Page 26 - Scrimshaw1975
P. 26
....2 Scrimshaw Wednesday, March 12, 1975 Editorial· ····································· ..····· . In the Letters to the Editor publication, this person has as follows. _ see by reading these is stale, we invite Sam to sene ectton of this issue is a letter opened himself to public Slander - 1. Law. The ut- definitions) we too would have us a statement of his views, if from a student who wants to "critism"," is problematic in terance of defamatory been guilty of libeling Mr. he can refrain from the know "Just how (we) are that we did not deny Sam the statements injurious to the Rhodes. WE- still feel quite irrelevant and libelous name- equipped to differentiate eight to criticize, only the reputation or well-being of a justified in our decision, and calling he resorted to in his between slander and free freedom to slander and libel person. Compare libel. 2. A we will not print Sam's letter. first letter. expression." He has every Mr. Rhodes. We do not look to malicious stateme~t or report. This ,policy, to omit slan- The balance between free right to know how, and censor, stifle, or color the To utter damaging reports derous or libelous material, is expression and censorship is although we feel his letter a bit views that are aired in this about. not censorship. It is good admittedly a delicate one. We irltical, we are glad he has publication, only to ~eep our Libel -.1. Law. a) a'!-y w~it- journalism. Yes, believe it or f~e~.that we have a respon- nought this question up. We paper honest, fair, and ten, pr-inted, or pictorial not, we are capable of ap- sibility to be. sure that the are going to do our best to somewhat factual. statement that dan:tages .a proaching that ideal. materials we print are honest, :larify the 'question for him, The "equipment" used by person by defa!llu:lg. his How many people would factual, and in no way per- .md for all our readers. our staph to differentiate c~a.racter or exposing him to write to us if we printed sonally injurious to anyone. First, we respectfully submu between slander and libel on fldlcul~. b) The act of libelous attacks on them for This is a student publication. to Mr. Emerson that if he read the one hand, and the free presenli,!-g such a statement te- their trouble? We want all to No one is barred from par- our letter to Sam again, he will expression of views on the thepublic. feel free to write to us, keeping ticipating on our staph, in fact, see that we invited him to other, is a good definition of Using these defi~i~ions, we in mind that a good honest we welcome any and all help express his views in another these terms, and a certain ha.dto make the deCISIOnnot to con t r 0 v e r s y doe s n 't from faculty and students. If letter and did not deny him the amount of liberal judgement. print the letter ~e~t .to us by necessitate name-calling or you can improve our freedom to be heard. Secondly, These definitions, taken from Sam. It made mjunous, un- personal attack. We are publication come to our Mr. Emerson's statement that, the 1973 edition of The factual, and defamatory protecting everyone's right to meetings, (Wednesdays at 6:00 "When a person submits American Heritage Dietienary stat~men!s ~bo~t Mr. Rhodes express her or hisself. above the grill) and give us a materials to be exhibited in a of the English Language, are and m prmtmg It, (as one can Again, even t:hou$hthe issu~ hand. STAPH ...... Letters to the Editor ........................... Dear "Staphylocucct - "Castration with a rusty can- have, in errect, stifled this and nothing else. I believe that ~Ns~~I~u~f;a~~b~ ~~%~have R~:q~::t~o~am 3~~~~5policies ~~~~:~~n,,)a~~ a '~:~~~~~t\~ ~~~~~~:~~~a~~~i;:~ ~1i~:~~ ~~~S~~~~ni~~~li!rra~o':ns~:net~~ Since moving to the Apt's in pertaining to individual ex- necessary to present both the open expression. When a not judge them. I welcome ~~~e~~~:~~ !~~~~z.p~~t~c::n~ pression in "letters to the protagonist and antagonist in person submits material to be criticism of my view and feel were announcing an SGA editor" "fAt th,e. coednception0d! oeQbUsear'veHrgsht'tothUdseca,'dlleOwifnogreXhibitehdin a PUedbliCh~tion,tfhtistotdallrgChOtmtPdete!ntdinmmyypoa~Nii!~movie and the Housing your se -proc aim new a n person as open tmse 0 en rr 0 e en Council's open meeting of progressive format there was themselves the merits or public critism and by virtue of in the face of "public rldicule". March 5. heard a call to rally for the shortcomings of each. I per- free public expression may I feel there is little or no expression of viewpoints and sonally take 'exception to many defend or withdraw from his Thank you for the op- effort made to inform the Apt's ~~~j~~~So:e~~~~:rnwi~~ ~~~ Uht~3e~t~t:~!~t~~~~~c~in~r~ ~~~g~s~~s ~~:tsa!r~~!~r ~[h portunity to spea~~n Emerson of any events, etc. The bulletin contributor. Now that is well criticism of his ideas as well as are in the public eye and both ~~~~~~ i~uc~e th~~~~n:: f~~ ~~~ll~~g~, anad s Ih:;~ep~t~~~ :ta~~~e~s; d~!aS~~i~;t~o!,~~ ~~~rt~~it~h~~~d e~:;:~Si:~a~ Dear Editor, school's policy on drinking, the members and non-members of tribution to your (our) s'eUtgtegrestamYOo"urntosmtioSSicOennsOofrtshha"otst"I,f,csoomns~~~:~~r:t~~!~ilivf~ ~~~~s triPs~~~ae~aic~~h~~~ ~ Sf d ~":tISi~d~~~~t~~~~~l;afl:~ newspaper, I feel that you f> program. •• I f only four printings your ' U en 5 pan 'f 5 a rve-, n Most people in' the Apt's poHcies are to be observed or don't eat in the Caf" ther~by disregarded as you see fit? I Brenda Harrison . . .. ~~::~~ine"_ o!hceampus~S~~~~ wonder just how you are This January term I had the arose! It started -when Dr. VIce, the mter-denoJ.tllnatlO~al most receive mail at the Apt's equipp~d to differentiate opportunity to participate in William Sipane Coffin of Yale agency through which major there is little reason to walk to between "slander" and free the study tour to Central University came to speak on Protestant and. ~astern Or- the Student Union, the 2nd expression. Even more Africa. It was the most February 17. He outlined the thodox c?mmum ties <:arry on major "grapevine." bothersome to me is why you rewarding and exciting ex- world hunger problem and cooperatIVe, ~orld-wlde pro- Any information I receive is would make a policy exception perience of my life. I was then explain~d how students on grams of service to th~ hun- purely by word of mouth. And by responding to a letter and in placed into a totally new and other campuses had banded gr~, homeless, and disaster while I know word travels fast ~h~~/es~on~~~~~~m~~~ y~~ r~~~~~~se~r;[eOr~te~~~~~~~~ ~~~~tht~stOsi~~:tl!nth;:un~oU!~ st~ce~e~~a s~all college, can ~~~~~dre~~:~ h~re.sometimes responsibility to allow con- I had been accustomed to. other countries. ~o ~elattvely httle to s.olve the Would it be asking too much tributors freedom of ex- There were varieties of ani- A group of WMC students In~ncate problems Involved to have notices posted of pression sans public ridicule. I mals there that are found no decided that it was now our WIth poverty a?~ hUnger,,' con cer t s, org an iza ti on know not the verbatim content where else in the world, turn and so are plannmg a However, by forfeltmg a sma meetings guest speakers of Sam's letter, but if his ex- beautiful plants all in glorious Starve-In A Starve-In IS run amount of comfort .for a few etc.? I am'sure I am not alon~ ~::ir~~/a~~s ~g:~~~~o~:o~ ~~~~~~~~;a~~t~h~~S~~:~Csh~~ ~~~.f~:~~~~rit7c~~:n~0~~~~~~~ ~~~~~:w~~ecae~f~~~tr~~~:tfm~ in my feelings. Yours, believe it is your responsibility civilization, only beauty. The sponsors ahead oftime, using a portantly, we can become more Wendee Doster to cast it into print for the total most fascinating part of the sponsor form provided. The aware of the pe_gplewho are Apt. 3F collegiate body to examine and entire trip was the people and Sponsors agree to pay the less fort.unate than ours~lves. P.S. I also doubt that all the ~d~~:::r~~f:i:JP[tr~~~~ \~ ~rv~~dt}~~C::tlyC~I!~~e~:~ ~:~s~~u~Otr:::t~~~~:~rs::, i~~po~re~ s~~~~U~n~het~t:;l!~S: people in t~e Apt's receive a is your policy to omit we do here in the United States. WMC Starve-In will last 24 sheets will also be' available copy of Scnmshaw. statements containing Most of the people live in hours, from Friday evening to There will be activities vulgarity and untruth, then small, round, grass-roofed Saturday evening, April 18-19. throughout the 24 hour period, STAPH: WHO TO BLAME why was the letter allowed huts. They have no modern The money that is collected but more details on that will The Big Three: Gene Funk which relied on a crude and conveniences whatsoever, and from our efforts will be come. This is a great 0p- Cindy 0' Neal somewhat obscene device must walk for miles to get a donated to Crop. Crop is an portunity for us to show that we Baron L. Tayler along with false statements to fresh pail of water. For us, it appeal of Church World Ser- care! The Little Two: Mark Katz make its point? (e g was a harsh sight to get ac- Larry Reed "For the first time in twenty- customed to. We felt obligated News briefs Picture Takers in Chief! six years peace is possible," ~}f~~~ts~~;~;.e~~~~ s~~:!~:n~ :::~~: l. Tayler, Gene Funk Egyptian President Anwar piece of clothing, or even a A c_ollege student m San There IS presently m the Barbara Burns Sadat said after opening talks simple plate of our stew, FranCISCO was awakened ati Library and Will remam for with Henry Kissinger last anything that could possibly three in the morm~g by a some weeks on the main floor Lonni Myers Saturday night. He also said make their life a little more young woman standmg near and second floor, an exhibit of Mark Bayer that while peace is obtainable, comfortable. This feeling his bed with a finger to her lips. fifty-one mounted color Mark Thorne "we shall be having a very subsided as our journey "Shh," she whispered, "I've enlargements of photographs Jennifer Watts hard round" of negotiations. progressed, but throughout the just been with your roommate. taken by Dr. David and his son Wilbur Mills Sadat stressed the importance trip we were continually aware Where's th.e front door?"- The when they were in India in Head Drawer: Brian Trumpower he places on-the Israeli with- of the drastic difference in student grmned and gestured 2964-65,2971-72,and January, Attorneys: Samuel Goldenstein & drawal of the occupied Sinai. living standards as compared toward the door. The next 1974. These are mostly Sons "lflam going to agree to non- to ours. morning, his roommate said'photographs of sculpture and AND: A Cast of Thousands. The belligerency while one Israeli This experience made a he'd be_enalone all night, and a architecture and mostly in the opinions expressed in this pub- soldier is occupying my land, great impression on me. So, search showed that $15 was Hindu tradition. There are also lication do not necessarily reflect that would be an invitation to when I returned to the States I .missMg. five or six pictures of con- those of the administration. Box stay on my land," he said, "I continued to feel the need to .. .. .......... • • .. temporary Indian people. 3A, Western Maryland College, ~:Vjt~~ito;.?!ng to extend that -~~~~~~U~h!~~~~r~~~Ort~n~~; ........ ._._ ........ ,...... Westminster, Maryland 21157.
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