Page 44 - TheGoldBug1972-73
P. 44
DECEMBER 12.1972 Beall previews 1973 Congress by Cathy Nelson A surprisingly small turnout greeted Senator J. Glenn Beall's appearance last Tuesday at II :20 in Decker. The Senator, who had ostensibly come to answer questions regarding the upcoming legislative session (Congress convenes on January 3) met with a rather concerned, albeit subdued climate. After some opening comments regarding possible points of discussion in the upcoming legislative session, the Republican sena.tor from Maryland threw open the floor for questions. Among items definitely on the Congressional agenda, the Senator listed pension l~gislation, welfare re~orm, tax reform, Execultve. _Dept. reorganization, no-fault Insurance, a new ml~Imum wage, possible expansion of Amt~ak, HIghway Bills, and the possibility of continuing th~ wage; price freeze. Also included was the resubml.sslOn of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act, now Without a budget. A proposal for a negative income tax as a me$sageacross." possible welfare reform will be rejecte? in favor ..of affairs a minimum welfare payment. International Vanocur: Journalist's journalist discussions will mostly deal with trade legislation. Some of the Senator's were discussed regarding own personal positions the selective service by Nellie Arrington system. "I think the Selective Service System According to Public Broadcasting newsman as a journalist and a citizen is whether this is a should be used only on a reserve basis, in case of Sander Vanocur, McGovern's problem in the recent policy of leadership or fellowship." . national emergency," he said. Closely linked to this subject, he added that he was not in favor of am- election was "he did get his message across." nesty for draft-dodgers at this time. He did not Speaking at Hood College in Frederick last 19~e~r~~~~~~~~~~~t~~3~~~r~~:~~ff~~' :;~~~~~e~ Wednesday evening, Vanocur dissected the elaborate on welfare reform, stating only that he and foresaw a change. He hoped for improvement, Presidential election and its potential impact on the ::~:as~~l~~e~n~s ~;:r~b~r~~nt~d:~ ~~~~ve~n~ implied also that if the minimum wage is raised, a United States, then fielded questions from his Commenting on Agnew for 1976, he said, "Agnew special clause will have to be added to include audience of about 300. has a serious problem which is how to be loyal to the seasonal employees, and temporary employees. vanocur, a fifteen-year .veteran of NBC President but also how to develop his own con- newsrooms, {eels McGovern's change from lax stituency for 1~7G." In an inlerview following the appearance, the relief for middle-income groups to increased In answer to a question on Nixon's Cabinet ap- senator, who serves on the Committee of Consumer welfare benefits for current recipients hurt the pointments, vanocur said, "on the whole they were Affairs, was asked whether or not he thought the candidate the most. The people "didn't feel rather good in terms of the President's concept of boycotts of various foods were effective in threatened by Richard Nixon-they were scared out what the Cabinet should be." He feels Pete demonstrating to the Committee the feelings of the of their wits by George McGovern," he analyzed. Peterson's success in opening world trade as consumer constituency. He replied, "Well, 1 don't He said President Nixon "may face a personal Secretary of Commerce has been overlooked, but believe 1have ever really thought about it. I can say crisis if he doesn't realize actions of the greatest will have great impact on the future. one thing, though, boycotts are not effective good for the greatest number may not always be vanocur explained his view of Public Broad- legislatively." To the question of whether or not a popular. In further concern over the Nixon ad- casting in a pre-speech interview. He left NBC lowering of the voting age would imply also a ministration, Vanocur noted, "The problem I have because he was tired after fifteen years there and lowering of the age for running for Congressional fell like, "want a clichev-crecharging my battery." offices, he gave a similar response. "I haven't What can you do When Public Broadcasting offered him election thought about that. It would seem, though, that year coverage he decided to change. vanocur fe~ls involves question the since Constitutional a with a 21 year old he has a different function than that of the major amendment, that there would be no immediate he had a very good network reporter- because action taken." "That's chance for expeimentation. not to say we for a Republican When asked his speculation girl who hates did it. ...We were subject to pressure' from the ad- Presidential candidate in 1976,the Senator jokingly ministration." Questioned about this, he explained said, "I don'l have to make that decision at this the administration doesn't want public affairs in spinach? broadcasting, He fels this is a threat which is a time, so I'm not going to make it." attitude this un- and said is precedented. reality to professional journalism. As to the .futur.e of public broadcasting, Sander Vanocur thmk.s It has great potential since reporters have more time and are not competing for a mass audience. He noted that when public broadcasting became competitive, people started to pay it more at- tention. However, he foresees this media in serious trouble for the next four years of this ad- ministration because it has put Public Broad- casting on a "starvation diet." Public Broadcasting was the target, in Vanocur's words, "because (the administration has) the feeling it's in the hands of Eastern limousine liberals." Commenting on the future of international politics, Vanocur. prophesized Japan will become a supreme power and take over the world. impressive in- The world's best pizzo. tellectually. One got the feeling, as he played with is extremely Vanocur Sander his host's dog, he would prefer to be a homebodr, which he later admitted. While he put everyone In the pre-speech reception apparently at ease, he seemed to form a shrewd, almost imperceptible mental impression of each person he met. At times, he acted the slightest bit bored or tired, revitalizing when discussing current issues or Public Broad- RT. 140 VILLAGE Westminster, Md. casting. He mentioned removing himself fr~m 848 - 0007 politicians he covers; one felt he would be quite 6567 BALTIMORE NATIONAL PIKE. easy to know but not a person to whom one could Catonsville, Md. become close. He was frank and did not hedge at L... 7_88_~_8_0_70.,., __, .....-~~.questions. One wishes politicians wOUl~~dc.::d:::o__ ==";;:ii
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