Page 18 - TheGoldBug1972-73
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PAGE TEN Newsbriefs coordinated by Nellie Arrington Homecom ing parade caps busy two weeks The 1972 Homecoming Parade is scheduled for October 21 beginning at 12:15. The parade will form ccmmurutyi, me program will begin on Tuesday, than October 19, Dr. Bowlsbey advised. at the- Armory in Westminster and will circle the October 17 at 7 p.m. in Baker 100 with a slide Bulletins of Information describing track in Hoffa Field. Greeks, classes, honor presentation of American industry involvement in procedures and containing . societies, service organizations, and' political clubs war contracts, focusing on the manufacture of anti may be obtained from the will be competing for cash prizes. Featured will be personnel weapons presently being us~ by the U.S. Western Maryland College, or the National Teacher Examinations, the Homecoming Court, WMC Band, cheerleaders, military in southeast Asia. A discussion period wil Testing Service, Box 911, Princeton, and porn porn girls. Dr. John will lead the par-ade immediately follow and the slide presentation will and the mayor-of Westminster has also been in- be repeated Wednesday, October 18,at3 p.m. 08540. At the one-day test session a candidate vited. The parade committee welcomes par- On October 18 at 7:00, "Inside North Vietnam" the Common Examinations, which ticipa tion from any group of individuals who wish to will be shown in Baker 100. This . is a color Professional Education and get together and build a float. Hopefully, the documentary film on the war produced by British Homecoming Parade will lead to a college more film-maker Felix Greene lasting two hours. The involved with community. program will then culminate on Thursday during ~~1d:~~e~e~~~:~toevaluauhis '~n:~~~·;:;~~~~'I. the 11 :30 a.m. assem bly period with speakers from the subject matter methods PHI AlPHS HOLD CAR WASH Clergy and Laymen Concerned in Decker area he may be assigned to Phi Alpha Musorority willhold a car wash f~om10 Auditorium. Meetings for those interested in WMC Each candidate will receive an to3 on Saturday, October 14th at the Texaco Stauon antiwar activity will be held at 3 and 7 p.m. on advising him of the exact location of the on Rt. 140at the shopping center. Price will be $1.00 Thursday. which he should report, Dr. Bowlsbey didates for the Common Examinations per car, The antiwar fact program is being presented with the cooperation of Richard Fuller, a WMC alumnus at 8:30 a.m. on November 11 and should FRESHMAN MUGS now associated with Clergy and Laymen Con- approximately 12:30 p.m., according Members of the freshmen class who have not yet cerned. Director. The Teaching Area Examinations at should finish and begin at received their coffee mug from the Alumni proximately J :30 p.m, p.rn., according to the . 4:]5 Association are asked to pick' it up at Harrison STU DENTS CAMPAIGN FOR CREDIT schedule forthese examinations which has been Alumni House between 1:00 and 4:30 p.m. on lip by Educational Testing Service. Wednesday, October 11, Thursday, October 12, or Friday, October 13. Harrison Alumni House is This semester four Western Maryland College located next to the infirmary. A large sign iden- students will be campaigning in the 1972 general POETRY CONTEST tifying it is on the front lawn. The Association elections and getting college credit for it. sincerely hopes all freshmen will come to pick up Bill Geiger, Dennis Hodge, Jay Markanisch, and this momento of their arrival on The Hill. Jim Massey are enrolled in the course called KANSAS CITY, MO,---The Kansas City Political Campaigns. This course, under the Contests are a combined effort to discover RECRUITER TO VISIT supervision of Terry Smith, is a special studies excellence. Deadline for entering WACLieutenant Jones will visit campus October course of the Political Science Department. Each competition is Feb. 1, 1973. student will work from forty to fifty hours cam- Top prize in the tenth annual event is 16 to talk to junior and senior girls interested in paigning for the candidate of his choice. After the joining the Army after graduation. Junior girls are elections, each will write a paper on his experiences Award of $500 cash and publication of a book-length poetry m~~usc:!l)t •• eligible to receive $430.00each month during their in the campaign. the University of Missouri cress. The senior year and to be assured an executive position A similar course was conducted by Dr. Weber in Award is open to all poets. with a salary commensurate to their degrees on 1970. ~ graduation. Applications for direct commissions Hallmark Honor Prizes of $100 each will be accepted from senior women, according to awarded to six poets for individual fuJJtime undergraduate information from fie Army. AFRICAN ART EXHIBIT for the Hallmark awards. college students are African artifacts, many collected by Westminster Kansas City Star Awards of $100 each CHESS CLU BTOURNAMENT residents, are on exhibit in Gallery One, Western four poets for single poems, without regard On Wednesday, October 11, at 7 p.m., a five Maryland College. resident within the Unit.ed States. minute per person per game chess tournament will Under the sponsorship of the sociology depart- H. J. Sharp Memorial Awards of $25each be held in Rouzer Lounge. All interested students ment at the college, the exhibit is a combination of to four nigh school pupils from Missouri or a and faculty are invited to participate, either as materials from the collections of Dr, and Mrs. L. dertng state. .players or as spectators. For further information, Earl Griswold, the Reverend Kenneth S. Jones, Poets with national reputations will judge contact Dr. Cross in Lewis Hall, ext. 269. Miss Sally Reinecke, and Francis Thomas. contests. The WMC Chess Club is open to all interested The public is invited to view the exhibit. Gallery Winners will be announced April student and faculty. The Club meets in Rouzer hours in the Fine Art Building are 10:00a.m. to 4:00 final program of the 1972-73American Lounge on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. p.m. weekdays. OnMonday, October 9, the collectors conducted by the Kansas City will be in the Gallery from seven to nine o'clock to Beginning chess, skittle games, and slow and fast Center. tournament chess games are a few of the activities discuss the exhibit with the public. The African art For complete contest rules, send a of the club. Intercollegiate competition and the will remain on display until October 13. addressed business envelope to Poetry National Intercollegiate Chess Tournament are a Dr. Griswold says that the greatest number of the P.O. Box 5313, Kansas City, Mo. 64131. couple of the club's goals. articles on display are from northern Nigeria, in The ultimate aim of the club is to strengthen one's the area of the Hausa people, and from the central Congo, now the Republic of Zaire, where the SNOWDEN TO lECTURE ~~h~~ all!:rr;:~:N~~to~f~~~o~:s~bm~:~ ~~~ ~~:::_ Batetela live. In the exhibition are ivory carvings, Dr. Frank M. Snowden, Jr., chairman of Africian raffia work in mats, dolls, and baskets, plexities of the various moves in the game .. Congolese masks and weapons, and a number of classics department at Howard University, No previous knowledge of the game IS required. The only prerequisites are a good sense of examples of Africian cloth. speak at WMC Wednesday, October 11. Dr. Snowden's topic will be "Blacks in chairman of sociology Grisowld, the Dr. comradeship and sportsmanship. department, and his wife spent 1960on sabbatical Roman Antiqui ty." The lecture will be . PREACHE·RS HOLD BUllROAST leave in Africa. He will take a January Term group by slides dealing with Greek and Roman Delta Pi Alpha's second annual Bull Roast will b( there this winter. Mr. Jones, father of WMCstudent public is invited to hear Dr. Snowden at Decker Lecture Hall. held on Parents Day, Saturday, November 4th. The Jeff Jones, served for three years at Kindu in the The speaker is the author of Blacks in dirmer is being held at Frock's Sunnybrook farm ai central Congo and for another year at Elizabeth- a recent publication of the Harvard ville in the southern Congo. He currently is pastor the price of $7.00 per person. Food will be servec Press. He is a past president of the from 4 to 8 p.m. Included on the menu are pn of Faith United Methodist Church in Rockville. Society of the Archaeological Institute of roasted beef, fried chicken, barbeque beef, hotdogs Miss Reinecke, a graduate of the college, was a and knockwurst. Cole slaw and potato salad will be missionary in the Congo for about 15 years. She is and is a member of the Board of the The scholar Faculty. served along with crab soup. Beverages include now living in Westminster but plans to return to Humanities Research Scholar, was has Fulbright draft beer, coffee, tea, milk, and soda. All you car Africa. Mr. Thomas, also a graduate of the college, Italian government, and was eat and drink! Reservations can be made by pur. made his collection during a trip to South Africa fellowship from the American chasing tickets in advance from any members 01 where a daughter lives, Societies. the Delta Pi Alpha fraternity. So make your plam Dr. Snowden is a graduate of Boston for November 4th and have them include dinner at NATIONAL TEACHER EXAMS SCHE ruu;D and Harvard College. He received the Frock's. Ph.D. degrees at Harvard University Less than two weeks remain for prospective studied at the American Academy in teaches who plan to take the National Teacher ANTI- WAR PROGRAM Examinations at WMC on November 11, to submit been a lecturer for the Department of Africa, Libya, Italy, Greece, Austria, their registrations for these tests to Educational Brazil and during 1954-56was cultural A three-day antiwar fact program will be here 011 Testing Service, Princeton, New Jersey, Dr. L. S. campus by Clergy and Laymen Concerned on Oc Bowlsbey, director of the graduate program, an- the American Embassy in Rome. He tober 17, 18 and 19. nounced today. . of the United States Delegation to the Sponsored by the Committee for Social Concern Registration for the examinations must be for- Eleventh General Conferences of UNESCO (a branch of the Religious Life Council interested in and bas been a visiting lecturer for the presenting pressing social issues to the WM( warded so as to reach the Princeton Office not later Service Institute of the D_epartment of State.
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