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"'ge2 The Gold BUA September 25, 1973 Commentary "Do the students -really give a damn? by Nellie Arrington In-a fast-paced Fall Convocation address, Dr. construction before winter. heard on this campus within recent memory. He Ralph John presented the "Proximate Goals" of The third proximate goal illuminated by the clearly outlined what students can expect from the Western Maryland College to attending students as president was creation of informal channels be- college in the immediate future. The changes, those he opened the new academic year. tween the trustees and the faculty/student corn- that have been instituted and those which are Softening the stiffness of the formal objectives mittees. To this end, the faculty has elected three of proposed, show a broadening of perspective and a stated in the college catalogue, Dr. John outlined its body to the Board's plenary sessions. Dr. John recognition of reality. The new college ad- five areas of change; college relations and invited a similar liaison with the students, although ministrators are more specialized and suited to de~elopment, impendin~ construction of a cautioning that the integrity of separation of roles their office. They bring with them an outsider's residence center. court action on a First Amend- must be maintained. viewpoint, refreshing on a campus which tended to ment suit, improved liaison among trustees and Dr. John announced the college's court suit in- be ingrown a few years ago. Between September faculty and students, and broadening of the liberal volving Western Maryland's eligibility for state 1970 and September 1973, the change here has been arts philosophy. funds relative to its association with the United startling. One used to struggle to decide which was With the new office of Vice-President for Methodist Church will be decided in late November more lethargic; the students or Elderdice. Now, the Development, Dr, John revealed plans for by the Third U. S. District Court. He said students at Western Maryland are clearly apathetic cultivation of financial resources. Two sources preparation of the college's case had revealed the when compared to a - newly dynamic ad- named will be a parents' fund, common to other necessity of representing WMC as "autonomous in ministration. similar colleges, and a local sustaining fund, governance, non-sectarian in program." Ac- Why the lack of interest in Fall Convocation'? drawing support from the immediate outside cordingly, publications from the college will ex- Several reasons come to mind. Traditionally, community. A third proposal to meet operating press this "fraternal" and "voluntary" relation- Convocation has been a boring assembly including costs is contingent upon approval by the Maryland ship with the church. introducing the new faculty members, awarding General Assembly. This concept, developed by the After noting the faculty has the final deter- obscure, albeit significant, undergraduate Pear Committee to Study Private Higher mination on academic structure, Dr. John academic awards, and a presidential speech not Educ~tion in Maryland, would give a private in-. suggested an easing of the basic graduation notable for its exemplary rhetorical brilliance. stitution the equivalent of fiteen percent of the requirements to broaden the students' "intellectual Alumni Hall is usually hot and sticky, and the seats state's general fund contribution for each student at experiences over a broad spectrum of human quickly become extremely uncomfortable. The a four year public college. Approximately $243 per knowledge." He stated, "We stand against over- Convocation is often timed to coincide with the full-time student, this would about $300,000 specialization ... for for interdisciplinary ar- opening of lunch in the cafeteria. Not exactly a set annually for WMC. The award would be adjusted ticulation." To achieve this goal, he directed, of attributes conducive to majority attendance. each year by the Consumer's Price Index used for " .. individual (human) differences-in interest, But t.his year saw a new low in student par- the Maryland Retirement System. objectivies, and aptitude-should be factors in the ticipation. Those who did come seemed to be fresh- men, people receiving awards, friends of people Ground wut be broken very soon, according to Dr. planning of individual programs." receiving awards, and a scattering of students who John, for a two-module apartment complex on Noteworthy was the deficient student attendance were actually interested in the speech or felt they Pennsylvania Avenue to open next fall. The new at Convocation. Out of a student body" newly had to appear so. Certainly with the changes being housing facility, to be run as an apartment house, enlarged to 1200, approximately less than half made on campus, however, one would think more will have units suitable for a married couple, four attended. This was unfortunate in light of the students would be interested in an outline of im- students, or possibly a faculty member or family. changes which have come and are pending mediate goals of the college. But then, do the Dr. John expressed hope the structure will be under Dr. John's speech was one of the most dynamic students really give a damn'? From the Honor Court: Honor system upholds values by Gayle Vaught, honor court member The Honor System at WMC is a philosophy and a recommend corrective action. The court is seeking standard of behavior which involves the whole to establish a range of penalties, corrective action college community. Having an honor system is an is currently at the discretion of the court and may overt expression of some of the values and beliefs which exist in this community. We value the in- range from a warning to suspension from the college. There have been a number of trials in the divlduat's achievement in academic pursuits, and past year with varying corrective action taken. we believe in the individual's honesty and integrity. 1\ standard of behavoir-academic honesty in -all A list of student members and faculty advisors of. areas-is established as a result of our values. The the Honor Court follows. Any of these people would Honor System means to students an atmosphere of be happy to talk to anyone with question or trust and freedom. suggestions about the Honor System. Please, as r-r- ,_ members of this community, be sure you un- As with other community standards, there is derstand what the Honor System means to you. occassional deviation from the standard of Students who have questions about what is con- behavior in academic matters. The Honor Court is sidered academic dishonesty should speak to the Gold Bug an elected group of students whose purpose it is to professors in the specific course where the question reinforce the established standard for the sake of arises. Each of us has a responsibility to uphold this the whole community. A complete explanation of system in order to maintain the atmosphere of Volume 50 Number 8 the Honor System can be found in the Student freedom which now exists. Handbook and should be read by every student. September 25, 1973 Some aspects of the system can be mentioned Current members of the Honor. Court are as briefly. follows: Cathy Nelson Chairman Editor-in-Chief The Honor Court meets regularly for business Chip Wright Associate Editor Nellie Arrington meetings. Last year was spent making con- necnrder- stitutional changes and formulating by-laws. The Anne Stubblefield Managing Editor Cindy O'Neal coming year will be spent further clarifying Richard Elliott procedural questions. The work of the Honor Court xenlors Photography Editor Jackie Deakyne, Vivian Doidge, Laurie Ennis, is ongoing and we are continually seeking better Mike Gosman, Gary Hanna, Andy Keefer, Advertising manager Steve Boyd ways of maintaining and improving the Honor System within the college community. Student Charlotte Lent, Tim Meredith, Gayle Vaught. concern and involvement essential. .Juniors Special thanks to Keith Moore, Director of Bob Davis, Charlie Englemeir, Karen Farina, Publicatfonsandf'ubticrtv, for press releases. An important duly of the Honor Court is handling Karen Gilbert, Sandy Gordon, Julie Mullen, Mary violat.ions of the Honor System. Violations may be Lou Schanze, Richard Tucker tznd semester), SUE reported by any member of the college community, Underwood, Suzi Windemuth. Published by and for the students of Western whether faculty or student. The person reporting a Sophomores Maryland College:. The opinions expressed in violation need not reveal himself to the person he is Jean Beaver, Steve Clark, Dave Cooney, Dave this publication do not neccessarily reflect those accusing. Trial procedure involves an investigation, Fine, Debbie Hosey, Joe lngolia, Frank LaFalce, of the administration. a hearing and a trial. Investigators from the court Stew' Mahaney, . talk with those involved. One investigator informs Advisors the accused in writing of the charge against him. A Dean Wray Mowbray, Dean Elizabeth Laidlaw, We welcome your comments and/or suggestions. hearing is held to determine if there is enough Mr. Ethan Seidel erst semester), Dr. Donald Please address all mail to: Box 3A, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Maryland 21157. evidence for a trial. A trial is held with a jury of five Zauche (2nd semester), Dr Robert Sapora, Dr. Honor Court students who reach a verdict and Richard Smith '--------- J • ....