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page 6. The Gold~Bug May 15, 1913 Symposia urge liberality in liberal artsĀ· by Chip Rouse How in the world do you capture on a piece of course, once more the question arises, "How do we regretfully, Dr. Martin noted that external paper all that was said in the symposia during assess progress here?" The ideal community is the pressure won't be exerted at WMC, and we are Inaugural Week? Even a verbatim transcript perfect blending of all three modes, but, as Dr. internally stable to some degree, so we are at a wouldn't do justice to Dr. Martin's genius, for the Martin pointed out, "If you brought that off, you standstill.) Perhaps if we introduced a leader from atmosphere in Decker Auditorium on the nights of would be achieving rare distinction." the outside, one who is sensitive enough to face the May 2, 3, and 4 was nothing so easily transcribed Though not wanting to set up Sonoma as the challenge, and patient enough to work for into words. It is unfortunate there were not more model for Western Maryland, Dr. Martin did ex- sequential change, we may get somewhere. Is there students there to enjoy and/ or participate in what plain that the difference between a community of such a person? One begins to .wonder where he .Is Dr. Martin was trying to achieve, for now all that is convenience and a community of conviction can be hiding himself, if he exists at all. left are my quite meager reflections on what took seen where he is based. He sees Western Maryland place those 3 nights. as a uni-dimensional community, where only the The relationship of the college to the large What was it Dr. Martin was trying to tell us? Our first mode of teaching and learning is utilized. If we societal community is important in consideration of theme of-v'The Liberal Arts College: A Sense of are satisfied with that (which obviously we are not, the fact that it is in society's interest for the college Community" was the guideline of the nights' or-Dr-.Martin wouldn't be here), then we have gone to serve its constituency. It does this best when it is disucssion, yet what does that mean in relation to us far enough.' Survival, however, isn't really the a center for critical thought, and at worst, it here? Our "leader" for the discussions, Dr. William question; we should think more of "survival with- imitates societal thought. It is indeed a large Bryan Martin, provost, The Old School, Sonoma significancev--with a distinctive community. demand in asking society to back up the colH~~e State College, California, confessed at the very Slicing up Sonoma's system into a very digestible even when they may be at odds, yet the college i beginning he was a complexifier, and did not have pie, Dr. Martin gave ev;idence that he is indeed a the institution best suited to engage in criticism a~d all the answers. Just as Western Maryland is un- "complexifier." Though much too detailed to go creativity. Do we dare to think independentl certain where to turn next, so also Dr. Martin says, into here, it included a conventional system enough to voice our disagreements when they ar "I am among the morally anguished these days, for (natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities) needed? Dr. Martin sees this as one of the primer now we have no certainty." In our search for a as well as many innovative and experimental op- duties of the true community-of-conviction-college community, Dr. Martin gave us the basis for a look tions (independent study, seminars, expressive Yet colleges do make a difference -- they do mov at education's part in the process. The liberal arts arts, environmental studies), an applied- people and there is a marked increase in in college does train in verbal and conceptual skills professional program, and an interdisciplinary tellectual disposition after exposure to college. and it does-work towards socialization and cer- institute. Yet though we could not.put such a system So all is not lost. Perhaps the brilliant bubble tha tification, yet is this enough? Dr. Martin gives a into practice here, Dr. Martin thinks a similar was built those nights in Decker will not burs resounding "no!" for an answer: he believes it' program could be instituted. He believes that more as soon as we think. Dr. John acknowledge must also "free the person from the tyranny of his stress on IDS and what he called "probes" is Dr. Martin's challenge for us to get together in th own experience." We must become accustomed to needed; furthermore, an alternative means for milieu of true community and probe these fun a new set of options, through developing our .own evaluation and assessment of both students and damental questions. Says Dr. John, "Let's b capacity for good judgment-and this, the liberal faculty is needed. He proposed a rigorous course liberal in out understanding of the liberal arts.' arts can do. evaluation as well as programs whereby students The options have been presented to us; we mus To understand what it is we are to be searching would stay with a course for anywhere from 3 1/ 2 only be open to experimentation and innovation fo for, Dr. Martin summed up the 3 modes of teaching to 10 1/ 2 weeks--rather like our January Term. such options to become realities. No one shoul and learning which are present today. The first is More ideas such as these may ease the friction expect instant change -- even after as convincing that of objective analysis, which, since the caused by the "constraints of tradition" fighting man as Dr. Martin, we all should know better. Ye seventeenth century, has been especially dominant. against the "imperatives of change." there are some really tangible, structural change Here lies the center of intellectual theory and' The question was raised, of course, as to how to which have been proposed, and if by institutin training, and here also lie hierarchies and titles, as change the faculty. Dr. Martin is of the opinion that them we can start to become a community 0 well as specialization and departmentalization. change can come from adversity from outside as conviction, then it is our collective responsibility t SOUnd familiar? The second mode is that of ex- well as from internal disequilibrium. (Almost see this done. . periential involvement, which broadens learning through direct experiences. It posits that what is Profiles-I- learned is important, not what is taught. Yet should this category include all human experience? If so, how is one judged? The third and final category ( received the main discussion of the evenings: Mrs.MĀ·ortin helped in Apollo transcendent vision, where words such as imagination, inspiration, rapture, soul, poetic, and spiritual are used in definition. It is likened to the by Sue Cocking mysticism of Saint Francis, as opposed to the A new arrival at Western Maryland this semester playing tennis. scientific rationale of objective analysis. To be open was Mrs. Dianne Martin, computer science in- to dreams and fantasies and "rhapsodic intellect," structor. Mrs. Martin made several helpful comments a as Dr. Martin puts it, comes from multiple vision suggestions about the occupational prospects in t rather than from the somewhat uni-dimensional Born in Worcester, Massachusetts and well computer science field: outlook Western Maryland seems to have. Of travelled, Mrs. Martin has lived in Maryland since "When computers started becoming popul 1959. She graduated from WMC in 1965, having about 10years ago, a high school graduate could g majored in math and economics/ education, then Berrigan to speak went on to obtain her master's degree in computer Af- a good job without a college education. But the ne has become- of generation computers the University of Maryland. from science terward, she married another WMC graduate, now sophisticated that it requires more education to a lawyer for..the Justice Department, whose job is considered a professional in the field. There is a b Father Philip Berrigan will speak at Western to prosecute top members of criminal organizatins difference between operating and program! Maryland College on Wednesday, May lS, at 7:00 such as the Mafia and Cosa Nostra. computers. Most people can be taught to operate p.m. in Decker Lecture Hall.. .. . computer, but it requires more skill to Father Berrigan has been deeply Involved III CIVll , Mrs. Martin taught junior high school math for a programing. These days, a lot more people a rights activities and the peace movement. He is time, then worked at Goodard Space Center for getting advanced degrees in computer science.' noted most recently for his membership in the IBM for three years. Her job there included aiding Harrisburgh 8. The public is invited to his lecture on in the writing of the program for the Apollo moon Is the job market in'the field as open as it used "The Risk and Price of Freedom." project and actually participating in mission be? Mrs. Martin answered. "You have to be mo Father Berrigan's appearance at Western control during the pre-moon flights. Mrs. Martin technically trained and specialized than you use
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