Page 52 - TheGoldBug1971-72
P. 52
1972 A view from the bleachers By Robert Ramsdell No matter what your taste in the way of basketball games, it would have been satisfied last Tuesday night as Men's Intramural Basketball started its season. Never have three more di.verse games been played on the same court in the course of a single evening. The first game, between the Psychos and the Chiefs, was for those of you who don't like the tension of a close game. The game was never in doubt as the Psychos' deadly fast break piled up the points and a 34-8 halftime lead. The second half was more of the same. Con- trolling all aspects of the game - passing, shooting, reboudning - the Psychos never let up as they scored a resounding 61-20 win. 51 of the Psychos' points were provided by the shooting skill of Dave Hoopes, 20; John Tuthill, 16; and Chip Cheyney, 15. But then again, if you prefer a last seconds, IntramuraJ basketba11 is a traditiona1 part of January Term at Western Marylimd come-from-behind win, maybe you should have held off until 10:00 and come to see the second game For 39 minutes and 58 seconds, it looked like Imagination sets creative limits the Seventy Fivers would come off the court with the win. The hot shooting of Charlie Englernier and Mark Miller enabled them to take a quick 8-0 lead and hold it [or a 19-11 halftime edge. But late in the second half, as the Seventy Fivers' by Cindy Thayer regulars tired, the Gross Outs crept to within a Everyone has tried to be an artist at one time act play, "The Apollo of Bellac," is to be point and, with 2 seconds remaining, Woody or another in his life. Whether he was five years presented on January 21st and 22nd, and one Merkle tapped in a shot to win the game for the old or twenty, he believed he was the artist who group will design the set. Another group of G.O.'s, 30-29. could establish his own limits of creativity; this students will make an "environmental And finally, for spectators who groove on is the purpose of the Experimental Art alteration." It is Roy's hope that when the basketball games with a lot of action and taking place during January Term. The course is project is completed, the observer will "enter physical contact, there was the game between not to train students to become artists, but to into a strange environment and will have definite the Suicide Squad and the Flashers. allow them to create anything, using their own reactions." The project may be open to the entire Although somewhat lacking in style and imaginations to set the limits. Roy Fender, in- campus at the end of the term. "If we think the .finesse, the game was exciting and unique. The structor of the course, would like the students to public would enjoy it, we'd like them to see it; first half was a defensive battle with the Suicide feel confident as artists as they work on their Squad taking a 9-1 lead. The second half saw projects. but they might not understand it." He says that it some more scoring as Andy Mitchell of the may be the intention of the artists to cause the Suicide Squad scored 12 points in their Roy has planned to have three group projects, public to like or dislike it. If it causes the in- victory. 29-7 as well an individual ones, for this term. A one- tended reaction, it will be successful. The third And this was just a.taste of what is yet to come. group will put on a light show, which may also be The Men's Basketball Intramurals will continue open to the campus. The group will try to create unique feelings by using various sources of light through the Jan. term and into Febru~ry, culminating in a series of play-off games be- *****OFF';,~DiAMON*DS*'$ on different surface textures. tween the individual division champions to'·sDISCOUNT "_eler! : Among the individual projects Roy has determine the top team. .. 500 different ~ planned for the group are mobiles, junk sculp- tures, non-objective self-portraits, poster ideas s~lesQf rings'! [or Western Maryland College, and (if it ever snows) a snow sculpture. Although the course is not designed to teach art, it will help kids to express themselves through their own art, and "hopefully," says Roy, "they will have fun while doing it." ROTC scholarships Two sophmore ROTC cadets, Ted Grier and Wayne Allen, have received scholarships for the remainder of their enrollment at Western Maryland from the U. S. Army under new Congressional legislation raising the number of such grants. The scholarships cover all tuition, book, lab, and additional fees as well as providing both with a monthly allotment. Both cadets are con- sidering Army careers. A student applies creative techniques in the 'experimeniaJ art class
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