Page 22 - Scrimshaw1975
P. 22
Page2 Scrimshaw WednesdayMarch5, 1975 Editorial While the confrontation with possible. Nobody says, before 11:30'?" enought to get some extra 'more concern for .others. We lx-an Mowbray held this past however, that we have to wait privileges yet. These incidents won't get anything ac- Friday evening in McDaniel lh,at long to start cooperating They have a point. We talk happen all the time. I know complished until we look at I.II11ng(~did not exactly yield with our fellow students and about being given a "trial from personal experience that ourselves as a united student tfu- goal that many of us residents night" to prove that we can it's very easy for an unescorted body and not as a collection of wanted, it did produce some man to get into a girls' dorm- feuding factions who can't see positive results. A lot of us The people at the meeting ~u~~~~~~t~~-~~~~:~~~mg~~r:g dangerously easy. And each ether's point of view, A learned that not all of the whn opposed the 24-hour trial nights every day of the although the sad but predict- suggested provision for the 24- students of WMC want the sY,stem fear that their privacy week since the beginning of the able fact aroun? here is that h?ur policy is that of allowing we have to walt for a near- different dorms to establish same thing. As unbelievable as Willhe endangered and that the school year, every night tragedy to hit us before we different closing hours and noise made in the halls will before curfew. Every time we it might seem, quite a few start worrying about security,·letting students pick their ~ludl'nls don't want the prevent them from sleeping or show a disregard for our neigh- 'all the lip-service we give m preferences. But for now, proposed za-hour open house- studying. "We'll be careful," bor's. rights. by making ex- that direction won't take the we're all stuck with each other- and have some good reasons. the open-house supporters say. ~~!:~~~ed n~:~s t~~oa~I~~ place of one locked door that so we'd better learn to get Donn Mowbray argued that stays locked. along. There's a Housing dl'Lllgcs should not be made ~~~'II q~~:te s:ftee;hi~1~3~~'~ ~~;'u~f~~!d,o~el~ri~eouar ~~~ It isn't too late to change our Council meeting tonight at 6:30 unless 1hey can be made to "Fine," say the open-house throat.s by proving that bad habits. All it fakes is a in the Baker Seminar Room. please ,IS many people as opponents, "but what about perhaps we're not responsible little more thought and a little MB Letters to the editor Dt-ar Editors, student rooms. To my students. The security force is our smaller cities and rural time a little more thought In the second issue of the knowledge there has only been not involved in the en- areas (i.e. - Westminster and could go into it. Scrimshaw. the big news of the one case this year in which forcement of campus surrounding areas). A few K.D. Will campus was the increase in student rooms were broken regulations such as closing students might be withdrawn if D S tuition next year. According to into for this purpose and that hours but in protecting the ~~~~e~~t~n~~~i~~~a~i~~~~\~ ~~~s:o'r~ur poli~y to answ~r the pal?er, "The Whole heating was the celebrated Christmas college community from such but I think it"would be worth it letters to the Editors of this plant IS run by oil and this 111cldent:--The property was incidents as theft, assault, if prosecution will make newspaper. howev~r, we are causes a tremendous ex- recovered in that case and the destruction of property. trespassers think twice before making an exception so that pense." Surprising? Not at local police have made an Obviously, Ihis letter could entering a dorm after hours or ~o~ mar kno,":"why your letter first. But it is if you sleep in arrest. In any case, it would go on for some length accosting a girl. Or if it ~sn,t being pr.mted. Your le~t~r just aT-shirt with no covers help prevent theft if we would discussing security. Instead, doesn't, at least prosecution rsn 1 being prmted because It IS and the windows wide open all lock doors. Another procedure let me assure you that this has a chance of putting slande~ous to Mr: Rhode.s. We winter. Our radiator is broken which is helpful in detering administrator: IS very much violaters behind bars, instead are all interested m your Ideas, and won't turn off, wasting a theft or any other criminal ~~~~f~~~d overo secu~I~~i u~t~ ofletling them walk around the b.ut.. we also have a respon- lot of that expensive oil, not to activity in student residences reasonable methods of im" campus or Rhode's suggestion sl~lhty to all of our con- mention making it extremely is for each of us, students and proving the security picture; of "castration with a rusty can- tributors. Namely that they that the city police rz: uncomfortable to live. I have staff members, to ask any requests that the whole college reported it as being broken but stranger in a building what community cooperate in the ~~~~,,, t~~~ i~.iir.~~O~~~ ~i~~o~P[ee:: ~~~~~~~v~~~~~ no one seems to think it im- they are doing in the building. effort to improve security. prosecute criminals, perhaps a We ~oul~ be glad to .prmt your portent enough to take the time These procedures and others Sincerely, few people will not think it so ~eelmgs If you Wish,.In our next to fix. It's not only our room are being discussed with ap- Wray Mowbray easy to rip off the college and Issue. Send l!s a revls~d coP.yof that is. unbearably hol. I've pro p ria t est u den t get away with it. your letter ~lt.wouldn t be nght heard the same complaint organizations so that we can If I am wrong and this is not for.l!s to edit It). Th~nk you for from several other students- make it more difficult to the Campus policy and if wntmg, please don t stop. students complaining about commit crimes on campus. examples can be shown that Staph having to sleep with no covers The Student. Affairs Office has ~ and the window open. It's not has requested on several oc- the Admlll1stralion caught ~'fY} ~ very cheering to walk into your casions prosecuted people room after it's rained all day patrol the roadways and committing Crimes, I WISh 'It~" but you had to leave your parking lots of the campus SCflmshaw would prmt news of window open. Of course, you Any misunderstanding of this ~~ II ThankYou ~.""':l could shut the window and then policy by the city police is the ~!n/~ the Deco~ ib?,:~~ suffocate the rest of the day. responsibility of the Dean of Bruce WhItney It... . ~ Still surprised that the tuition Students. "Scrimshaw", thank Dear Editors, 4To is going up? Let's take a closer you for pointing out what look at where the money is seems to have been a misun- atlOn CommIttee of Elderdice I woul.d like to offer a few~C-o-n-I,-.-st-, C.W~M"'C-'~s"'l"il-",-a--',y going and try to cut these derstanding concerning where ~f~i~ needless wastes!' the police would patrol. The sugges~lOns for future magazine, announces that Sincerely yours, following are two quotes from decoratmg endeavors. March 17 is the deadline for all Ginny Smoot a letter addressed to Chief 1. Consult the people who live poems, short prose, and Dear Editor: :::a~~~g~:Jr:itic~~~~~e:t~:~ and wo~k there. They have to photographs to be submitted'ic Con- look at It every day. the editorial staff. The response to your article Maryland College would very 2. Interior decor should tributions may -be given to "Crime on campus shows poor much appreciate having the generally ~e harmonious with Karen Beam, Jack Tracey, or security" is gratifying in that it officers of the Westminster ~~ th~ . archltect~re. of the, Mark Metzgar. Contrast ex- f~~~~~;u~rcoo~~u~?ryC~~~b~ City Police patrol the roads Dear Editors, bu~ld~ng. ~en It IS not, the presses gratitude for th Last issue you published a problem that has been with us and parking areas of our letter by a visitor, Neal budding begms to look tacky. contributions by the facult for some time. Hopefully, the campus" ...';your assistance Rhodes, who was complaining The modern glass fr~nt. door and SGA. concern will remain and not - would be greatly appreciated ~~~~~~f~:ar~~~ th~o~~~lt!nOJ~I----------i just be the fad of the week in providing additional abol;lt the security conditions because of anyone series of security to the campus and here at W.M.C. He ably stated multicolored walls are con- STAPH: WHO TO BLAME incidents or because it was the preventing unlawful conduct many problems of the security tinuing this process. The Big Three: Gene Funk picture,' but failed to mention a thing to complain about that by anyone." very important point: that of 3. Be more judicious in the Cindy 0' Neal week. Acts forbidden by law An additional security man choice of color. The tan walls Baron L. Tayter policy of are Ii growing problem in the has been hired to assist in the Administration'~ trespassers and dark panelling on the 1st The Little Two: Mark Kau not prosecuting floor, while a little somber, Larry Reed ~;~I~Yin~r~at~rl~era~~a~~t\~~ ~~~~oli~;t t~:ne~~~:u~re~~~~ found committing crimes on looks appropriate for the Picture Takers in Chief:' crease is highest in the problems within a residence the campus. building. However, as you go Baron L. Tayler, Gene Funk How can anything be done to suburban areas. Yes, all of us hall, however, may improve up the stairs, things don't look Peons: should be concerned and all of general campus security. This prevent crime on the campus SO good. The dark brown wall BarbaraBurns when the Administration will makes it look like a tomb, and Lonni Myers not prosecute violators? I am the impression is enhanced as Mark Bayer ~~£~~~1obi~':kS{~:~if::~! ~;!l~,::r~s~Yf~n~~:a~?~ told the Adminstration pur- you look down the 2nd floor MarkThorne off lhe campus. problems on campus only if posely tries to keep news of hall. The tan walls, darker tan Jennifer Watts Part of the reason for writing students are willing to crimes on the campus hushed ~~~~w(O::~e~~~~!'ta~~~:~~; AgathaChristie . this letter is to request the cooperate with the security up because they fear that if campus community to tran- force in identifying them- news of criminal activities ~b~~~t~~ f~:~1w~~~~~a~~ 't~~ ~;::rn~;:~~:~~;:a~mT~~::;:~~; becomes known, students will slate'the concern over recent selves--presenting their 1.0. panic and their parents will incidents on campus into Card when requested. This lhey put the dark carpet down 1 Sons person it AND: A Cast of Th~usands. The put As one reasonable actions which procedure, usually followed in withdraw them from the "Flashlights will be ~pin.ions expressed 10 .th1spub· would prevent or deter similar the late evening or early enrollment to seek safer refuge incidents in the future. The morning hours, is not to harass elsewhere. I disagree with this distributed at the entrance on IIcat10ndo not.necessarlty reflect those of the administration. Box r~~~I~~~~:'~~;~:~I~:~~f~oij policy. I think most students dreary days.!! Elderdice and their parents realize that was in need of 3A, Western Maryland College, ~:f~~~~:~~i~~:~;~:~df~~~ cr~me· is not restricted to our redecoraling; but'perhaps next Westminster,Marytand21157. the Student Center, etc. are major cities, but also exists in
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