Page 43 - TheGoldBug1972-73
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THE GOLD BUG PAGE 3 'Live each day New Dean appointed to the fullest' Hoping that others could be as happy and suc- cessful with their first professional job as she, Dr. William McCormick, Jr., currently on the Kathy Trzecieski is a new addition to the faculty faculty of William and Mary College in Virginia, staff at Western Maryland College this year. has been appointed vice president: dean of Graduating in May 1972from SL Joseph College in academic affairs at Western Maryland College, Emmitsburg, Maryland with a bachelor of arts in President Ralph C. John announced this week. History-Secondary Education, she is presently the Dr. John said that he feels "fortunate to be able to assistant to the Director of Admissions. Her duties appoint a person of Dr. McCormick's scholarly "include office coordination, visiting high schools achievements for this position of primary as an Admission Representative from our college, responsibility in the life and work of the college. He interviewing perspective WMC students.rattendmg is committed to the liberal arts with substantial college nights and answering correspondence." experiencein academic administration in our type of Miss Trzecieskt's vocational goal has always been institution .... This appointment is made at the vice to work with people in some type of leadership presidential level because of its importance and the capacity, and in an educational setting such as a kind of responsibility I expect the academic dean to liberal arts college, it is possible for her to do this carry." , while at the same time keeping abreast of current Dr. McCormick is professor of business ad- events. ministration and associate dean for undergraduate studies in the school of business administration of Concerning the admission procedures at our William and Mary. His experience includes several college, Miss Trzecieski is quite pleased. She "feels years at Baldwin-Wallace College in Berea, Ohio, that we have an excellent competent staff who where hewas at times assistant dean of the faculty, enjoys their work and who are also working for the dean of student affairs, and associate professor of betterment of Western Maryland College. Dr. economics and business administration. He has Shook and other members of the Admissions been at William and Mary since 1969. committee are very receptive to change and im- provement when it is necessary. There is no The new vice president graduated with distinc- stagnation of opinion in this department." Her tion from Indiana University, received the M.B.A. personal opinions are that the most important degree there. and the Ph.D. at Case-Western requirements for admission into college are Reserve University. His teaching interests include "grades in high school and the courses that a macroeconomic theory. student chooses to prepare himself for in colI.ege." Dr. McCormick is a member of the American Original~y from Pittsburgh, past-time activities Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the the and Accounting Association, range from reading literature, expeciallyhistorical American Economic Association. He has been American novels and science fiction, to belonging to the Maryland Historical Society. She enjoys con- educational consultant for the National Aeronautics and Field, Administration Langley at Space tempcry music including Chicago and old Beatles and traveling in the United States. Her main hobby Virginia: with the Virginia Society of CPA's at presently is living as she "has great faith in Newport News and Norfolk, Virginia; and Haskins mankind and never seems to be disappointed." and Sells. New York. While at Baldwin-Wallace he served on the Cleveland Commission on Higher Concerning the past presidential elections, Miss Education and was a consultant with the American Trzecieski knew Nixon would win. She "was not for Society of Personnel Administration. At 'William McGovern but would have liked to have another and Mary Dr. McCormick has served on the ad- candidate other than Nixon to vote for." missions, academic status (undergraduate), Her code of living is to "live each day to the curriculum, and degrees (undergraduate) com- fullest and hope that I never become so accustom to mittees. the beauty of life that I fail to see tomorrow." This Dr. McCormick is married to Gay Holthaus philsophy of living has enabled her to "constantly McCormick, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Reuben adjust to new situations without hassels. If you Holthaus of Strawberry Hill in Carroll county. They can't go through life with a smile and faith-why have two children. Dr. John has known Dr. Me- bother." She feels the time for happiness is now and Cormick professionally for some years but found "if you can't find happiness (or experience it) now his relationship to a Western Maryland faculty you will never be able to find any." member a surprising and pleasant coincidence. Mrs. McCormick's father is professor of philosophy If granted a perfect Christmas, Kathy Trzecieski at the college. would request friendship, companionship, and a The new vice president:dean will take office on roaring fire with snow outside all accompanied by July 1. Dr. John D. Makosky, who has been serving SLEEP! as dean for the past two years after coming out of retirement from that position, retires in June. _ (Dean Makosky's article on tradition appears on page ten.] the EDld Bug VOLUME 49, NUMBER 15 DECEMBER 12, 1972 Cathy Nelson . Associate Editor Francois Oerasse Naws Editor Nellie Arriogton Sports Editors Chip Rouse, Bob Ramsdell Photography Editor Dave Korbonits Art Editor JimSoliers Hard Work: Reggie Lee, Dona Herbst, Charlie Englemiar, Ciody O'Neal, Linda Powell, Bryson Popham, Linda Cheooweth, Larry Laecpcutos. Sue Stalk., Becky Williams, Richard Elliott Spu-cial thanks to Ms Nancy Lee Winkelman forpressrelaases. Entered as second class mat.ial at the Westminster, Maryland post office, 21157. Second class postage paid at Wmminrter. Pub1ished by and for the studeots of Western Marylaod College. The opinioo, expressed inthis paper do not necessarily reflect those of the administration of the college. Address all mail to Box 3_ Western Maryland Coljege, Westminster, Maryland 21151.
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