociology; Dr. James E. I Golf pro S.m an audience's attention and discriminatory laws against Lightner, associate professor I~ ~:~'~:ln'IV interest for nearly three hours. the deaf. Ms. Lane's study of mathematics and director of 11 Golf pro Mill.1 the most primitive of ways. dicaps for deaf individuals and Each interview follows the :~~~~:o"!,:~~m For example, we are Q_ffereda proposed new legislation for regular Sunday morning news 1~ Oifficuily prolonged scene in which two the Stale of Maryland. at 9 a.m. over WTI'R radio. 20Slripofl .. ,II<.";n~ ''' ..... this kind. In INFERNO people among his or her audience. The members of the WMC ,~~i;:;,~~,~~::,~ burn, fall out of windows, 3) The entire WMC com- Chapter of the MUP hope that II {_,un ~r" 1"1",, drown, are crushed by building munity will be invited to at- all those interested will attend. jjl>.n,",II"n,,,r fixtures, and die from smoke tend.
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