Page 3 - TheGoldBug1973-74
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represent and sell out there and the kind of student sible for all housing. Dean Mowbray is in charge of life program we need." all student activities." A'nother new office is that of Vice President for The main reason behind the changes was the Development, held by Mr. James F. Ridenour. In report made last year by Dr. Earl J. McGrath on the Dr. John's words, "He is setting up a full-fledged of the college. When development office, which we have not had. efficiency and effectiveness the report was made, it was felt that an objective Western Maryland hasn't had as organized an analysis of WMC operations would improve the effort in t.he development field as has been typical standards of quality education and define more of most colleges and I think we're suffering from it clearly the duties and responsibilities of the in our fund-raising campaigns, in our general members of the .administration staff. The public relations. We're a good college and we have recommendations of Dr. McGrath were followed by a lot to talk about and be proud of. We've got to start !he Board of Trustees and the President in the talking and build the reputation of the place and get expectation of better relationships between it as known as we can. That's part of Mr. students, faculty, administration and parents. Hidenour's job. Another major part, if not the major part, is the fund raising. We're beginning an The changes have no direct relation to the rules extensive sustaining fund and as we get this rolling and regulations of WMC, but are more concerned on a local and regional basis, we're going to reach with the structure of the college itself. Dr. John did on out on a national basis. We have a long-range say, however, that he hoped to see a greater ad- plan that calls for four capital developments-a new vancement in the college policies. "He stated that, residence center, a new gymnasium, a new student "fewer the regulations, the better," which tend to center, and a new theater. Mr. Ridenour's. office and that people were often tied up by rules, policies has a big job on its hands." and guidelines were necessary, but only on a Handling major financial operations is Mr. Philip general basis. H. Schaeffer, Vice President for Business Affairs The impression of Dr. John was that the changes and Treasurer, effective last January. Assisting have brought some improvement and that things him in the new office of Controller is Mr. Robert were working out well. He explained this statement Layton, who will be in charge of the budget. by saying "I think things are running smoother Finally, Dean Mowbray is now Dean of Student because people have a much better idea of what Affairs and Dean Laidlaw is Associate Dean of their responsibilities are." He felt that because of Student Affairs. Dr. John explained, "Instead of this, that people would not be wasting time doing dividing things of this nature by sex-having a Dean what others should be doing, but instead would be of Men and a Dean of women-Dean Laidlaw is concentrating their energies on their own duties Associate Dean of Student Affairs and is respon- therefore, doing a better iob. WMC over enrolls by 60 by Gerry Philips As The Wall Street Journal prints "Schools Raise raising enrollment to approximately 1250students, f:'ees, Worry As Applications Decrease; 'Don't at a rate of about fifty students per year . .BiuildAny Buildings' " as subheads to its front page At present, however, there are approximately articles (Sept. 13, 1973), W.M.C. is over enrolled 1220full-time students in attendance, which places and hopes to have new residential facilities com- the plan ahead of schedule. With new residential pleted by the fall semester of 1974. This situation is facilities and this college's stability (there has been more unusual when rising inflation and subsequent no downtrend in the last fifteen years) considered, Ingber educational costs are considered. the Admissions Department remains optimistic At present there are 60-80 more students at- about maintaining enough space for all and expects ending school here than previously anticipated, not no problem in keeping that space filled. III of whom are resident students. This is primarily The decision to increase enrollment to 1250 was due 1.0 a miscalculation concerning the number of made to hold down the rise of costs and maintain a accepted applicants who would actually decide to desirable student/faculty ratio. The projected enroll and an unexpected retention of uppercJass increase should alter this ratio to 15 to 1, from the students who had not decided to transfer. present ratio of ,3 to 1. With statistics from other private institutions of higher learning in mind, where applications and The new residence areas are planned to house enrollment are decreasing, the Admissions Com- approximately 90 students in an apartment-like mittee accepted more applicants than usual, situation. suitable for married students for whom preparing for a possible downtrend so every space there are no facilities available now. would remain filled. What makes Western Maryland College desirable As summer progressed not as many applicants as to so many applicants in the face of decline feared turned down Western Maryland's ac- elsewhere is difficult for those of the Admissions ceptances. In fact, more than expected decided to ~)epa~tment ~opinpoint. This factor is the enabling enroll. Thus, no downtrend occurred and the college terce III keeping costs down and enlarging without became slightly over enrolled. the fears of enrollment stability present at other According to Dr. H. Kenneth Shook, Gregg Getty, schools. and Ron Athey, of toe Admissions Department, the Whatever it is that attracts students to West- acceptance of more applicants had a small part to minster it is continuing. Suggesting what might be dowith the plan to enlarge W.M.C. This plan was to vital in the popularity of W.M.C., Mr. Athey have spread over a two to three year time period, commented "Good students attract good students." galloping gourmets may have my menu to insure that I can get my supply". She to serving a larger student body. year if rising food prices and emphasized that WMCbought only USDA inspected continue. Yet Mrs. Arlene meats and would not consider any meats not having Turnstiles were purchased to help the checkers Manager, has initiated this inspection. cuisine ideas. as our school is too large for facial recognition. The additional funds to the cafeteria are not "ThJ> .tumsttles", Mrs. MacDonald said, "will. many food stuffs have become too ex- enough to compensate for the higher cost of beef. help -keep the cost of food down by keeping the freeloaders out.' for her budget, Mrs. MacDonald has in- Mrs. MacDonald says it is difficult to fight the 3'0% hike in our wholesale market. At the present, Mrs. a variety of yogert and carbonated drinks WMC diet. The selection of beverages, MacDonald says, "Poultry is hard to find, turkeys Mrs. MacDonald feels that students should by SGA, does not include Diet Pepsi, as are not available, and hopes for a steak dinner at recognize the food shortage and avoid excessive MacDonald explained, "The Pepsi people waste, warning, "Serving yogert may be discon- lowered the calorie content and we will offer it Christmas looks dim." tinued if the students persist in carrying it out of the as supplyis available." With all her problems with higher prices and beef cafeteria." Cafeteria hours have been extended both for lunch and dinner to accommodate the extra summer, Mrs. MacDonald had to contend shortages, she remarked, "Our cafeteria em- 200 students, but the first day of classes found in mayonnaise and margerine, ployees have been most cooperative in doing their had no raisins since last May." Also share to conserve waste and increase efficiency." several WMC students eating lunch at 11:15 and of the bulging waistlines again at 1:30. Perhaps, summer, there were no beef deliveries When asked about any exotic cuisine she had in WMC students will be a telltale sign of violation in weeks. 1have to call in-orders before I plan mind, she smiled and said they first had to get used cafeteria regulations.
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