Page 47 - TheGoldBug1972-73
P. 47
THE GOLD BUG DECEMBER 12, 1972 DECEMBER 12.1972'1'" THE GOLD BUG PAGE 7 Glory to God in the highest I sang the angels The Twelve Days of College on that night When there arrived on our planet this love The following song, to the tune of "The'Twelve I this hope I Days of Christmas," was written and presented this light Iby the McDaniel freshmen at the women's tri- I It is printed I This Child. • here at the request of several of the audience. I Idorm party last Wednesday night. But why the talk of glory in the presence of poverty cultural deprivation I, On the first day of college the President said to I shame I me, "Welcome to WMC!;' On that silent night IOn the second day of college Miss Northcraft II when a peasant refugee couple I said to me, "Be in by curfew ... " sought lodging? On the third day of college my roomate said to I " Isn't talk of God's glory here inappropriate I me, "Keep the room clean ... " I embarrassing IOn the fourth day of college my professor said I I to me, "Study your bio ... " IOn the fifth day .01'college Dean Laidlaw said to I impolite? me, "Stay a virgin ... " I I ~i!s~a~!y~~e surely crossed. (What would Emily I On the six th day of college my big sister said to " If date a Preacher. .." me. "Don't bl~IOry is reserved for thrones and palatial ~ar- • On the seventh day of college my advisor said tol I .• me, "English is closed ouL." The Bethlehem ca ve • On the eighth day of college my FAC said to mel stable I barn IOn ':~eo~;~l~~td~I~C:f~gii~~e a cafeteria worker Is hardly the Taj MahaJ I On the tenth day of colle¥e my girlfriend wrote I I said to me, "Don't steal the silver. .." S1. Peter's I I Baker Memorial Chapel (even with bannersl) IOn to me, "Guess what? I m pregnant!" I the eleventh day-of college my boyfriend :~~i~~~ of glory in this time and place? Do angels This holy, wholeman who could relate freely with I Ian said to me, "Give me the ring back ... " I the twelfth day of college my mother said of Christmas was in its r_':'~:;'':'H,:~:'~~:'~Zi': priests and prostitutes 'Twas one week before finals, TG turkey on the 1 Or could this be the angelic insight--that the glory of lepers and children wing, and the celebration God is a fully human life Jewish castes and Samaritan outcasts full swing. WMC'ers got back from Thanksgiving vacation only to plunge head first into a frenzy of a man fully alive and politicians pre-Christmas activities that made the last week of Council cocoa party in McDaniel lounge. The cocoa was hot. spirits were high, and luckily the piano a truly free person' And retain his mtegrity. classes a week to remember was in tune as everyone joined in some hearty a people being Could this be the meaning of glory? Do angels know The week was kicked off by the annual door Emancipated from bondage to Egyptian past. their businesS? decoration contest held in Blanche Ward, Mc- singing of well-known Christmas carols. The week progressed with Christmas serenades, For on that Is that why, in the next breath, they sing of peace Daniel, and Whiteford halls. Doors were judged at individual dorm parties, and even a HINGE cake Holy night a wholly new life entered our history to on earth, good will to men? I :00 Sunday afternoon, and were arrayed in auction in the cafeteria Wednesday night. become the ThiS one man, so fully alive everything from smiling Santas to cherubic angels. Christmas spirit must have hit an all-time high The girls put in a lot of time and effort to make the healthy SO humanly free when Psycho Ward dished out 100bucks for a Dean self-accepted SO much a source of hope and meaning dorms shine out with Christmas spirit from every Mowbray creation of confection. The tri-dorm door. party was held Wednesday night at Christmas Every year, Western Maryland College holds a Christmas celebration, MAN self-actualized so responsive to human need Festivities moved right along Sunday afternoon curfew in Blanche Ward gym. Freshman girls put so willing to risk and every year the celebration has a distinct flavor of its own. This with the Sigma Sigma Tau-Phi Delta Theta on their various skits, with an original rendition of year, a new president lit the nee, and Christmas took on a special the genuinely to be vulnerable Christmas party for underprivileged kids, held at "The Twelve Days of College" by twelve little meaning for his family, and the college family. A deat choir accom- legitimately to l~~~e conversation the Westminster Church of the Brethren. There "virgins" from McDaniel managing to crack...up the panied our own choir by "signing" the lyrics. And for the first time radically were singing, games, a visit from a certain little audience and bring on a standing ovation. The little joy in twenty-odd Christmases, suddenly there seemed a good chance of HUMAN profoundly meals man dressed in red, and a Santa pinata that finally man in red turned up again, traditionally played by burst to spill out goodies for everyone. Even the the president of McDaniel, to throw a shower of "peace on earth, good wi!! towards men." With friends and enemies. So anxious to talk to God Good Humor man managed to make an ap- goodies down upon the girls. Merry Christmas and peace, the unbelievable pearance. Activities drew to a close Thursday night with a threatening and people of people and God The college choir gave their annual Christmas candlelight Christmas dinner, reigned over by the The Gold Bug Staff fascinating concert to a capacity crowd in Baker Memorial Christmas tree in the east end of the cafeteria. A • unforgettable of God in people Chapel Sunday night. An added attraction this year midnight Christmas candlelight service in Baker of people in God. Memorial Chapel wrapped up the week's festivities ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FREEMAN. Is that why glory shone around that night? was the "signing" done by the choir of Christ Saturday night, leaving only the brightly-lighted United Methodist Church for the Deaf, directed by Q. What is the chief end of man? their minister, Rev. Louis Foxwell. Dr. John Christmas tree on the hill to cheer us-as exam week ....11::<:""1'>" A. To glorify God and to enjoy him forever. (Thus headed the tree-lighting ceremony, sponsored by cometh. by Debbie Day We .have experienced several events which satth the Catechism) the SGA, in front of the chapel directly following the recogmze the presence for this year 1972 of the Well, why not? Receive and respond to his concert. Then everyone moved on to the Women's Hannukahl Christmas season. The s~rvice~ in the humanizing power; live before him chaPE:l ~ave followed the themes of Israel's a live free and full of peace ~es?l~nzc hop.e and Christian advent. Then was the mSPI:mg chotr concert, and the lighting of the yule.tlde tree. on the quadrangle. Similarly the SOp~g~~R~ T~o~~~ I~UI7~G~~~i! t:h~~JS i~o~~~ s~rams of Christmas carols float across campus at ru~.t, usually sung by students exuberant with the highest! spir-it of the season All of l.his gives ~ lift .t? the esprit of the college Bill (a man fully alive) to God in the highest! community as It identifies WIth like happenings around the world. Furthermore, the semester is abou! to end ..The 0l?i_nousspecter of examinations Bev and Ken (a fully human marriage) to God in notw.lthstandi~g, this ISa good time of the year. the highest! ~t IS a special and fresh privilege for us in the midst of all Of.these things to extend greetings to Western Maryland College (a fully human in- those whose lives mesh in the life and work of stitution) to God in the highest! ~e~t~rn Maryland College. The John family, each individually and all together, ~as enjoyed becoming Vietnam a part of the WMC scene. This fact will make the highest! (a liberated people) to God in the "old year," 197~,always memorable for us. There has been one thmg .superlattvely fulfnling in it all: namely the new Friendships which we have made Ireland (peace on earth) to God in the highest! among students and colleagues on this hill. We like you, and hope we can deserve to have you feel the Middle East (good will to men) to God in the same way toward us. highest! So as once again we live through days of which Hannukah, Christmas and New Year are a part you have our special greetings and good wishes fo; Could we make this angelic chorus happiness now and in 1973. a community sing Ralph and Dorothy John our Christmas Carol? Byron and Randy December 5, 1972 Ira I - I I
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